After the fire dissipated, the shadow of the Thunder at the center of Crash Mountain and Earth Slash gradually appeared in the sight of everyone.

I saw that Lei Ying was extremely embarrassed at this time. The trousers he was wearing had been completely burned by the fire. The whole body was covered with traces of scorching. As well as the countless wounds, blood was constantly flowing out, even though Lei Ying He hadn't fallen yet, still glaring at Chen in front of him.

Although Raikage at this time seems to be very tough, but from his unstoppable slightly trembling feet, Chen has already seen that he is already at the end of the crossbow, and perhaps only a normal attack can make him lie down. .

"Nani... turned out to be... Raikage-sama! How could this be, Raiking-sama was defeated!" After seeing the appearance of Raiking, the surrounding Yun Ren was completely shocked, and did not even think of protecting them. Raikage.

Seeing this, Chen's face showed an abusive smile and said to Lei Ying in front of him: "As expected of Lei Ying, he was able to withstand all the attacks of Blast Mountain and Earth Slash and still did not fall, but you will stop there. Got it!"

"Asshole! Uchiha...Puff~~" Raikage's eyes seemed to have fired, and his heart was full of rage and resentment towards Chen. He was already at the end of the crossbow. In the ridicule of Chen, he attacked his heart with anger and a mouthful of blood. The mouth sprayed out, and at the same time the feet were unstable, and he half-kneeled on the ground, the only right hand that was left pressed tightly on his chest.

"Huh! I said, I will let you remember the name Uchiha Chen, now, let me end your humble life!" Seeing Raikage's appearance, Chen's face showed addiction. With a **** grin, holding the streamer in his hand, he rushed towards Lei Ying again.

"Damn... is it up to this time? I didn't expect that I died in the hands of a kid in the end. This will definitely become the laughing stock of the Shinobi world. I'm so unwilling... But even if I die, I won't make you feel better. Facing Chen’s approach, Lei Ying knew that he was no longer able to avoid Chen’s attack, and seemed to have accepted his fate. He condensed all the remaining Chakra in his body on his only right hand, and planned to attack him in close quarters. At the moment of, the Lei Dun Chakra in his hand injected Chen's body, even if he died, Chen would not be better off!

However, just as Chen was about to approach Raikage, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and slashed at him with a decapitating knife.

This person was Darui who had just arrived. After seeing this scene, he did not froze with the surrounding Yun Ren, but immediately rushed towards Chen directly, and used the decapitating knife to slash at him.

"Hey! Annoying!" The streamer in Chen's hand immediately waved and collided with the opponent's decapitating knife. Darui felt a huge force coming from the handle of the knife in his hand, making his hands numb. , The hands holding the handle of the knife involuntarily loosened, the decapitated knife in his hand dropped out and was picked up and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force hit his chest, a few crisp bone fractures sounded, and then the whole person flew upside down. It turned out that Chen, after slashing his decapitator, immediately kicked out and hit Daru. Yi's chest kicked him out, and Darui was even kicked off a few ribs, lying on the ground unconsciously.


After kicking Darui away, Chen didn't follow him to solve him. His current goal was Lei Ying, and he didn't care about these little shrimps at all.

However, when Chen turned around and wanted to continue to solve Lei Ying, she found that Lei Ying had been held by two Yunyin's dark parts at this time, and was quickly escaping from the battlefield.

When Darui rushed to Tatsun, a few members of Anbe were behind him, and he was going to block Uchiha Tatsun. The several Anbes behind him took advantage of this opportunity to rush to rescue Raikage. Although Darui did not succeed in blocking Chen, he also delayed Chen for a few seconds, gaining that precious time for Anbu. At this moment, those Yun Ren who were stunned also reflected.

"Quickly, protect Master Lei Ying, you must block him anyway, and can't let him approach Master Lei Ying!" I didn't know who shouted, and those Yun Ren showed decisive expressions, and rushed towards Chen one after another. .

"Damn it! The Crashing Mountain Cracking Earth Slashing just now has almost consumed all of my Chakras, and I haven't fully recovered it yet!" Chen frowned when he saw these Yun Ren rushing toward him without hesitation.

The cost of breaking the mountain and slashing the ground is too great. Not only did the chakra in Chen's body almost emptied, but because the chakra was injected into the body of the streamer, the chakra would be transformed into a special fire attribute power by the streamer. , This kind of power is too violent, making it difficult for him to control, and even backlash against himself. The longer the condensing time, the greater the power of the moves, and the stronger the backlash for Chen. Therefore, every time Chen's body was damaged to a certain extent when he used this technique, he could only play that powerful attack power.

Fortunately, Chen's body is moisturized and pulsating, so whether it is Chakra or the body's recovery ability, it is not comparable to ordinary people, so he can safely use that powerful move.

Although these Yun Ren could not pose a threat to him at all, it would be impossible to kill them all before catching up with Raikage. Chen gave up the idea of ​​catching up with Raikage to kill him, ignoring those ordinary clouds. Shinobu turned around and rushed towards Nine Tails. It was not that he was afraid of these Yun Shinobi, but that he felt that there was no need to pester these guys.

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty: Destroying Yunyin Village

Chen didn't get entangled with those ordinary Yunren, but rushed towards Jiuwei quickly. When passing by Shuiyue's decapitating broadsword, Chen picked it up and jumped onto Jiuwei's head.

"Boss!" After Zaichen jumped to Jiuwei's head, Shuiyue immediately walked to Chen's side.

"Shuiyue! Your big sword!"

After Shuiyue approached, Chen threw the decapitation knife in his hand to him. Shuiyue quickly reached out to catch it, but was stunned when she looked at the blade, and then exclaimed, "My big knife..."

It turned out that the decapitating sword, one of the Seven Ninja swords of the fog hidden, had a gap in the body of the sword at this time, and there were obvious cracks in the gap. It seemed that it would be disconnected at any time, obviously no longer Used again.

"Ah! Sorry, I guess it was caused by my streamer when Darui used it to attack me just now. After waiting for today, I will find a famous blacksmith to fix it and see if I can recover it!"

"Well! Forget it, that can only be done, and I have something better now!" Shuiyue put the decapitating knife back on his back, and then raised the big knife in the other hand, and said triumphantly.

The broad sword was originally Yun Nin Darui's weapon, but he left the broad sword on Shuiyue's body to restrain Shuiyue's actions, and was then taken along by Shuiyue, and now it has become Shuiyue's weapon.

"up to you!"

Chen didn't say much about Shuiyue's behavior. Since Shuiyue already had a replacement weapon, it didn't matter to Chen with the decapitation knife. Chen turned and looked at Yun Ren below.

"Na! Boss, what should we do next? Even Lei Ying has been defeated by the boss. Should we take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Yun Ren?"

"Huh!" Chen did not answer Shui Yue, but sneered.

At this time, Kyuubi, who had suffered a violent blow from Raikage and rushed to the ground, had already supported his body and stood up again, and the current Kyuubi was even more furious than before, although it was only affected by the system. The copied product has no thinking, but the instincts of the beast are still there. The strongest tail beast was smashed to the ground by a small human, so that the resentment of the nine tails, with a roar to the sky, bloodthirsty was revealed in the eyes of the beast. Cold mang.

"Hehe, it seems you are very angry, just make a big fuss and do what you want to do!"

As if feeling Chen's wishes, Kyuubi raised his front paws and attacked Yun Ren under his feet again.

"Damn it, it's about to attack again, everyone, be careful, don't be attacked by it...ah~~" Seeing that Kyuubi began to attack the Yunnins again, a Yunren immediately reminded everyone around him loudly Dao, but before he finished speaking, he didn't even have time to escape, and he was slapped to death by Nine Tails and One Claw.

The scene became chaotic again, and this time without Lei Ying's suppression, Yun Ren's casualties were even more serious, and there were broken limbs and sorrows everywhere.


Kyuubi seemed to have been tired of such endless attacks. After a long whistle, it opened its mouth, and then furiously condensed Chakra, gradually forming a purple tail beast jade, which suddenly moved towards the clouds. The direction inside Shinobu Village sprayed out.

I saw that tail beast jade flew straight towards the Thunder Shadow Building in the center of Yunyin Village with a terrifying aura, and the group of clouds attacked the tail beast jade with ninjutsu to the best of their lives, hoping to block or deviate the tail beast jade. Orbit, but for the huge tail beast jade, the ninjutsu used by Yunren is like the gap between rice grains and eggs. It is of no avail. I can only watch the terrifying tail beast jade attack the center of the village. Raiying Office Building.

With a loud noise, the beast jade directly hit the most iconic building in Yunyin Village, Leiying Tower!

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out from the place where the Thunder Shadow Building was located, as if the sun was shining at the same time, making it impossible to open your eyes.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the center of the village, with the power of a nuclear bomb, instantly destroying everything around it, and forming a fierce impact, spreading out to the surroundings. Many Yun Ren and civilians who were too late to escape were present. Killed in this explosion.

After the smoke dissipated, the status quo of the entire Yunyin Village appeared in front of everyone. From the center of the village, a large pit with a radius of several hundred meters appeared, and all the buildings in the area were turned into ruins and turned into ruins. A piece of scorched earth.

"The village... the village... unexpectedly..." Seeing this scene, all Yun Ren was shocked, with incredible expressions in his eyes, staring blankly at the direction of the Leiying Building that had been turned into ashes.


After regaining his senses, all Yun Ren was completely irritated, without intentionally showing an angry and determined expression on his face, and rushing towards Nine Tails one after another with Kuwubian in his hands, completely ignoring life and death.

At this moment, the Yun-nins did not have any reservations, countless shurikens shot from all directions, and some powerful large-scale ninjutsu, one after another, constantly bombarded Nine Tails, making Nine Tails extremely irritable.

Although the strength is very different, the ants can still kill the elephant. Under the reckless attacks of all the clouds, Kyuubi has been shaken by countless ninjutsu, suffering beyond words, and can only continue to send out unwillingness to anger. roar.

"Boss, if you continue like this, Kyuubi may not be able to hold on anymore! What should I do?" As Kyuubi shook violently, Suizuki and Shigogo had to go to their feet for luck and chakra, making their feet tightly attached to Kyuubi's. On the body, keep yourself balanced.


Chen Leng snorted, his eyes slowly closed, and then suddenly opened, his eyes directly entered the state of kaleidoscope, and then he jumped and landed on the ground.

After Tatsun landed on the ground, they immediately attracted the attention of Yunren. They all knew that Uchiha Tatsumi was the culprit who destroyed Yunyin Village. For a while, a large group of Yunren, with an expression of hatred, moved towards Chen rushed over.

"You are looking for a dead end!"

Facing the Yunren who attacked him, Chen smiled grimly, a burst of evil chakras emanated from his body, forming a gray-white chakra, and then gradually condensed into a pair in the horrified eyes of the Yunren. The skeleton, even at a speed visible to the naked eye, continued to grow and grow, and after a while, it grew into a behemoth with a height of more than ten meters.

Little tail: 475137322...

No more today

Sorry, I need to spend a day to read Hokage's manga again. Too many people have reacted, so I won’t change it for the time being today, forgive me! …

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