Ling Yu used the power of space to bring Mikoto and Kushina to a small alley near the ramen restaurant.

"Well, I want to eat pork bone chashu ramen today, Lingyu, please treat me."

Kushina was the first to pass through the portal, and turned around to look at Lingyu with hope.

Ever since she knew about the strong financial resources of Lingyu's family, Kushina treated Lingyu as a top rich man, and basically let Lingyu pay for her pocket money and expenses outside.

After Tsunade knew about this, she deliberately doubled the pocket money she gave Lingyu every month, and also said to Lingyu

"Give Kushina pocket money as an investment. It is best to spend as much money on her as possible. When Kushina grows up, ask her to pay it back. If she can't pay it back, let her pay it back herself."

"Won't you have two wives then? This way, the chances of our Senju clan's revitalization will be greater and greater."

Ling Yu was quite shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Kushina treated you as a good sister, and you actually wanted to pack her up and give her to your brother as a wife.

It has to be said that Tsunade is still better than Kushina in terms of scheming, relying on her rich experience.

"No problem, you can order whatever you want for lunch today, I'll pay for it."

With a wave of his hand, Ling Yu promised the two of them generously.

He also hoped that Kushina would eat more, and then, as Tsunade said, if she couldn't pay, she would pay with her body.

""Yeah! Then I will eat you out of money today." Kushina jumped up with joy and skipped towards the ramen restaurant.

As she walked, she counted on her fingers and thought about what good food she should eat today, as if she was going to drain Ling Yu's wallet dry today.

""Ling Yu! You've spoiled Kushina too much."

Mikoto tugged at the corner of Ling Yu's clothes, pouted and looked at him reproachfully.

In her opinion, Kushina's expenses were always lavish, and in the end, Ling Yu had to pay for them.

She also knew that Kushina was the kind of person who couldn't stand the test, and would often buy a lot of useless things just because of her interest, which was a waste of money.

As Mikoto wanted to be a good wife and mother in the future, she was determined not to stand this kind of behavior. She didn't want the child she and Ling Yu had in the future to be infected with this bad habit.’

"Hey, it's okay. I don't care about this little money."

"But……"Mikoto frowned and wanted to say something else.

""Okay, don't worry about it. Kushina is already waiting for us. If we go there later, she will definitely complain about us."

But Ling Yu interrupted her directly, pointed at Kushina who was already standing in front of the ramen restaurant and waving at them, and hurriedly took Mikoto's hand and walked over quickly.

"Hmm, really, what are you two talking about so slowly? I'm starving now."

Sure enough, when Ling Yu and the others arrived at the ramen restaurant, Kushina began to complain to them.

"Sorry, sorry, let's go in."

After apologizing without sincerity, Ling Yu took Kushina into the ramen restaurant.

Passing by the bustling crowd, Ling Yu and the other two sat in the corner of the ramen restaurant.

""Boss, give me three bowls of pork bone chashu ramen, three glasses of orange juice, and three bowls of takoyaki."

As soon as she sat down, Kushina called out to the boss very skillfully, and ordered Ling Yu and Mikoto's portions.

"Hehehe, eat these first, and then go to the street to eat some snacks later"

"Okay! Wait a moment, it will be here soon."

The boss first brought three glasses of juice and placed them in front of the three children, then went into the kitchen to prepare food for them.

""Ah! It's you guys, I saw you three from a distance."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, a familiar and wretched voice came from behind the three little ones.

Turning around, Ling Yu saw Jiraiya's conspicuous white hair and wretched face at first sight, and behind him was Orochimaru with a cold face.

The two people in front of him have also changed a lot after three years of growth. At least Jiraiya and the other two look more and more stable now.

""Hey, it's Uncle Lecher and Uncle Orochimaru, long time no see."

Although Ling Yu was a little surprised to see the newcomers, he still greeted them politely.

""What have you been doing recently? Why have I rarely seen you in Konoha recently?"

Ling Yu asked them to sit down quickly.

Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Tsunade have all reached the level of elite jonin or even higher, so they rarely go out on missions together. Now they basically lead a team to go out on missions. The last time I saw Jiraiya was two months ago. At that time, Jiraiya was still as distracted as usual, hiding on the roof and peeping at the women's bathhouse.

But when I saw Jiraiya again, his face was already full of vicissitudes, as if he had not had a good rest for a long time.

Ling Yu saw Orochimaru even less. The last time they met was half a year ago. Now he seemed to be in good spirits. He should have seldom gone out on missions recently.

"Alas, the ninja world is getting more and more chaotic now. I have to go on a mission every once in a while, and I don't have much time to rest. Look at my dark circles getting heavier."

Sitting on the seat next to Ling Yu, Jiraiya first took a sip of the juice on his table, and then explained to him with a bitter face.

"Unlike Orochimaru, he basically spends every day in Konoha studying this and that. He is obviously stronger than me but he stays in Konoha all the time. What a waste."

"If I hadn't come back today and asked him to come out in person, he might not have walked out of his dark laboratory!"

Jiraiya glanced at Orochimaru with a jealous look on his face.

But Orochimaru ignored him and still looked aloof, which made Jiraiya angry again.

"Where are you going to do the mission?"

Grasping the chaos in the ninja world mentioned by Jiraiya, Ling Yu asked tentatively

"It's just sand……"


Just when Jiraiya wanted to say it, Orochimaru glared at him and interrupted him.��

You should know that the missions that ninjas perform cannot be told to others casually, because you don’t know if there will be spies around. If it is leaked, you will have to go to the small dark room.

"Why am I telling you so much? You little brat knows nothing."

Jiraiya reacted instantly and wanted to hit Ling Yu's head angrily, but he dodged flexibly.

"Tsk, if you don't tell me, I'll go ask Tsunade myself, she'll be back soon, right?"

Ling Yu curled his lips helplessly, thinking that since you don't tell me, he'll go ask Tsunade himself, Tsunade has been on missions a lot recently, she must know something.

But Jiraiya said that Orochimaru built a laboratory, so we have to pay attention, has he started to contact Danzo? That old guy Danzo is really useless.

Fortunately, I have a trick up my sleeve, with Jinghua Shuiyue still around, Orochimaru should not be a big threat to me.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu glanced at Orochimaru obscurely.

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