Uzumaki Miyuki came to Chiyu's house and informed Chiyu that Uzumaki Mito asked Chiyu to go to the Uzumaki mansion to meet him.

Chiyu answered Uzumaki Miyuki that he would go right away. Uzumaki Miyuki stretched:"Since I have been notified, I will go back to rest."

Chiyu was surprised:"You are not going?"

Uzumaki Miyuki smiled and asked back:"Why should I go? Mito-sama only asked me to notify you to go, not to go, and I think the Hokage-sama is looking for Mito-sama, and Mito-sama is looking for you. It should be about the Jinchūriki. Anyway, it is your business. I just have to wait for the result."

Chiyu looked directly into Uzumaki Miyuki's eyes and thanked him:"Thank you."

Uzumaki Miyuki smiled and said:"This is not like you, and this is what I promised you. Well, I am tired all day, so I won't bother you."

Uzumaki Miyuki waved to Chiyu and left.

After watching Uzumaki Miyuki leave, Chiyu walked towards Uzumaki Mito's mansion.

After arriving at Mito's house, Chiyu saw Mito at this moment.

Mito was now old and frail, and Chiyu seemed to feel the deathly aura surrounding him.

Mito's old voice rang out:"Chiyu, you succeeded after all."

Chiyu couldn't hear Mito's tone. Was it a pity? Or something else?...

Chiyu was silent for a while and then asked:"Then Kushina didn't become the Jinchūriki as you expected, are you disappointed?"

Uzumaki Mito looked at Chiyu with a turbid look in his eyes, and said with a smile:"You are still so hostile to me, Chiyu, whether you believe it or not, I am relieved at this moment, relieved for Kushina, relieved for you.

You must have experienced a lot of hardships to make Hiruzen change his mind. For Kushina, you did not give up, and you persevered alone, which is enough to prove your tenacity and love for Kushina.

You were right at the beginning. Konoha and Kushina, I value Konoha more, because it was founded by my husband, and Konoha carries I, Hashirama's dream, hope that Konoha will get better and better.

However, my feelings for Kushina have never changed. I regard Kushina as my own child and have great expectations for Kushina. I want Kushina to become a Jinchūriki, not only because of Konoha, but also because I believe that Kushina can turn the Nine-Tails into her own strength.

Chiyu, there are some things that require trade-offs. You will definitely encounter such a situation in the future. Maybe then you will understand me."Chiyu looked directly into Uzumaki Mito's eyes and said firmly:"Mito-sama, maybe I will encounter a situation where I need to make a choice, but I will never understand you."

Uzumaki Mito's eyes were a little surprised.

Qian Yu said in a deep voice:"To the point where you need to make a choice, it means that the things you need to make a choice are extremely important to you. Lord Mito, ask yourself, does the candidate for the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki have to be Kushina? Does it have to be a member of the Uzumaki clan?

If the Jinchūriki must be from the Uzumaki clan, then other ninja villages don’t have members of the Uzumaki clan, so why do they still have Jinchūriki?

Lord Mito, you are far from the point where you need to make a choice. You have never made a choice from the beginning to the end. You have been considering Konoha from the beginning.

Because Konoha needs it, you will choose your own people as Jinchūriki.

Don’t say you are worried that other people’s Jinchūriki will easily make the tailed beasts out of control. Although I said that the Mangekyō Sharingan can control the tails, Beast, but you, Hokage, and Danzo all know that you only need three magatama Sharingan to use the Sharingan illusion to control the tailed beast, because Uchiha Madara did it before.

Even if one person can't do it, there are quite a few ninjas in the Uchiha clan who have opened the three magatama Sharingan. Those ninjas combined together can definitely control the tailed beasts and help the Jinchuriki control the tailed beasts by using the Sharingan illusion.

It's just because the Uchiha clan is not welcome in Konoha and does not trust the Uchiha.

I don't want to deny your feelings for Kushina, but you and Konoha want to bind Kushina in the name of feelings. How do you want me to understand this?"

Uzumaki Mito was speechless. She had no way to refute Chiyu's words.

Chiyu suddenly asked,"Mito-sama, I've always wanted to ask you a question. Why didn't you take your husband's surname, Senju, after you married the First Hokage?"

Uzumaki Mito replied,"Because I was part of an alliance marriage back then. The village chief Uzumaki Ashina led the Uzushiogakure Village to join Konoha and signed a friendly agreement with Hashirama. I married Hashirama and became his wife. The village chief proposed to Hashirama that I keep my name Uzumaki, and Hashirama agreed."

Chiyu stared at Uzumaki Mito and asked,"Then why did the village chief Uzumaki Ashina make this proposal to Hashirama-sama?"

Uzumaki Mito guessed,"Maybe the village chief hopes that I can always remember that I am a member of the Uzumaki clan."

Chiyu had a hint of sarcasm on her lips and asked,"So Mito-sama, you knew that, but did you do it?"

Uzumaki Mito felt a little uncomfortable:"What do you want to say?"

Chiyu Yu explained to Uzumaki Mito,"It's the same thing again. As a member of the Uzumaki clan, why didn't you go to support the fall of the Whirlpool Country? Please don't tell me it's because of Konoha.

Teacher Orochimaru told me why Konoha didn't support the Whirlpool Country. It was simply because there was no benefit, because you had already given the most powerful sealing technique of the Whirlpool Country to Konoha.

Konoha couldn't get any benefit from sending troops to support the Whirlpool Country, so it chose to stand by and watch the fall of the Whirlpool Country.

Lord Mito, I would like to ask you, if you always remember that you are a member of the Uzumaki clan, why didn't you support it? Even if Konoha did not choose to support it, why didn't you go as a member of the Uzumaki clan?

If you want to say that you are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and you can't leave at will for Konoha, then I have nothing to say. In this case, you are not a member of the Uzumaki clan, you can only be regarded as a...A person with the same surname who has nothing to do with the Uzumaki clan of the Land of Whirlpools."

After being said this by Chiyu, even the good-tempered Uzumaki Mito couldn't help but get a little angry.

Chiyu seemed not to see that Uzumaki Mito was already a little angry, and continued:"Also, is the current Konoha still on the same path as the original intention of the first Hokage to establish Konoha?

I think Mito-sama should have heard about the uproarious matter of Sakumo-sama at the time?

And the things before, I don't understand, Mito-sama, is it Konoha that you want to protect, or the original intention of the first Hokage to establish Konoha?

Don't you think that the current Konoha has long gone against the original intention of the first Hokage to establish Konoha?"

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