Might Day used the ultimate move of the Eight Gates, Night Kai, to hit the wild bait man.

Might Day kicked the wild bait man until he hit the mountain.

The powerful force directly broke a big hole in the mountain.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Might Day fell to the ground with his body charred.

The wild bait man who was kicked onto the mountain had only half of his body left, and his death was extremely miserable.

Chiyu let out a light breath.

Might Day's Night Kai brought a very strong impact to Chiyu.

If he faced this move...There was no chance of winning.

He couldn't even dodge.

This speed had completely surpassed Qianyu's fastest speed, Thunderbolt Flash, and it was far beyond that.

Qianyu came to Might Dai's side. At this time, Might Dai was already dead, and his body began to turn into ashes.

This was Might Dai's last dance.

Brilliant, glorious, but very short.

"You are very strong, Might Dai. Konoha is lucky to have a ninja like you. Farewell."

After Chiyu finished speaking, Might Dai completely turned into ashes....

After Qianyu left, he turned on the system and received a prompt from the system

[Witness the end of Mighty Dai and be rewarded with 5,000 witness points]

[Witness the death of the first generation blunt knife, Kabutoki, user, Tousou Yabaito, and be awarded 500 witness points]

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was directly blown away by the dragon-shaped steam of Yakai, and fell to the ground for a long time before slowly standing up. The

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost coughed up blood and said,"It was only a rub that injured me. Is it really just a Konoha Genin? Really, I have to leave quickly. If I encounter a Konoha ninja now, it will be too difficult to fight.""

"You don't have to run away, and you won't feel tired, you will be free soon."

Qianyu's voice sounded from behind the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

The Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's fat body trembled, and he turned to look at Qianyu.

Qianyu looked at the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost expressionlessly and said sarcastically:"Your other two companions ran away very fast. Is it because they are too fat that they can't run?" The

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost recognized Qianyu:"You are! Blood-eyed Shura?!"

The frightened Xiguashan Puffer Ghost immediately performed ninjutsu

""Needle head Senbon!"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost hardened his hair and continued to shoot at Qianyu, as fast as a rainstorm.

Qianyu opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and easily dodged Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's hair. Qianyu looked at Xiguashan Puffer Ghost with cold eyes:"Ah, it's me, so please die!"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost waved the barbed Samehada in his hand with bloodshot eyes.

Something surprised Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, his attack actually hit Qianyu, but...

"No! It's an illusion!"

Qianyu, who was hit by him, dissipated like mist.


Xiguashan Puffer Ghost felt a pain on the back of his neck, and the tip of the ninja sword pierced through his throat.

Qianyu's voice sounded again from behind Xiguashan Puffer Ghost:"It's your loss that you didn't die from that move." Xiguashan

Puffer Ghost's fat body slammed to the bottom, and he covered his throat and stared at Qianyu, wanting to say something, but his throat was pierced and he couldn't say anything.

Qianyu just stood there, watching Xiguashan Puffer Ghost die little by little

[Kill and witness the death of the first generation of the big sword Samehada user, Xiguashan Puffer, and be rewarded with 700 witness points]

Next to the body of Xiguashan Puffer, Samehada moved his body little by little, looking like he wanted to escape.

Chiyu directly aimed the ninja sword at Samehada

""Thunder Breathing·Type 5·Heat Realm Thunder!"

Chiyu's ninja sword released a high-temperature lightning-like impact, bombarding Samehada's body.

Samehada twisted his body frantically, and suddenly a puff of smoke appeared.

Samehada disappeared on the spot.

Chiyu frowned:"Contract summoning?..."

Chiyu didn't care. No matter how powerful Samehada was, it was just a ninja sword. Even the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon with Samehada was weak.

Even the future Hoshigaki Kisame, Chiyu didn't care at all.

Chiyu continued to join the battle, searching for the Kirigakure Ninja....

More than two months have passed.

Now the entire Kiln Ninja of the Land of Waves has been basically cleared out, and only a few Kiln Ninja have not been found.

The Uchiha Ninja has gone from 98 people at the beginning to only 30 or so now, and the casualties are quite heavy.

But these Uchiha Ninjas can't say anything at all.

Because under the leadership of Chiyu, the Land of Waves was indeed conquered by them.

And the happiest person is Danzo in Konoha.

Chiyu continuously brought him Uchiha's Sharingan. In addition to the seven pairs given to Danzo before, there are now five more pairs of Sharingan.

There are a total of twelve pairs of Sharingan, two of which are three-magatama Sharingan.

It is very lucky to collect these five pairs of Sharingan, because the Uchiha clan has a very high awareness of prevention of Sharingan. Once they die, they will destroy the Sharingan as soon as possible before death to prevent the Sharingan from being lost.

Not long after the stability of the Land of Waves, Chiyu suddenly received an emergency transfer order, asking Chiyu to go to the Land of Hot Springs immediately, and take the remaining Uchiha ninjas with him.

Because Konoha got an important intelligence.

There was a big move in the Cloud Ninja Village, and the Third Raikage seemed to be going to the Land of Hot Springs in person to fight, to reverse the decline of the Cloud Ninjas in the Land of Hot Springs.

After Chiyu received the transfer order, he handed over the affairs of the Land of Waves to Nara Kubota, and immediately went to the Land of Hot Springs with the Uchiha ninjas.

A few days later.

After arriving in the Land of Hot Springs, Chiyu went to see Orochimaru as soon as possible.

From Orochimaru, he got the confirmed news.

The Third Raikage is really going to come to the Land of Hot Springs.

Because a large number of elite Cloud Ninjas have already supported the Land of Hot Springs and started to counterattack the Konoha ninjas.

And it is the kind of counterattack at all costs.

The unprepared Konoha ninjas suffered some heavy losses for a while.

It seems that the Hidden Cloud Village does not intend to stalemate anymore, and wants to directly attack Konoha in an all-round way, and then force the Hidden Rock Village to attack Konoha together.

The ninjas of the Land of Grass cannot move, and they must keep an eye on the movements of the Rock Ninjas.

Even from the battlefield of the River Land fighting against the Sand Ninjas, some Konoha ninjas were transferred to the Land of Grass for support.

And because the Land of Waves has been stabilized under the extremely strong fighting of Chiyu, Chiyu and Uchiha ninjas were simply dispatched to the Land of Hot Springs to prevent the next war.

Chiyu and Orochimaru discussed how to deal with the third generation of Raikage if he arrived in the Land of Hot Springs.

Now under the crazy attack of the Cloud Ninjas, the Konoha ninjas are almost unable to stop it.

If the third generation of Raikage really comes, it is very likely that they will have to retreat to the territory of the Land of Fire.

After discussing it, no result was discussed.

Because the meaning and morale of a shadow fighting in person are completely different.

However, Chiyu feels that the third generation of Raikage may not be able to come to the Land of Hot Springs.

If Chiyu's memory is correct, the Rock Village is likely to trip up the Cloud Village.

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