Uzumaki Kushina now finally understood what Chiba meant by"success".

Chiba was about to explain to Uzumaki Kushina, but Uzumaki Miyuki said to her first:"Kushina, I did all this of my own accord. The Hokage asked me to learn the sealing technique from you and Mito-sama.

After I showed my talent in sealing techniques and as a member of the Uzumaki clan, I was more suitable to become the next Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so he told me about the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

I agreed to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. After all, there is nothing wrong with becoming the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. The Hokage promised me that he would conceal my identity as the Jinchuriki and give me a better life.

Kushina, Do you know? Ever since the fall of the Uzumaki Country, I have been living a displaced life. I have no power, and as a member of the Uzumaki clan, I am coveted by many people. Once people find out that I am a member of the Uzumaki clan, I will not have a good ending, so I live in fear every day.

Now Konoha has given me a stable life, and I also want to repay Konoha. Moreover, I know Chiyu has been working hard for you. Kushina, you are my only friend, and I also want to become a Jinchūriki. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Uzumaki Miyuki with tears in her eyes:"Miyuki..."

Chiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be best if Uzumaki Miyuki could help him keep it secret.

However, he also owed Miyuki Uzumaki a favor.

Uzumaki Mito turned his gaze to Namikaze Minato:"Minato, I'll ask you to take care of Miyuki in the future."

Namikaze Minato said with a firm expression:"I will!" Uzumaki

Mito said after giving the four people a few instructions:"The future belongs to you, and it's time for me to find Hashirama. Okay, you guys should go and do your work first."

Just when Chiyu was about to leave, Uzumaki Mito suddenly said:"Chiyu, don't forget our agreement."

Chiyu replied:"I won't forget."

Uzumaki Kushina was in a bad mood now, so after saying goodbye to Uzumaki Miyuki, she and Chiyu returned home.

Uzumaki Kushina shrank on the sofa and buried her head in her knees.

Chiyu sat next to Uzumaki Kushina. Chiyu was about to comfort Uzumaki Kushina, but Uzumaki Kushina suddenly raised her head and looked at Chiyu with red eyes.

Chiyu felt a little guilty when she was looked at by Uzumaki Kushina.

Uzumaki Kushina asked with a choked voice:"Chiyu, you and Miyuki have known each other for a long time, right?"

Chiyu's expression froze.

Seeing Kushina's tearful look, Chiyu sighed and told Kushina truthfully:"I found Miyuki Uzumaki and brought her to Konoha...."

Kushina Uzumaki's pupils shrank. She thought Miyuki Uzumaki met Chiba after she came to Konoha.

Kushina Uzumaki guessed that Chiba took the initiative to contact Miyuki Uzumaki after knowing her identity as a member of the Uzumaki clan.

But she didn't expect that Miyuki Uzumaki was actually found and brought to Konoha by Chiba.

Chiba told Kushina Uzumaki everything.

Kushina Uzumaki was stunned.

Uzumaki Mito, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo...

For her, Qianyu actually faced so much pressure alone.

Uzumaki Kushina hugged Qianyu tightly:"Qianyu...Thank you, please don't hide it from me in the future, I should know, we should be honest with each other."

Chiyu touched Uzumaki Kushina's head:"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I should have told you earlier, but I saw you and Uzumaki Miyuki became friends, I know you are a very sentimental person, so I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid you will think I am a person who will do anything to achieve my goal."

Uzumaki Kushina leaned her head on Chiyu's shoulder:"No, I will never think so, it's just...Miyuki replaced me as Jinchūriki. Miyuki is my good friend. I feel bad about this. Chiyu, can you please..."

Before Kushina Uzumaki finished speaking, Chiyu immediately refused,"No!"

Chiyu said to Kushina Uzumaki seriously,"If you feel that you owe Miyuki Uzumaki, Kushina, we can compensate her from other places.

Miyuki Uzumaki is not wrong. If I hadn't found her, she would have lived a life of displacement and no dignity.

When I found her, she was receiving relief food in the Land of Grass, and she was very frightened when I told her her identity.

If I hadn't brought her to Konoha, her future life would have been very miserable.

The physique of the Uzumaki clan, or any special physique or blood limit, would not have a good end if it was discovered in the ninja world.

So I made a deal with Miyuki Uzumaki, and she agreed to the deal at the beginning.

And now the Hokage has agreed to replace the Jinchūriki with Miyuki Uzumaki, and it is absolutely impossible to propose a change again.

Now it is a foregone conclusion that Miyuki Uzumaki will become the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, and there will be no more changes, and I will never allow any more changes!"

Chiyu's tone was unquestionable.

After nearly ten years of planning, it is finally about to succeed. Chiyu will never allow this juncture to go wrong, nor will she allow Uzumaki Kushina to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Uzumaki Kushina sighed.

She knew that it was difficult to change what Chiyu decided.

Uzumaki Kushina stood up from the sofa:"Chiyu, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

Chiyu saw that Uzumaki Kushina was no longer struggling with this issue, and a smile appeared on her face:"I'll go with you."

Uzumaki Kushina shook her head:"I'll go by myself this time. I want to stop by and see Miyuki."

Chiyu replied:"Okay, I'll wait for you at home. Let's have beef curry rice and miso soup for dinner."

"��, wait for me at home obediently."

Uzumaki Kushina left home and went to Uzumaki Miyuki's home.

When she arrived at Uzumaki Miyuki's home, she saw Namikaze Minato coming out of Uzumaki Miyuki's room.

"See you tomorrow, Miyuki"

"See you tomorrow, eh, Kushina?"

Uzumaki Miyuki saw Kushina Uzumaki not far behind Minato Namikaze.

Minato Namikaze nodded to Kushina Uzumaki and then left.

Minato Namikaze knew that Kushina Uzumaki disliked him as much as Chiyu, so Minato Namikaze nodded as a greeting.

Uzumaki Miyuki walked quickly to Kushina Uzumaki and asked,"Kushina, why did you come to my house when you are not at home with Chiyu? Come in quickly." Uzumaki Miyuki welcomed Kushina Uzumaki home.

After pouring a glass of water for Kushina Uzumaki, Uzumaki Miyuki asked,"Kushina, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Uzumaki Kushina put down the glass of water, looked into Miyuki Uzumaki's eyes seriously and said,"Miyuki, I came here to apologize to you. I'm sorry."

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