After Minato Namikaze became Hokage, he started to get busy.

However, the change of Hokage in Konoha did not bring any changes to Konoha, and they still did what they should do.

At this time, Chiyu was discussing the wedding invitation list with Kushina Uzumaki at home.

Kushina Uzumaki invited three people who had a good relationship with her as teammates and Miyuki Uzumaki to attend their wedding.

As for Chiyu, it was necessary to invite Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo.

Next... Chiyu thought about it, but couldn't think of anyone to invite.

Uzumaki Kushina asked: "Chiyu, do you want to invite Minato Namikaze?"

Chiyu frowned slightly, thought for a while and said: "Invite him, after all, he and Uzumaki Miyuki are lovers, and now he is the fourth Hokage of Konoha. I am also an important member of Konoha now, so I still need to go through the motions."

In the end, including Orochimaru and Kakashi, only about ten people were invited to this wedding.

Of course, it is very easy for Chiyu to have more people. In the war, Chiyu worked with many people, such as Nara Kubota.

If Chiyu invites them, they will definitely come to save his face.

Chiyu dares to say very confidently that even if he invites Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Fugaku will have to come to his wedding.

But there is no need.

There is no relationship in the first place. When they worked together, they were superiors and subordinates, and there was no friendship.

After confirming the wedding list, the next step is to choose a date.

After discussion, Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina decided to set the wedding date seven days later.

"Chiyu, I'll go and deliver the invitations." Uzumaki Kushina left home with the invitations in her hand.

"Okay, I'll go too."

Chiyu also left home with the invitations in her hand.

Chiyu first went to Orochimaru's base and handed the invitations to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looked at the invitation in his hand and said with a smile: "Seven days later? I know. I will be there on time to be the witness of your and Kushina's wedding."

Qianyu bowed very seriously and said: "Thank you, Mr. Orochimaru, and thank you for your help and teaching over the years."

Orochimaru's voice was rarely filled with a trace of nostalgia: "I once said that I have great expectations for you. I want to see where this wind will blow as my disciple. Now your wind seems to have blown in front of me.

Looking back now, the most correct thing I did was to accept you as a disciple, and we have always been on the same but different paths.

You have now become the wind that can blow freely in the air. Qianyu, I hope you can continue to blow, and I hope that both of our ideals can be fulfilled."

Qianyu nodded and said: "I will."

After leaving Orochimaru's base, Qianyu went to Sarutobi Hiruzen's house.

Since stepping down as Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been at home most of the time.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen is now very clear that Danzo is resentful of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen plans to take a good rest for a few days, and when Danzo's resentment has dissipated a little, he will go to Danzo to discuss matters concerning the Uchiha clan.

After Chiyu knocked on the door, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife, Sarutobi Biwako, who opened the door.

Sarutobi Biwako saw that it was Chiyu and welcomed her: "It's Chiyu, you're here to see Hiruzen, right? Come in quickly."

"Excuse me, Lord Biwako."

Chiyu walked into the house.

Sarutobi Hiruzen came out of the inner room and asked with a kind smile: "Chiyu? What do you want to see me for?"

Chiyu handed the invitation in her hand to Sarutobi Hiruzen with both hands: "Sandaime, my wedding with Kushina will be in seven days. I hope that Sandaime and Master Biwako can come to our wedding."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the invitation with a smile: "So you are getting married, time is really fast, you and Kushina are also going to enter the next stage of life, but it is time, the childhood sweethearts are going to get married."

Sarutobi Biwako came over with the brewed tea, put the teacup on Chiyu's table, and said with relief: "Really? Chiyu and Kushina are getting married, that's great."

After Uzumaki Mito got old, Sarutobi Biwako often went to take care of Uzumaki Mito, so he could often see Uzumaki Kushina.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Chiyu, is there anything you can help with at the wedding? If you need help, please feel free to help.

Just open your mouth. "

Qianyu shook her head: "Thank you for your kindness, Sandaime, but no need. Kushina and I have very few relatives and friends, only about ten people in total, so the wedding will be very simple. Orochimaru will host the wedding for us, so there is no need to worry about it. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised: "Did you invite only ten people?"

Qianyu nodded: "Well, Sandaime, you know my personality. It's not easy to make friends, so I only invited a few good friends and elders."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said earnestly: "Qianyu, you still have to have the social interaction after marriage. You are usually too serious, which makes people think that you are not easy to get along with. We are all companions in the same village. When everyone knows that you are a good person to get along with, it is easy to become friends with each other. "

Qianyu echoed: "I will, Sandaime."

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "By the way, Qianyu, did you invite Danzo? "

Qianyu replied: "Yes, I will go to the Root to invite Danzo to attend the wedding, and then go to the Hokage Building to invite the Fourth Hokage to attend my wedding. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised. He asked Chiba whether he had invited Danzo, just to see if Danzo had calmed down at the wedding.

I thought Chiba would not invite Minato Namikaze to her wedding because of the bad relationship between Chiba and Minato Namikaze, but Chiba still invited him.

Chiba took the initiative to invite Minato Namikaze to the wedding, which means that Chiba and Minato Namikaze may not have reached the point where they cannot be reconciled.

Now Chiba is obviously Danzo's man. If Minato Namikaze wants to attack the Root in the future, as long as Chiba is neutral, Minato Namikaze will face much less resistance.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen does not trust Chiba, he is also happy to see the improvement of the relationship between Chiba and Minato Namikaze.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with satisfaction: "Well, it is indeed time to invite them to your wedding, so Chiba, go ahead, and Biwako and I will attend the wedding on time. ”

After leaving Sarutobi Hiruzen's house, Chiyu's next stop was the Root Base, where she found Danzo.

"Danzo-sama, I will marry Kushina in seven days, and I hope you can attend my wedding."

Danzo has been very upset these days, but Chiyu is his right-hand man, so Danzo still managed a smile and said, "I know, I will be there, and I wish you a happy wedding in advance."

Chiyu thanked, "Thank you, Danzo-sama."

After leaving the Root Base, Chiyu only had two invitations left in her hand, and she walked towards the Hokage Building.

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