The wedding was a happy occasion.

At Minato Namikaze's wedding venue, Chiba and Hizashi Hyuga verbally agreed to accept Hyuga Neji as a disciple.

Uzumaki Kushina pinched Hyuga Neji's little face: "It seems that Neji will have to call me Master's wife like Kakashi in the future."

Kakashi was patrolling the streets of Konoha at this time.

Although Minato Namikaze also invited Kakashi, Kakashi did not come.

Because Minato Namikaze, who is a yellow flash and has super speed, has never been able to save his subordinates, and Minato Namikaze's words of forgiving others made Kakashi very dissatisfied with Minato Namikaze.

So Kakashi didn't want to attend Minato Namikaze's wedding at all, so he didn't come to attend in the name of patrolling.

The voices of Chiba and Hizashi were not suppressed, so many people heard Chiba's plan to accept Hizashi's son as his second disciple, and they were all surprised.

Hizashi Neiji is still young, less than one year old, and it is not clear what his talent is. Chiba accepted Hizashi Neiji. What if Hizashi Neiji's talent is poor in the future?

Many eyes fell on Chiba and Hizashi, including Hizashi's brother, Hizashi Hiashi.

Hizashi Hiashi frowned slightly, and was very dissatisfied with Hizashi and Chiba's master-disciple relationship.

Hizashi Hiashi was dissatisfied with Hizashi Hiashi for not even discussing it with him and just confirming it.

If someone else was Hyuga Neji's master, Hyuga Hiashi wouldn't care, but it was Chiba, so Hyuga Hiashi had to care about this matter.

After all, Chiba's identity in Konoha is too sensitive.

Chiba is Danzo's man, and as the clan leader, Hyuga Hiashi knows very well that Chiba was pushed out by Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen and other high-level officials to target the Uchiha clan.

If the Hyuga clan gets too close to Chiba, it is very likely to bring unnecessary trouble to the Hyuga clan.

Originally, if few people knew about it, and Hyuga Hiashi did not agree to Chiba, then Hyuga Hiashi could privately let Hyuga Hiashi reject Chiba's idea of ​​taking Hyuga Neji as an apprentice.

But now many people have heard about this, and Hyuga Hiashi has also agreed, so if Hyuga Hiashi rejects Chiba, it is very likely that he will have an antagonism with Chiba.

Being antagonistic with Chiba is something Hyuga Hiashi is very reluctant to see.

After all, no one here should want to go against Chiyu. Those who are hated by Chiyu will be targeted by Chiyu like a madman.

Hyuga Hiashi picked up the teacup and drank a sip of tea expressionlessly.

Although he is Hyuga Hiashi's brother, he is also the head of the main family and the patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

As the head of the main family and the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi must consider things for the main family and the clan.

Uzumaki Kushina hugged Hyuga Neji for a while, and returned Hyuga Neji to Hyuga Neji after he fell asleep.

There were still 10 minutes before the wedding, and Danzo finally came to the hall.

But Danzo's stern face looked like everyone owed him money.

Chiyu nodded slightly to Danzo, as a greeting.

Danzo also nodded to Chiyu, and then sat in his seat.

The wedding of Minato Namikaze and Miyuki Uzumaki was hosted by Minato Namikaze's master Jiraiya.

When the time came, Minato Namikaze and Miyuki Uzumaki, wearing wedding dresses, stood on the stage.

Minato Namikaze and Miyuki Uzumaki each began to talk about their mutual understanding and love, and then made a promise and hope for the future.

Jiraiya guided the process step by step until the wedding ceremony of Minato Namikaze and Miyuki Uzumaki ended.

Uzumaki Kushina looked strange: "Why does this wedding ceremony feel different from ours? It feels too ordinary, nothing special?"

Qianyu explained to Uzumaki Kushina: "Because this is a wedding in front of people. There is no complicated process for weddings in front of people. It is more like signing a marriage contract in front of relatives and friends. Once the contract is signed, it is over.

And our wedding ceremony in front of the gods is a tradition and custom. The wedding is also an important milestone in a person's life and a kind of life ritual. Therefore, our procedures and rules are very complicated and solemn.

The fourth generation is the Hokage, so he can only choose a wedding ceremony that can be held in Konoha, so the only choice is the wedding in front of people."

Uzumaki Kushina understands

, sighed: "Is that so? It's a pity that you can't choose the wedding that only happens once in a lifetime."

Qianyu looked at Minato Namikaze on the stage, smiled and said: "How do you know they feel it's a pity? Maybe they are very happy about such a wedding ceremony? Well, it's finally time to start the meal. Let's leave after we finish eating."

After the wedding ceremony, everyone can guess what will happen next.

Because Minato Namikaze has just become Hokage not long ago, this wedding is also a good opportunity to communicate with the ninja clan heads of Konoha.

This kind of socializing is completely meaningless to Qianyu, it's better to go home early.

After Minato Namikaze and Miyuki Uzumaki toasted, the first one to leave was Danzo. Everyone was not surprised that Danzo was the first to leave, but felt it was normal.

After Qianyu and Miyuki Uzumaki stayed for a while, Qianyu also left with Miyuki Uzumaki.

Before leaving, Chiba said hello to Hizashi Hizashi: "Then enjoy your time, Master Hizashi. Kushina and I will leave first."

Hizashi Hizashi stood up and said: "Then Neji and I will come to visit again in two days."

Hizashi Hizashi actually wanted to leave and have a good chat with Chiba, but if Hizashi Hizashi didn't leave, he couldn't leave either.

After Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina left, they met Kakashi who was leaning against a telephone pole with his eyes wide open and dazed on the way home.

"Hey, isn't this Kakashi!"

Kakashi came back to his senses after being in a daze. Seeing Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina, he immediately walked up to them and said, "Teacher, Master's Wife."

Chiyu asked, "How is it, have you eaten? If not, accompany me and Kushina to have a bowl of ramen."

Kakashi asked in confusion, "But shouldn't the teacher and the master's wife have eaten at the fourth generation's wedding?"

Chiyu touched his stomach and said, "I'm not full. I'm not full, and Kushina must not be full either."

Uzumaki Kushina hit Chiyu's waist hard with her elbow and said unhappily, "Are you trying to say that I eat a lot?"

Chiyu raised his hands in surrender, "No way, I didn't say that. Okay, let's go. I'll eat the big portion of tonkotsu ramen first!"

Chiyu, Uzumaki Kushina and Kakashi went to Ichiraku Ramen.

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