After all, the two sides have been very close.

Kushina Uzumaki found it hard to understand when she heard Chiba say that Minato Namikaze sealed half of the Nine-Tails into Naruto's body because of Jiraiya's words.

Chiyu paused and asked, "Kushina, do you believe in fate?"

Uzumaki Kushina was surprised and said, "Fate? Of course not, do you believe in it, Chiyu? But when you were chatting with the head of the Hiashi family, it seemed that you hated fatalism."

Chiyu's expression was a little serious and said, "I do hate fatalism, but it cannot be denied that some things do happen."

Uzumaki Kushina asked in confusion, "For example?"

Chiyu said in a deep voice, "For example, the Nine-Tail will definitely break free from the seal, that is to say, it is inevitable that the Nine-Tail will break free from Miyuki's body, and it will definitely seal to Naruto. In the human body, the old toad of Myoboku Mountain was right. Naruto... is indeed the child of destiny and the savior of the future ninja world.

What I said may be too unrealistic. If you don't believe it, just treat it as..."

Uzumaki Kushina suddenly said: "I believe it. Chiyu, you have never lied to me, so what you said must be true. So, can destiny be changed?"

Hearing that Uzumaki Kushina trusted him so unconditionally, Chiyu smiled and said seriously again: "Destiny can be changed, but it is very difficult."

Chiyu spent more than ten years to change Uzumaki Kushina's fate.

And the conditions required were also quite harsh. Chiyu took great pains to find a replacement candidate Uzumaki Miyuki, and then made a deal with Danzo to barely change the ideas of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uzumaki Mito.

At that time, Chiyu thought that if he could not change the result that Uzumaki Mito and others wanted to use Uzumaki Kushina as a Jinchūriki, then he would take Uzumaki Kushina away from Konoha.

But now think about it, could he really take Uzumaki Kushina away at that time?

Chiyu thinks it is not necessarily the case.

Because Chiyu at that time did not have the absolute strength to overturn the table, and was not sure that he could protect Uzumaki Kushina during the pursuit.

And Uzumaki Mito knew his thoughts long ago. Maybe Uzumaki Mito always locked Uzumaki Kushina with Kagura's heart eyes and guarded against her.

Because for Uzumaki Mito, Konoha is the most important, even if this Konoha has completely changed.

And Uzumaki Kushina is the best candidate for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki identified by Uzumaki Mito.

So it was very difficult for Chiyu to take Uzumaki Kushina away at that time.

Therefore, if you want to change Naruto's fate, it should be possible.

Find a candidate who can replace Naruto as the child of destiny, seal the Nine-Tails in the body, and become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

But how easy is this.

As the child of destiny, the protagonist of the future ninja world, the conditions for change will definitely be more stringent.

Uzumaki Kushina sighed and said, "No wonder Miyuki looked so sad and depressed just now. This time, Miyuki seems to be really hurt. What Minato Namikaze did is really..."

Uzumaki Kushina didn't know what to say.

Chiyu said to Uzumaki Kushina, "Kushina, I guess Miyuki might choose to leave Konoha."

Uzumaki Kushina was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Leave Konoha? Why?"

Chiyu made such a guess based on Minato Namikaze's situation.

Chiyu felt that there seemed to be a force that would correct and change things.

For example, before, Chiyu had clearly greeted the Nine-Tails in advance, but in the end, the Nine-Tails basically did not play any role.

Chiyu clearly sealed part of the Nine-Tails' chakra into Uzumaki Miyuki's body, so Uzumaki Miyuki could survive, but Uzumaki Miyuki had to use the Shiki Fuujin instead of Minato Namikaze.

And Minato Namikaze, although he survived, he might have to remain in a coma.

According to the original trajectory, Naruto, who was without a father or mother, would be in a coma, so the living Uzumaki Miyuki should not stay in Konoha for long.

Because the setting of the protagonist being without a father or mother must be maintained.

However, this is too unrealistic, so Chiyu analyzed to Uzumaki Kushina based on various evidences: "Miyuki loves Naruto very much. She doesn't want Naruto to become a Jinchūriki, but Namikaze Minato insisted on sealing half of the Nine-Tails into Naruto's body. Miyuki must be very disappointed with Namikaze Minato now.

Moreover, Miyuki has no good feelings towards Konoha. I think you, Kushina, have heard about the attitude of the ninja village towards Jinchūriki. Miyuki can be said to be very lucky. Those ignorant villagers in Konoha don't know that Miyuki is a Jinchūriki.

, otherwise, even if Miyuki is the wife of the Hokage, she will be feared, suspected, and discriminated against by people.

Maybe this time she can be lucky enough not to be known by others that she and Naruto are Jinchūriki, but I also said that Miyuki loves Naruto very much, and she should not want to gamble on this possibility.

If her and Naruto's Jinchūriki identities are known to others, then in Konoha, Naruto will spend his childhood in endless discrimination, and this discrimination may accompany Naruto throughout his life.

Moreover, I think this time Sarutobi Hiruzen and others should not be able to hide the fact that Naruto is Jinchūriki. "

Uzumaki Kushina frowned and asked: "Can't hide it? Why can't it be hidden?"

Qianyu continued to analyze: "First of all, look at this matter from the day Naruto was born. From the matter of Lord Sakumo, it can be seen that the people of Konoha are very ignorant and believe everything they hear.

The day Naruto was born was the day when the Nine-Tails was in chaos. On that day, only Naruto was born in the village. Naruto would naturally be associated with the Nine-Tails by some ignorant villagers, and then other villagers spread rumors, which might evolve into rumors that Naruto is the incarnation of the Nine-Tails.

Secondly, Naruto's identity is the son of the fourth generation. Some people in Konoha are not happy that Minato Namikaze has been sitting in the position of Hokage for a long time. It is unknown when Minato Namikaze will wake up. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is now the Hokage again, once Minato Namikaze wakes up, there is no reason for him to sit in this position again.

As long as this matter is spread, Minato Namikaze will become the Hokage again after waking up, which will be a blow to Minato Namikaze.

The child of the Hokage is a Jinchūriki, which may make those ignorant villagers think that Minato Namikaze is great and Naruto is a hero at first, but it is still a problem of Jinchūriki, and people will still be afraid of Naruto.

They will worry about what will happen if Naruto goes berserk, what will happen if the Nine-Tails appears again, and what if Minato Namikaze died last time when he was just unconscious? "

Chiyu's analysis is almost over here, and she concluded: "So, as Miyuki who loves Naruto deeply, if she considers for Naruto, she will definitely consider whether staying in Konoha is good for Naruto's growth. If Naruto's identity as a Jinchūriki is spread, Miyuki can't help Naruto, just like Minato Namikaze forcibly took Naruto away from her arms, she can't do anything. "

Uzumaki Kushina was very upset when she heard this, her whole face wrinkled, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in her heart.

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