As they walked back to the Senju estate, Kakashi asked ''How was your first day at school?''

Instantly, Naruto sighed ''It was boring, Hokage-sama speech was full of deceit and lies, principally when he talked about the 'Will of Fire', if not because Hinata was there, I would have died of boredom, I'm sure that by next week, only around twenty kids will be left and that by the day the Graduation Exam comes, only 9 per class, including me, will pass and become a full-fledged Genin.''

'As always, great analyzing capabilities, all he said is true, after all...' Kakashi thought and nodded while feeling satisfied with Naruto accurate guess, the boy had researched about the number of kids that end up graduating over the course of a year, being able to come up with a somehow precise guess.

''Nee nee, nii-san, can't you teach me something other than the Three Basic Jutsu? I've already perfected it, if you had trained my Chakra control, I'm certain that I would be much stronger!'' Naruto said while complaining a bit, he had, however, used his ultimate attack, puppy eyes.

'Oh no... Not these eyes again!' Kakashi thought, if there was something he couldn't do was to refuse the young Naruto when he used the ultimate Puppy Eyes, however, it didn't work if Naruto used it continuously, it had a cooldown!

The white-haired young adult sighed in a dejected manner before he said ''Ok, ok, I'll teach you a way to increase your Chakra control, satisfied now? I'll also teach you a new technique, you got ahead of what I wanted to teach you and learned how to imbue Chakra on the sole of your feet, this is actually a downgrade version of what I'll teach you: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)!''

''Thanks, nii-san!'' Naruto, that was being carried on Kakashi's shoulder, hugged his head while thanking him.


Konohagakure Prison.


Suddenly, on Konohagakure prison, a loud explosion reverberated through the entire place, alerting all of the guards, they quickly went inside to check what was happening but noticed that all prison cells were normal.

All except a specific one.

Danzo, imprisoned for attempting to murder the Fourth Hokage's son, Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi, his prison cell was destroyed, no traces of him being there were left, it was as if he disappeared.

After a few minutes passed, Hiruzen appeared on the scene and looked at the destruction left on the place before sighing, his face seemed to age a few years as he said to an Anbu ''Danzo defected from the Village, put him as an S-Rank Nukenin (Missing Nin)!''

Even if he had grown older and softer, he knew that this was necessary, Danzo has way too much secret information regarding Konoha, besides, no trace of someone being killed or fighting was there, that could only mean Danzo somehow managed to free himself from the Chakra Seals and escaped.

'My old friend, I'm sorry but I can't let you go through this without a punishment...' Hiruzen thought before going back to his Office.


A few hours later, Konohagakure, Senju estate.

''You're not doing it correctly, Naruto, you already know how to imbue Chakra on the sole of your feet, all you need to do right now is to control it so that you can climb the tree without the use of your hands, try breathing; inhale, exhale, calm your breathing down and concentrate, think of the Tree as the ground when you're running with the Chakra imbued in the sole of your feet.''

Kakashi said before he continued ''However, you can't 'slip', you need to maintain the control over your speed and precision over your steps.''

The blue-eyed boy nodded, Naruto understood the tips that Kakashi was giving him, regulating his breathing, he inhaled and exhaled before narrowing his eyes slightly and running towards the tree with a Kunai that he's using to mark the highest place he was able to get to in the tree.

The sound of steps was heard as Naruto started to climb the tree, it was as if he had enlightenment as suddenly, his climbing speed increased before he arrived in one of the tree branches, as Naruto did that, he felt slightly happy ''I did it, nii-san, I completed the Tree Climbing Technique, you promised to teach me Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique) when I finish it!''

''Look at the sky, it's already dark, you stood the whole afternoon training, while it's good that you're hard-working, you can't overexert your body, everyone needs to rest in order to relax their body and spirit, two essential things for increasing Chakra as it is formed by your Spiritual Energy and your Physical Energy, it needs balance.'' Kakashi said in a sage-like manner but Naruto didn't buy his excuse.

''If you want me to rest, just tell me, as I said, your excuses aren't good at all!'' Naruto said before jumping back to the ground as if jumping from 3 meters tall was a normal thing to do, his muscles and bones didn't receive any damage.

Kakashi had now a small smile hidden behind his dark blue-colored mask as he said ''Yeah, yeah, I know that my excuses aren't good, let's eat, tomorrow they'll probably start teaching how to sense and move Chakra just like I taught you one year ago, basically, be prepared to get bored, but don't worry, there'll be at least something to do!''

''What?'' Naruto asked, curious about what that something is, Kakashi then said ''Since it'll happen tomorrow anyway, I won't hide it from you, every once in a month, the Ninja Academy have a friendly spar to determinate the stronger students of the month and also to see how much someone improved over the month, that's all, I could tell you but... where's the fun in doing so?''

Laughing slightly, Kakashi went to the Kitchen and started to prepared food, meanwhile, Naruto pouted at the last part of his nii-san sentence before returning to his usual emotionless face, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of one year ago, Naruto decided to finally try to contact Kyuubi again.

Once again, Naruto appeared in the unknown place with the water-filled ground, this time, however, he had appeared in front of the familiar giant red-colored bars, then, he shouted ''Yo, I'm back!''

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