''I'll beat you down...'' Sasuke said in a ''cold'' and aloof manner, completely different from the way he acts when he's home, it seems that he isn't taking the fact of being separated from them temporarily that well.

Naruto only looked silently towards Sasuke, his seemingly lifeless eyes scared the black-haired boy slightly but didn't stop him from advancing.

Quickly, Sasuke approached Naruto as he sent a punch, the blue-eyed boy sidestepped and with an open palm, he deflected the punch in an easy-going manner, however, the black-haired boy didn't stop there as he kicked towards the direction of Naruto's face.

Ducking, Naruto dodged the kick before he appeared in front of Sasuke and grabbed the black-haired boy clothing, flipping him down, his opponent was on the ground as his fist was just an inch from his head.

The entire Class was silent, including the Chuunin Teacher, it was of common knowledge that the Uchiha Clan is the strongest of Konoha, even if some think that the Hyuuga Clan is the strongest, everyone knows that this isn't the case, thus, Sasuke Uchiha losing was the extreme surprise as he's the Clan Head's son.

''N-Naruto Uzumaki won!'' The Chuunin Teacher said as they once again stood in front of each other ''Do the Seal of Confrontation as a sign of Peace!'' he said as both of them did it, Sasuke's eyes were cold and he wanted to attack at any given chance.

However, something stopped him, Sasuke didn't know exactly what it was 'What is up with those eyes? W-Why is it scaring me?' the black-haired boy thought, he couldn't process everything correctly nor had he enough information.

There was a thing that is certain, these eyes, they scared him, the blonde boy in front of him, his eyes were devoid of any emotion, Sasuke felt that if he attacked right now, he wouldn't end up good, the punch that had stopped just an inch before hitting him wouldn't stop.

Clenching his fist as he went back to the students, Sasuke thought 'I'm not strong... I thought I was the strongest here! I'll need to train more, I want to make Itachi-nii-san, father and mother proud!'

As for Naruto, he simply went towards Hinata as he said, this time, his eyes weren't emotionless, he saw the girl secretly cheering on him ''Yo, Hinata! You're in the same class as me, that's nice, I saw your fight, you're actually strong, how were you bullied!''

''A-Ah, N-Naruto-kun... I-It's j-just that I d-didn't w-want to h-hurt them...'' Hinata said while stuttering, her face was red as an apple due to Naruto proximity.

'I wonder why she's red? I'll ask nii-san later.' The blue-eyed thought before nodding, then, he heard the Chuunin Teacher saying ''For today, this is it, we will start familiarizing everyone with Chakra and doing exercises to prepare your body for the future, also, the generic subjects will also be taught, starting from tomorrow!''

As everyone started to go away with their parents, Naruto stood there, waiting for Kakashi to arrive, he looked from afar as everyone went with their parents, his eyes had a bit of sadness but quickly, he shook his head 'I have Kakashi-nii-san, I don't need a parent that would choose to save the village even when he knew I would need to suffer like this...' he thought.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him ''I'm here, missed me?''

''You're late, nii-san!'' Naruto complained as Kakashi just laughed it off ''Well, it's because I was walking and I saw a kitty that looked hungry so I gave it some food and ended up petting it...''

Looking over Kakashi, Naruto nodded ''Your excuses aren't that bad this time, anyway, let's go home!''

On the way home, Kakashi asked curiously ''So, how was your second day? I'm sure you were bored in the first few hours, right?''

''Yeah, I had to stay there, waiting till these dumbasses sensed Chakra, it's so easy to sense it, why did they need to take a few hours for that?'' Naruto said, he felt slightly frustrated, that was time he could've used to train.

Laughing under his mask, Kakashi said ''It was just like that with me, too, so, who did you fight?''

''It was a boy named Sasuke Uchiha, he wasn't strong, though, I defeated him in five seconds, if I didn't give him a chance to attack me, I would've ended it instantly...'' Naruto said, he thought that maybe ending it instantly would be shameful so he gave the boy a chance, at least.

''Yeah, as if the Uchiha Patriach's son would be weak...'' Kakashi muttered under his breath, his voice inaudible.

Shaking his head, Kakashi said ''We'll start training your control over the Chakra, when you get to a high amount of it, I'll start teaching you Ninjutsu, have you decided on which path of weapon you want to take?''

''I didn't, but, what about you, nii-san? I had researched about the clans out there and I've read that the Hatake Clan is famous for their Kenjutsu, it doesn't have much information about my Clan except that it was destroyed in the 2nd Great Shinobi World War and that they were experts on Fuuinjutsu and that they were rather good with Kenjutsu too!''

Kakashi sighed ''I took the path of Kenjutsu but abandoned it because I'm not worth it, I'm not worth the sword left by my father anymore...''

Just then, Naruto punched the back of Kakashi's head ''This is not true, nii-san! You were the only one that cared about me, if this doesn't make you worth it, then nobody in the whole world is worth anything, let's make a deal, I'll start learning Kenjutsu with you and in turn, you go back to using a Sword, and it has to be the sword left by your father!'' he said.

''Naruto, sometimes, your intelligence scares me... Fine, I'll do as you said.'' Kakashi sighed at Naruto's intelligence as they got back to their home.

With his trademark smile, Naruto said ''Of course!''

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