Since the end of the War, 17 years passed.

Some would say that the passage of time was too fast but it is true. The passage of time is something unpredictable to most and when you least notice, the present became the past and the future became the present.

Naruto was now 33 years old.

Shinobi World, Uzushiogakure.

''Waaaah! Daddy! Boruto, Jirai and Shi are hiding my Kuraa-ma toy again!'' As Naruto entered his house, he heard the voice of his lovely, only daughter. Her voice seemed to be the one of someone crying.

Naruto smiled gently upon seeing her before putting her on his shoulders before grabbing something out of thin air: ''Don't cry, Hima. Here, your Kuraa-ma is here again.''

''That's no fun, dad! You're always doting on Hima and everytime we hide something from her, you get it back like that! No fair!'' At this time, came the voice of three teenagers about 12 years old. One of them was Boruto, the eldest while the other two were the twins, Jirai and Shi.

''I see. Hima, do you see that your brothers also want me to play with them? Since they want that so much, I guess I'll increase their training intensity a bit, they'll surely love it!'' Naruto said as Himawari cheered, promptly pumping her fist high towards the sky.

''Noooooo!'' The three of them yelled, hugging each other in fear.

Seeing that, Naruto couldn't help but smile before flicking their forehead: ''I'm just joking, I can smell Hinata's food from kilometers. We don't want to eat the food while it is cold, right? Not to mention that in just a few months, the three of you will graduate from the Ninja Academy.''

''Tch, always being like that! See or not, the three of us will prank you and wake you up when you're sleeping!'' Boruto muttered as both Jirai and Shi nodded.

Boruto is Naruto's eldest son and also the one Naruto noticed to have the highest Space-Time affinity out of the two twins. His eyes are just as bright as Naruto's own light blue-colored eyes.

Jirai and Shi are younger than Boruto by just a few days. They're twins and while their Space-Time affinity, Naruto knew the reason for that - They inherited it, however, on their eyes.

It was very similar to one of his abilities called Eyes of Time, the difference being that their entire Space-Time affinity was focused on their eyes. They did not awaken it yet, though. The oldest twin, Jirai, was named after his master while Shi was named after Karin's mother, Uzumaki Shinaza.

Himawari is his only daughter, as such, Naruto doted on her as much as he did to his sons. Looking towards Jiraiya, who had a mischievous glint to his eyes, Naruto sighed lightly: ''Jirai, don't go planning pranks again. I know that out of you three, you're the one who develops all prank plans.''

''Eh... I don't get what you mean.'' Jirai said while avoiding Naruto's gaze. The latter sweatdropped before thinking to himself: 'You... You suck at lying!'

Seeing that from the dining room, both Hinata and Karin looked at each other before smiling strangely as the redhead said: ''Like father like son, aight?''

Hinata nodded: ''Indeed.''

Entering the dining room with his three sons and only daughter sticking to his body as if they were afraid to let go, Naruto awkwardly walked: ''Wanna help me a bit? It seems that some robbers have imprisoned my body.''

''Aya, we're only fragile, weak women who can't help you. Please, robbers, let this poor man go!'' Karin said while making her expression exaggeratedly weak. Hinata almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

''Hum hum hum! We won't let Dadd- I mean, him go! We will rob him thoroughly!'' A soft voice came out of Himawari's mouth as she pumped her fist in the air in a prideful manner. Boruto, Jirai and Shi also smiled proudly, they all knew this was just a roleplay but still, they were proud.

''Aya, it seems I was taken away by the robbers! They stole my heart, oh no!'' Naruto said while holding the left side of his chest, where his heart is supposed to be. Seeing that, the four siblings smiled sheepishly.

Though they were a bit shy when their father said things like that, the four of them loved that. Their father was always with them and their mothers and while pretending not to know, they knew that he was doing his best not to stay busy.

Naruto was indeed, always finishing his job as the Uzukage the faster he can. He also created a Council and divided the works into three parts: Military Management, Civilian Management and Economic Management. Each division of management also have many other divisions.

The blond man only dealt with the important parts. Anything that didn't really require him was dealt by the Council Members, this made his life much easier, truth to be told.

Despite the passage of years, Naruto's appearance was young as ever. He didn't seem to age past 21 yet he contained a kind of mature charm, his face was sharp and handsome, even more than before.

He maintained the same haircut as 17 years ago albeit a little longer. The right side of his hair was longer than the left side, which was kept short. Looking at his family who was eating happily as they talked, Naruto smiled with happiness.

Seeing that, Naruto couldn't help but think about a distant past where he suffered and could barely stay alive. He still remembers that if not because of his Uzumaki vitality and Kurama helping him, he wouldn't get past the first week. Naruto was just one year old, after all.

However, Naruto shook his head to dispel these thoughts as he looked at the harmonious conversation around him. They were eating on the outer part of their house because Hinata and Karin said it was good for their health, being exposed to the sun and all.

Looking towards the sky, Naruto thought to himself: 'In a few months, probably around the Chuunin Exam, the two Otsutsukis will arrive. After dealing with them, the time to deal with the Otsutsuki Clan would come by.'

Hinata saw Naruto was deep in thought but wasn't sure what he was thinking about. Caressing the left side of his face, Hinata muttered with concern: ''I don't know what kind of things can make you be so serious but... Whatever comes, we'll deal with it together, dear. For now, let's just enjoy our family.''

''Yeah, you're right. It's nothing serious, just some annoying pests, don't worry about that.'' Naruto said with his trademark smile as they talked about everything that came to their heads. The four siblings were always very curious about his job and past and what didn't lack for him to talk about... Was his past.

Naruto was happy and secretly vowed that after dealing with the two Otsutsukis, he'll immediately go to exterminate the Otsutsuki Clan.

In the blink of an eye, a few months passed as Boruto, Jirai and Shi had graduated from the Ninja Academy. Soon, the joint Chuunin Exam which was going to be held together by the Six Great Shinobi Villages started, its location being Uzushiogakure.


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