I knew that nii-san only wanted the best to me, sometimes he starts talking in the middle of his sleep, things like ''My cute otouto needs friends...'' I knew that one of the reasons he was suppressing my strength growth with a bad excuse such as building a solid foundation is because of that, he wants me to have friends.

However, I don't agree with him trying to actively delay my strength growth, in my opinion, the stronger I am, the faster I can leave this place, I want to become strong, strong so that nobody will be able to talk anything, strong so that they'll think two, three, a thousand times before daring to say anything bad.

I was always good at sneaking around, maybe because of that strange ability I got one day when I was feeling Chakra, I could feel the Chakra of others perfectly, it only works when my eyes are closed, yet it still feels as if I can 'see', I didn't know where I thought of this name but I decided to name it [Kagura's Mind Eye].

While nii-san was on missions, he always left a Clone to take care of me, I wondered how his Clones weren't fake ones like the 'Bunshin no Jutsu' (Clone Technique), he told me it is named 'Kage Bunshin no Jutsu' (Shadow Clone Technique), differently from the Bunshin no Jutsu, this one is an actual physical copy, not an illusion.

I put my plan to practice, I had sneaked around when nii-san went to check the Jutsus left by my father, I could hide my Chakra signature perfectly, even more so when nii-san wasn't actively trying to notice my presence, that way, I discovered where the Jutsus were hidden.

''Nii-san, I'm hungry, can you make some beef for me?'' I asked casually to nii-san Kage Bunshin, he nodded, my stomach was growling so what I said is essentially true.

I smirked after seeing the minutes passing by, just as nii-san Kage Bunshin finished making the beef, ''Watch out, nii-san, the vase!'' I yelled as the Kage Bunshin looked up, his awareness was far from being the same as the original, thus, he was hit.

It worked, my plan was successful, by now, nii-san should be freaking out and creating another Kage Bunshin to come, I need to be quick, in an instant, I flickered to the ''hidden'' place and started searching for the Jutsu, after a few seconds, I found what I was searching, there were two Jutsu scrolls, one named [Kage Bunshin no Jutsu] and another named [Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu], I went with the second because of my instinct telling me it fits me.

I quickly passed by the scroll and copied it to my Mindscape, over the six months, I learned that I could change the Seal Place (mindscape) as I wanted, I even made the space for Kyuu-san to be comfortable.

The wet ground changed to fluffy and comfortable grass and so on, anyway, it wasn't as cold as before, it looked just like the normal world, except that there were giant red-colored bars blocking half of it, anyway, all I did was to create a copy of the Scroll inside my mindscape and save it there.

The speed of my nii-san is just great and I have already detected him nearby through the [Kagura's Mind Eye], quickly putting the scroll as it was before, I erased all evidence that I saw the ''hidden'' place before going to eat beef, the broken vase was still on the ground.

In just a few seconds, nii-san Kage Bunshin arrived, if I had taken just one more second, I probably wouldn't be able to get out of this without any excuse.

''What happened? How did the vase fall?'' Nii-san Kage Bunshin asked but I just shook my head, showing that I don't ''know'', in fact, I only pushed slightly the vase through a thin string that I infused slightly with Chakra, something I learned over the six months that passed, by the way, nii-san also improved, he's just too cool!

After eating the beef, I said to nii-san Kage Bunshin ''I'm going to talk with Kyuu-san!'' I didn't want want to talk much because I'm really excited, I'm going to learn something new, finally, I'm tired of only training the Body Flicker Technique.

Entering my mindscape, I felt comfortable after feeling my feet touching the fluffy but slightly prickle grass, behind the bars, Kyuu-san said ''You're back? Thought you had forgotten about my existence, not coming here for a few days...''

''...'' I felt speechless, Kyuu-san missed me?

Looking over the ''sky'', I said ''To think that Kyuu-san is missing me, is the sky going to collapse or something?''

''Brat, don't go overthinking, it's just that I'm now accustomed to having someone to talk, I grew overly bored, I don't miss you!'' Kyuu-san yelled before avoiding my suspicious gaze, recently, I feel like we grew to become true friends, his hatred, it didn't disappear but he didn't have any hatred towards me, the way Kyuu-san looked at me was just the way someone looked towards family.

I just nodded, after months complaining that Kyuu-san just isn't honest to himself, I gave up and just agreed with whatever excuse he gave ''I'm going to learn the [Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu], wanna help me?''

Kyuu-san is actually an expert in molding Chakra, he's always bragging about being an expert at Chakra Control, Shape and Nature Transformation and that he's way better at it compared to some Raccoon, I have no idea about who he's referring to but anyway.

''Tsk, do you think the Great me would help a brat like you?'' Closing one of his eyes, Kyuu-san said as I gazed towards the ground and started learning the Jutsu dejectedly, I can't actually learn it on my mindscape but I can learn the theory of it, how it works and how to move the Chakra correctly in order to create the Kage Bunshin.

Something I noted is that the Scroll information said that you can use the Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a normal Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, you only need to create fewer Clones instead of many of them, nii-san Kage Bunshin was currently reading the perverted book ''I'm going outside the house to train, I'm just going to train the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique) as always...'' I complained as usual before going outside.

Time passed by and before I could realize, three years and six months passed.

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