''Oh.'' Naruto said as a sense of shame crept over Jiraiya's mind 'What's up with that reaction? At least show some surprise!' the Ero Sennin thought.

After a few moments of silence with them staring at each other, Naruto acted as if he had just remembered something ''Ah! Aren't you the one that wrote 'Icha Icha Series' and is also one of the Three Legendary Sannin, Jiraiya?!'' he said.

Jiraiya smirked ''Hehe, it seems that I'm famous! To think that a brat like you know of my fame!'' the white-haired pervert said but after hearing Naruto's next sentence, his smirk broke.

''You're a pervert!'' Naruto pointed the obvious, ignoring the slight annoyance at the blonde teenager mention, Jiraiya did a strange pose before he said ''I'm not a pervert, you brat! I'm a SUPER Pervert!''

''...'' Naruto was speechless.

But then, he came up with a plan ''So, Ero Sennin, you need to take responsibility! You traumatized me with that book after making my older brother Kakashi a closet pervert, now he doesn't want to train me, so take the responsibility and train me!''

''No, as the Great Toad Sage, I'm busy! I can't waste my time on a brat like you!'' Jiraiya refused Naruto's request sternly 'Nothing that you do will make me train you!' he thought, alas, he was going to regret thinking that for Karma is a... ahem.

Naruto wasn't one to give up, with a smirk over his face, his body shape suddenly changed as he used his ultimate card 'Oiroke no Jutsu! (Sexy no Jutsu!), you're doomed to train me, Ero Sennin!' Naruto said inwardly as Jiraiya's eyes widened.

Suddenly, a bit of blood came out of the white-haired pervert's nose, while looking towards the sky as a slight bit of redness appeared over his cheeks, Jiraiya's hands moved on its own ''Ohohoho!'' he laughed in a perverted manner.

Just as he was approaching Naruto, the blonde teenager reverted to normal 'Though this is extremely humiliating, I have no choice, this pervert won't train me if I don't do that...'

''Let's make a deal, Ero Sennin, if you train me, I'll use that technique once in a week, no touching!'' Naruto said as Jiraiya suddenly became serious.

With a serious, righteous demeanor, Jiraiya said ''Once per day!''

''Once every five days!'' They started to blabber around before they settled with once every three days, however, Jiraiya also wasn't one to give up, as such, he said ''Brat, let's make another deal, if you can hit me just once, I'll train you without the previous requirements but if you can't hit me, I'll train you with the requirement of you showing me that technique once per day!''

'Stupid brat, you don't stand a chance against me, the Great Per... I mean, the Great Jiraiya-sama!' Jiraiya thought in a narcissistic way, not knowing that he jinxed himself.

Meanwhile, Naruto's face now had a small smile, he acted instantly as he threw Kunais towards Jiraiya, whose face was indifferent, by just moving his hands slightly, the Kunais was held between his fingers.

However, that was a distraction, Naruto was already behind him and without second thoughts, he threw a barrage of punches to the white-haired pervert, that easily dodged them 'Compared to that Orochimaru guy, he's stronger, why is that?' Naruto thought while frowning slightly.

'His speed is way higher compared to my current one, I'll use the Swift Release!' The blonde teenager thought before decisively using Swift Release: Shadowless Flight.

Naruto's body flickered around continuously, disappearing and reappearing, his speed surprised Jiraiya 'That brat... he's way stronger compared to Minato when they were of the same age, he's a bloody genius!' he thought while dodging the attacks coming towards him, Jiraiya dodged by ducking, jumping, stepping back or aside.

Suddenly, a few Kunai that had wooden-like handles with symbols on it was shot towards him, instantly, Jiraiya's eyes widened 'Hiraishin no Jutsu? How is that possible? Maybe... he already knows about Minato, he did say that his older brother is that brat Kakashi, my loyal fan!'

Naruto's next movements were unpredictable and silently, he started teleporting through the Kunais, that somehow were kept floating around Jiraiya, that thought while dodging the attacks 'Chakra strings? An intelligent way of using the Hiraishin's Kunai!'

Analyzing the situation as they looked towards each other, Naruto frowned slightly as he thought 'I can't use Ninjutsu because it would damage the area... Oh, I have an idea, I'll just fool him by throwing all Kunai around him, purposely look to one of them to simulate that I made a mistake by showing which I would teleport, then, I'll teleport behind him with my Space-Time Manipulation!'

'Maybe Orochimaru wasn't at full strength, which is why this fight is a lot harder, I didn't think that the gap between was so big! Without Kuu-san help, fighting on par with him would be near impossible, at least not in a friendly spar.' Naruto thought while feeling dissatisfied with his own strength before putting his plan to practice.

Throwing all of the Kunai, that were basically encircling Jiraiya, making the latter slightly cautious, Naruto looked towards one of the Kunai, catching the attention of the white-haired man, that thought 'A mistake that only beginners do, it seems that I'll have to teach him a lot of things!'

Seeing Naruto's performance, Jiraiya was sure about the blonde teenager talent and it made him wonder if he was the Child of Prophecy, it seemed foolish and maybe unreasonable, however, to him, it just made complete sense, Naruto being Minato's son and so talented, it was as if Jiraiya could feel it within the blue-eyed teenager's eyes that he was the Child of Prophecy. [1]

As such, in that short moment, Jiraiya decided that even without any requirements, he would accept Naruto as his disciple.

That moment of distraction, that moment of thought gave Naruto the chance he had and teleported within the scope of 5 meters behind Jiraiya 'Underestimating me is your greatest mistake...' Naruto thought as the punch coming down Jiraiya's way contained his serious, full power.

Suddenly, Jiraiya shuddered as his instincts, that was hardened over years of war spiked off, alerting him of danger, he turned around while raising his arms in an attempt to block, however, Naruto's fist bypassed his defense and hit his stomach.

Jiraiya was sent meters away before he hit a rock, the blunt strength of it made he cough a bit of blood due to his internal organs being shaken slightly, however, nothing serious, his eyes had now a bit of shock 'I underestimated him way too much, that punch was strong, even if I was taken by surprise and wasn't near my full strength, this brat is already nearing the strength a Kage would have!' he thought incredulously.

With a satisfied smile, Naruto said while looking towards Jiraiya ''It seems that I've made it, you're now responsible for training me, Ero Sennin!''

[1] This is called ahem... plot armor... ahem.


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