Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

69. Akatsuki in Action! [1]

''Hey, old pervert, how do you think we can find that Tsunade you said?'' Karin said while looking up to Jiraiya while pushing her glasses back to her eyes as a somewhat blinding white-colored light was on the lenses.

Hearing that, Jiraiya said as he looked over the faint silhouette of a rather beautiful village in the distance: ''Tsunade likes to Glamble and she has a rather... peculiar fame due to that, we'll be able to find her through that, for now, we'll stay at this small village for a while.''

A few minutes passed as they got to that small village, seeing it, Haku and Karin were amazed, even Naruto was impressed by its beauty, the red-haired teenager's eyes seemed to shine after seeing it.

Seeing their stares, Jiraiya smiled slightly before he said: ''This is an economical-based village, it's one that doesn't has a military focus, there are three types of villages, the one I just said - economical-based, military-based and economical-military-based villages, the Five Great Villages is the last one.''

'This is a rather interesting information, I didn't know about that, at least. Well, learning new things is always good.' Naruto thought after hearing what his master said, Haku and Karin also had a surprised expression on their faces, they didn't seem to know this information previously.

After stopping at the small village entrance, Jiraiya stood in front of them before saying with a serious expression ''Brats, as the only responsible adult here, I need to take your wallets, you can use only 20% of your money in order not to spend all of it.''

Naruto, Haku and Karin: ''...''

Seeing his obvious act and his expression, they all thought that this white-haired pervert is a true master in the Art of Shamelessness, however, Naruto was ready for this as he said with his trademark smile ''If you take our wallets, I'll be sure to burn any chance you have with the ladies of this village!''

Jiraiya: 'He saw right through my true intentions!'

He wondered if there was no more warmth in this world, Naruto had been such a good wingman in the one month he was being trained that Jiraiya never suspected he would do that, alas, how could he know that the blonde teenager was just collecting information to burn the white-haired pervert's future relationships in the future?

Naruto had a wicked smile beaming over his face as he thought: 'My foolish master, you stole my wallet for an entire month and I couldn't do anything because my reputation in Konoha isn't the best so I helped you but in this one where nobody knows me, I can burn your relationships and you won't be able to do anything about it!'

Seeing his disciple smile, Jiraiya was sure that there was no warmth in the world anymore, he thought why the world was so unfair, so cruel before sighing in defeat.

At the side, Karin's beautiful red-colored eyes had a strange glow in it as she started fangirling him ''Naruto-kun, cool! Indeed, you're the coolest one! Nobody is cooler than you!'' [1]

Haku snorted slightly at her action ''Don't try to attack Naruto-sama with your filthy hands again.'' he said after seeing Karin's hands twitching slightly, hearing what Haku said, Karin wanted to punch him but knew that her strength wasn't enough, as such, she only threw a barrage of curses towards the long-haired youngster, that ignored them in a swift manner.

Laughing at their interactions as it was fun in his view, Jiraiya said ''I'm going to explore this small village just for the sake of being sure it is safe, bye!'' within instants, the white-haired pervert disappeared from their view.

Karin deadpanned: ''He's going to find some ladies to have fun, isn't he?''

At her side, both Naruto and Haku nodded while wondering why such a powerful person was also an extreme pervert, luckily, he never forced his way out or no woman except Tsunade would be able to stop him, despite being such an extreme pervert, Jiraiya is an honored man in many aspects, be it his personality or actions.

''Well, at least he already booked our rooms.'' Naruto said while feeling a small headache knowing he would share the same room as Karin while Jiraiya would share a room with Haku, somehow, the blonde teenager felt he was going to be abused by the red-haired teenager's eyes.

With the slight thought of sharing a room with Naruto, Karin's face turned slightly red as she planned her next attack, meanwhile, already in the room, her victim shuddered slightly before looking around cautiously.

'Is someone planning to attack me?' Naruto thought while narrowing his eyes slightly, through years - of endless pursuit made by the villagers and also fights in the past six months - his instinct had been honed and would only flare up in case he was in danger.

Time passed and night had already arrived, Jiraiya hadn't returned yet and the three teenagers already knew the reason - The man was, of course, having fun with the ladies outside.

However, at this time, Naruto's perception detected two Chakra Signatures and one of them is familiar, it was Zhin's signature, writing in a scroll 'Danger -Naruto', he waited for a few seconds until Jiraiya was near a 'Space Line' or how he liked to call these thin connections of Space that made sure the world wouldn't collapse before teleporting the scroll.

Toc Toc.

Their door was knocked but before Karin could open it, Naruto stopped her ''I'll open the door soon, wait a bit, Ero Sennin!'' he said while signaling for Karin to hide, thinking that Naruto was going to prank Jiraiya, she hid cheerfully.

Taking his Sword of Whirlwinds, Naruto's eyes were devoid of any emotion as a red-colored Chakra slowly coated his entire body, his light blue-colored eyes took a deep red coloration, the pupils inside the eyes turned slit, his nails became sharper and so did his teeth.

Outside the room while standing in front of the door, Zhin and a blue-skinned man that looked like a humanoid shark stood there, both of them were in a black-colored robe with red-colored clouds on it, sensing Chakra flaring up inside the room, the blue-skinned man took his Sword before muttering ''Time to devour some chakra, Samehada...''

A black-colored aura slowly enveloped Zhin's body as he raised his fists 'Naruto Uzumaki, your death is coming...' he thought.


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