Naruto, The Uzumaki Emperor

Chapter 143 - Naruto Uzumaki [4]

''Who are you?'' The white-haired teenager asked, feeling danger. It wasn't surprising since nobody knew he was actually a reincarnated being, even though he doesn't remember his previous life's memories that well.

''Me? I'm Naruto Uzumaki.'' Naruto said after introducing himself once again, he was very curious about the teenager in front of him. With a smile, he asked: ''What about you? Don't you have a name or something? Don't worry about me knowing how you came here, just treat me as someone who will answer you.''

''I'm Fuyuto Todoroki.'' The teenager, now known as Fuyuto Todoroki, said with a frown. His expressions rarely changed and yet, this blond man in front of him made his emotions out of control several times.

Fuyuto was really confused. It had been 14 years since he came to this world and his only memories of this world were of its future. Anything from his previous life, when not related to the time 'he' was watching its anime, was foggy.

Calming his chaotic emotions down, Fuyuto asked: ''How did I reincarnate? Why can't I remember anything about my past life? Why was I, out of everyone, chosen and sent to this world?''

Naruto smirked before raising one finger: ''One reason. You have what that old man calls '[email protected]$% Mark' and that was what made you reincarnate, if I have to guess... You were sick in your previous life, couldn't even go out of the hospital bed?''

'I can't hear what he said about the mark?' Fuyuto thought while frowning before he said: ''Yes. I was with an unknown, incurable disease that just didn't allow me to leave bed. All I did was to watch animes, yet, all I can remember is when I watched the anime which is the world I live right now.''

He didn't know why but Fuyuto felt that no matter what he said, the blond man in front of him would accept. It was an uncontrollable sense of trust, it was as if he was looking at a member of his family like Enji, Rei, Shoto, Toya, Fuyumi and Natsuo.

''You weren't chosen for any specific reason, you just were. Call it being lucky or unlucky, you are now living in this weird world and this won't change.'' Naruto said while doing a circle-like motion in the air with his index finger. He was quite amused by the teenager in front of him: ''So, what is the quirk you have? You know, the ability?''

''The Quirk is called 'Frozen Flames' and it is a Fire so cold it burns and an Ice so cold it take the form of Flames.'' Fuyuto said in a simple manner before adding: ''I can also use either Fire or Ice separately.''

Raising his right hand lightly, a beautiful silver-colored Flame appeared above Fuyuto's hand. It gave off an intense feeling of heat and coldness at the same time, then, it just gave a sense of heat and coldness respectively.

It then disappeared before an icicle appeared above Fuyuto's hand. Naruto was very impressed, while its power wasn't enormous yet, it had an enormous potential hidden within it: 'In the future, it's very likely to be at the same level of Sasuke's flames. But... he doesn't seem to have a goal, an objective. I can see it within his eyes that he's very, very lost.'

'No wonder that crazy old man sent me here. He wants me to plant a seed that will make him discover his goal the moment something unexpected happens.' Naruto thought while narrowing his light blue-colored eyes.

Looking towards the teenager in front of him, Naruto couldn't help but smile lightly before he said: ''Say, brat... I know that you want to become a Hero, but... What kind of Hero do you want to become? What is your goal?''

''I want to become a Hero because of my family.'' Fuyuto replied with a determined face before his determination broke like shattered glass. His face suddenly became blank: ''Goal?''

He was confused, really, really confused. It was the first time he had questioned himself with that, Fuyuto didn't know his goal yet. Anyone with the determination of a Hero could become one, yet, what was his goal as a Hero? What kind of Hero did he want to become?

At that time, Fuyuto wouldn't know yet because that was something reserved for the future, one that wasn't far. However, Naruto's smiling face brought him out of his daze as the blond man said: ''You will remember me and this conversation when you something expected yet unexpected happens. When you're at the peak of this world, I'll be back.''

''Till then, I wish you good luck.'' Naruto smiled before disappearing, time seemed to go back as Fuyuto found himself back on the beach, people walked around endlessly.


''Excuse me, why are you all walking here?'' Fuyuto asked an old man with a polite tone as the old man smiled gently: ''Ah, young man, it's because we found a fish with wings so it attracted everyone around after they started recording it.''

''Thanks.'' Fuyuto thanked the old man before looking, it was a fish with golden-colored scales and a small wing on each side of its small body. The white-haired teenager felt something was amiss, yet, he couldn't point what it was.


''Old man, do you think he'll be a good one in the future?'' Naruto asked, genuinely curious. He felt that Fuyuto was a good teenager and that he had a lot of unraveled potential, yet... He was kind of worried about his future.

Space-Time's old and aged illusory body now had a smile: ''Ah, the future is unpredictable but you shouldn't worry, that boy will do good. I'm sure that when you see him again, it won't be too long.''

Seeing his confidence, Naruto nodded since if Space-Time himself said it, it was most likely the truth. Nobody knew the future better than Space-Time: 'I wonder... What kind of future that brat will have? His goal, I wonder what it is?'

At some point, his thoughts changed to 'My goal... What is it? Now, I have everything I could ever wish for. Ero Sannin and Hag Sannin are married, I have a good family with Hinata and Karin, loving children. Nii-san's passing all his time with us, Obito is passing his time with Nii-san after I forgave him.'

A cold light passed through Naruto's eyes after reassuring himself: 'I don't have a goal but there's something I'm sure. Space-Time is urging me to get stronger because he made rules to himself, rules he has to abid.'

'If someday, someone stronger than me invades, he can't interfere because it isn't a universal-level threat.' Naruto thought as the cold light within his eyes became stronger: 'For my family, I'll need to get stronger than anyone. In order to make sure nothing ever happens, I'll travel around, getting stronger and stronger.'

Space-Time just looked at him with a smile, that was his objective. Naruto is like his son and even if he wanted, a threat who isn't at the universal-level can only be dealt with by the people living on the said universe.

Creating a Clone, Naruto sent it to his home. Looking towards Space-Time, he said with a heavy tone: ''I guess I had become stagnant. Thanks for reminding me that even though I have happiness... If I don't become the strongest, someone stronger will come and ruin it.''

Without further warning, Naruto opened a Space-Time rift as a black-colored portal appeared in front of him. Waving his hands lightly, he entered the Space-Time rift, his figure slowly fading away from Space-Time eyes.

''It's time for a new journey...'' Space-Time muttered before the image of Fuyuto Todoroki appeared in front of him.

The tale of the Uzumaki's Clan Emperor hadn't ended.


It had only started.

This was a long journey, wow, over 140 chapters. I can't even begin to put my words on how grateful I'm to this.

I may not be the best author nor is this the best story. One thing I'm sure and that is - I did my best and had a really huge amount of fun.

When I started writing this fanfic, I didn't really have much expectations and truth to be told, I had received quite a blow to my mental health. I'm 100% sure that if it wasn't for you guys, who are here every day supporting me and the ones who joined the discord and are talking here with me, I wouldn't be here.

Happiness has a price, as goes the saying. I disagree. Happiness wasn't bought by me but it was sent to me by you guys.

I had spent a lot of thought and felt a huge deal of sadness knowing that I would need to end the fanfic which, despite not being famous or the best, brought me happiness of no end. This is getting a bit emotional and if you're not emotional, ya' a *sshole.

All in all, this is all I can say to express how happy and sad I'm right now.

Now that the emotional part is over, I come with great news, yay!

These last four chapters were a way to extend a bit the time of the fanfic and to shorten the time my sadness was going to overflow. What? As a good, nice, generous and kind author, I can't even be sad? Hmph!


I'll be starting a new fanfic and I can guarantee: The quality of it will be way better than this one, no jokes. I'm putting a great deal of effort there and thus, I'm very confident it'll work.

I'll start posting it exactly two days after this chapter is posted. I expect the support of you all on it.

Lo and behold for my next fanfic is starting - MHA: Way to Peace.

Love you all, a*sholes.

From Yours Truly, Nyatsui.


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