Naruto, The Uzumaki Emperor

Chapter 146 - Side 2

IMPORTANT Note: Heyo my dear readers! These side chapters won't be very frequent, and will most likely be just two side chapters per week at most, so you should cherish the side chapters while there are side chapters! Drop me power stones, at least as a show of support, aight?! Thanks, ma dudes!

'Ah, the chosen...' Naruto thought as he saw the boy tripping on the plain ground, it reminded him of Konohamaru. Maybe less rebellious, but it did remind him.

Professor Oak facepalmed before introducing the chosen, ''This one is called Ash Ketchum, as always, he is the last one to arrive. Boy, you're too late, they have already gotten all of their Pokemons.''

''Really?! What about these three with you?'' Ash asked suspiciously before noticing Naruto, ''Oh, hello! I'm Ash Ketchum, what about you?''

''Naruto Uzumaki.''

''What a weird name!'' Naruto's eyebrows twitched, 'Your name sounds like Ketchup but sure, my name is the weird one...'

Hearing Ash's question, Professor Oak looked at him warily before saying, ''These three won't become the Pokemon of Trainers, they're my only companions! But if you really want to become a Trainer, there is another Pokemon, but he's a bit... wild?''

''...'' Naruto felt that Ash was probably going to suffer a bit after noticing that Oak couldn't define the Pokemon properly. But Ash didn't care about that, and stars flooded his eyes, ''Really, thanks! I want that Pokemon, no matter what!''

Professor Oak sighed before leading them to another room, where a Pokemon with two long ears pointing upwards, yellow-colored skin and a lightning-shaped tail stood by, and it stared at them, ''Chu?''

''Woah! It's a Pikachu!'' Ash's eyes were flooding with so many stars that Naruto almost thought it to be the universe. Professor Oak facepalmed once again before giving a few Pokeballs, a Pokedex, and a few other necessary items to the cheerful boy, ''This is your starting equipment, remember not to lose your Pokedex. You can put the Pikachu on this Pokeball here.''

Without hesitation, Ash threw the Pokeball at Pikachu. With great expectations, it hit the Pikachu, but nothing happened. The boy quickly picked the Pokeball before throwing it again, for the same result!

''Pffft...'' Naruto laughed after seeing the blank reaction on Ash's face, ''Try being amicable, this one is a rebellious one, boy. Pokemons are intelligent beings most of the time, so don't think of them as tools.''

''I don't treat them like tools! I want it to be my friend, but thanks.'' Ash yelled before thanking Naruto calmly. Then, he approached Pikachu carefully before trying to c.a.r.e.s.s the small creature's head.

''Chu!'' Pikachu shouted, as yellow lightning flooded the entire room, literally shocking both Oak, and Ash. Naruto felt the yellow lightning carefully before it dissipated, ''You must be a bit hungry, yes? Here, eat a bit.''

Naruto slowly brought his hand near Pikachu's mouth, as a small amount of blue-colored lightning flickered there. Pikachu looked at him warily, before eagerly devouring it, and burping small streaks of blue-colored lightning.

'So they can eat elements, as long as it is beneficial to them. Good thing I used the lowest kind of Lightning!' Naruto thought in relief as both Oak, and Ash stared at him while feeling shocked. The boy was slightly bolder, ''You can use elements like the Pokemons?!''

''I can't. This is an ability of my Pokemon, it can connect with me, and allow me to use his element, both of my Pokemons can do that.'' Naruto said after thinking carefully, he decided to stay in this world temporarily. Then, two puff of smokes sounded as a human-sized Kurama appeared on his side, and a hand-sized Juubi appeared on his shoulder.

''You have a Nine-Tailed Fox?! He does look a bit different from usual Nine-Tailed Foxes, though. Probably a mutation? Hm... Very interesting!'' Professor Oak yelled before he started muttering to himself, despite everyone hearing him.

'Most Pokemons can't talk, so if you do, try doing it mentally.' Naruto said through their connection. He had read all useful information about Pokemon of the nearby region from Oak's mind, so he knew quite a bit. As a righteous person, he ignored any other kind of personal information.

Last time he accidentally read all of someone's else memory, Naruto couldn't sleep for three days straight. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but that person's memory was a bit... strange, yes.

'Hah? How dare he compare me to a mere Nine-Tailed Fox? They can't compare to the majestic me!' Kurama yelled in his mind, as Naruto wondered how he even knows about the Nine-Tailed Foxes, 'You're a Nine-Tailed Fox, though... Also, Juu-san, can you show a bit of blue lightning, and let me control it?'

'For sure, man!' Juubi agreed earnestly, ready to contribute to his brother!

Streaks of blue-colored lightning flooded out of Juubi's mouth before they started flying around Naruto, and they moved along with his will. This immediately dispelled their doubts, 'You could... Y'know, just have created it from thin air, why your mouth?'

Juubi was horrified, 'Could it be that you wanted it to be from... that place?!'

'OI! You don't even have that place, Juu-san!' Naruto yelled in his mind, feeling a bit disgusted. It seems that he'll need to educate Juubi later, he is becoming more and wild these days.

''Hey, Pikachu, why don't you follow this kiddo over here? He's a nice kid, I can guarantee you.'' Naruto said, as Pikachu looked at him warily, ''Pika! Pikachu!''

''You don't want to go with humans because they imprison you on the Pokeball? But I saw that it's like a hotel inside one?'' Naruto said while feeling a bit confused, before continuing, ''You can just go on his shoulder, just like my Tuubi, he's a one-eyed Toad.''

''Chu!'' Pikachu nodded before jumping onto Ash's shoulder, and waving his 'hand', as if to say, ''I'll be going on your shoulder, you got no room for discussion!''

''Hey, kiddo, I'll go with you, 'kay?'' Naruto said, as Ash nodded before going to pack all necessary things. Ash's mother stared at the blonde man while feeling suspiciousness, she never saw that man, after all.

''Nice to meet you, Ms. Ketchum!'' Naruto said in a gentle manner, before introducing himself. A token appeared out of thin air, as he bowed gently, ''Naruto Uzumaki, Pokemon Master. I was once the Gym Leader of the Uzunto Region, and I'll be sure to keep the kiddo safe.''

Ash's mother blushed lightly once hearing his introduction, and his gentle way of talking, before hurriedly saying, ''Ah, no, it's ok! It's my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to having a person like you to watch Ash! Um... You can call me Delia.''

''For sure, Delia.'' Naruto said as Kurama whistled in their connection. He decisively cut their connection, before looking at the sly Fox in disdain, 'Don't worry, I'll find a female Nine-Tailed Fox for you!'

Without more surprises, Naruto and Ash left Pallet Town.

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