"I will kill you to avenge Pu Shi."

Otsutsu Mokura felt that this meatloaf must have devoured Otsutsu Mokura.

How dare you find yourself now.

Datong Mutaoshi shouted to Huiye: "Huiye, I will come to you after I finish cleaning up that monster."

Otsutsuki Kaguya was annoyed.

Want to do it.

Mu Feng shouted: "Don't get excited, let him try it."

Otsutsuki Kaguya is very well-behaved.

"Yes, master."

Datongmu Huiye obediently flew behind Mufeng and lowered his head, looking respectful like a little maid.

Mu Feng: "It's really okay."

Unexpectedly, the big boss Hui Ye was really obedient.

Ha ha.

This is really interesting.

Hei Jue, who was retreating on the ground, was sad and weeping.

Why did my own mother become a servant girl?

Isn't he the servant girl's son?

Isn't that going to serve Mu Feng?

Together with the ninja army, Marshal Meng is retreating.

Some who couldn't run simply hung on the fierce handsome man's legs.

Sand Ninja Village doesn't care about them.

Very harmonious.

The fierce commander ran away, and Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara had nothing to insist on.

They both slipped away too.

Uchiha Madara is still not happy.

"Thousands of hands, what are you afraid of? Isn't it just a little monster?"

Qianshouzhujian lifted the World Treeman.

"It's not one monster, but two monsters. Let them fight first, and we'll see the situation."

Uchiha Madara: "Well, it's time to overshadow them."

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara also began to retreat.

Mufeng, Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Taoshi remained in the center of the battlefield.

The Datong Mutao style has the pride of the Datongmu family.

Instead of hiding, he rushed straight towards the big meatloaf.

His reincarnation eyes widened.

He wanted to see through the big meat pie on the opposite side, to see clearly the meridians, acupoints, and the flow of chakra in the human body.

There are a bunch of eyes of reincarnation on the opposite side.

Looking at the large-tube wooden peach pose, you can only see golden ones that resemble little suns.


If you can't see anything, just do it directly.

Heretic art.

The peach-style reincarnation eye can launch a black stick, which has a disruptive effect on the chakra of the person hit. Inserting into the opponent's body can block the opponent's acupuncture points for refining chakra, and the effect on tailed beasts is better.

Whoosh whoosh.

In an instant, hundreds of black sticks shot at the big meatloaf.

He is going to have a skewered meat pie.

Big Meatloaf sensed danger.

Hundreds of large and small reincarnations rolled their eyes at the same time.

Eye of Reincarnation·Coercion.

The ability used after Pu Shi's transformation, its pupil power can burst out a powerful airflow in the air.

Urashiki used this method to easily cut through the forest and the ground.

Now it is equivalent to hundreds of Pu Shi used together, the effect is to destroy the world.

When the black stick hit the airflow, it was shattered directly, that kind of shattered thoroughly.

The violent airflow stirred up the sky and the earth, the clouds were shattered, and sandstorms rolled up on the ground.

Mu Feng: "Damn it. It's so fierce."

The strength of Big Meatloaf is far beyond Mu Feng's imagination.

Mu Feng touched his chin.

It seemed that he was going to use the ultimate trap.

See this scene in the big tube wooden peach style.

He is cowardly.

The pride of the Otsuki clan does not exist.

The opponent is obviously much stronger than him.

I can't give it away for nothing.

Turn around and fly in the big tube wooden peach pose, ready to run.

How could the big meatloaf let go of the meat bun in front of him.

Hundreds of samsara eyes have been looking at the big tube wooden peach pose.

Vientiane Tianyin.

The holder of the reincarnation eye is centered on himself, and attracts the designated target to himself. The caster can freely decide the target attracted by this technique and the strength of the gravitational force. ap.

The big meatloaf, which has long been hungry and thirsty, goes directly to maximum power.

Bricks fly with great force.

Mufeng, Otsutsuki Kaguya saw a whoosh, and the majestic suction of the Otsutsuki Peach Pose was absorbed like a grain of dust.

The Big Tube Peach Pose doesn't even have a chance to struggle.


All of a sudden, his whole body fell into the meat membrane of the meatloaf.

At the beginning, everyone could still see the big tube wooden peach pose releasing ninjutsu, and the meat pie exploded from time to time, and the bulging pieces of meat exploded.

You can also hear the scream of the big-tube wood peach.

As time gets longer, the movement becomes smaller and smaller.

Finally to silence.

It should be a big meatloaf that was swallowed by a big tube of wooden peaches, floating in the air, and all the eyes of reincarnation were closed.

Now it will start to fully absorb the big tube wooden peach pose to further evolve.

This is really a big meatloaf without wisdom.

You are such a big thing, and you are evolving in such a dangerous place on the battlefield.

Do you think you are decent and invincible during the transformation period?

How could Mu Feng, an old oily man, know how to talk about martial arts.

When he saw the big meat pie and closed his eyes, he knew the opportunity had come.

"Hui Ye, retreat quickly and run farther away."

"I'm going to do it."

"At that time, there will be no distinction between the enemy and the enemy."

Otsutsuki Kaguya immediately flew away.

Mu Feng's whole body flashed with lightning.

With one move of both hands.

A giant black pattern rose from the ground in the desert.

The outermost circle is a circle, and inside the circle are various and beautiful patterns.

Taboo formed into an array.

The sage's stone is forged into an array.

Chapter 455 In fact, I am an inhumane person who is extremely anti-ninja and anti-ninja

When the United Ninja Army looked back, they saw strange patterns rising from the desert.

The experienced people in the ninja army showed strange expressions on their faces.

Uchiha Madara: "That kid set up a trap under our feet?!"

The sage's stone formed an array not too big or too small, just covering the area of ​​the original united ninja army.

Judging from the size, it must be an arrangement for the United Ninja Army.

Qianju Zhujian asked the inventor Senju Feijian.

"What formation is this?"

"Is it some kind of sealing array?"

The inventor Qianshou Feijian couldn't understand the training formation from the steel refinement of another dimension.

He watched it for a while, but after much deliberation, he didn't understand what it was.

He shook his head and said, "I don't know, it looks completely different from our usual sealing array."

"Those patterns seem to be paintings."

"Have you seen Immortal Toad?"

Let's ask the oldest big toad fairy together. Z.br>

The Great Toad Immortal is also a frog in a well.

It hasn't seen it either.

"Guagua, I don't know either."

The other shadows also discussed and discussed, but they couldn't discuss anything.

Uchiha Madara looked at them with contempt.

"There is nothing to discuss."

"Just ask directly."

He shouted to Mu Feng: "Hey, kid. What are you setting up under our feet?"

At this moment, Mu Feng was covered with lightning, and his hands were controlling the magnetic field to lift Lian Chengzhen up from the ground.

He still has the energy to joke with Uchiha Madara.

"Haha, of course I arranged a powerful formation with a special purpose."

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