All the remnants of the group in Konoha Square were sealed, and they knelt beside the Konoha people.

Xiao Yun was dressed in a Hokage costume and slowly walked in front of these people surrounded by everyone.

"Kill them

", "Kill them", "Kill them"


The members of the atmosphere group arranged by Xiao Yun brought the atmosphere of the audience to the peak, if it weren't for Kakashi's people to stop them, it is estimated that these people would have come up and cut them down a long time ago.

Xiao Yun waved his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

After a long time, the voices of the crowd gradually stopped.

"With the rest of the department, you colluded with Orochimaru before, I don't care about you anymore, after all, you are coerced by Danzang

" "Since I became the Hokage, you have repeatedly and openly disobeyed my Hokage, and for the sake of Konoha's stability, I don't care

" "However, last night, there were enemy ninja attacks on Konoha, and all the shadows fought bloodily, and you actually avoided fighting without fighting, and even worse, you openly instigated a rebellion, how is this kind of behavior different from rebellion?"


ninjas like you are still in the world, how can they be worthy of those Konoha ninjas who died in battle? How can they be worthy of the three generations of Hokage who died in battle? How can they be worthy of the broad masses of people who have worked hard to rebuild Konoha?" "So, for the sake of Konoha, this Hokage has to use the Hokage's wartime special operation power to behead you all! What else do you have to say"

Xiao Yun looked coldly at the group of ninjas kneeling on the ground in front of him.

"Xiao Yun, you're just a shinobi, relying on a woman to become the Hokage, it's a bullshit! I'll tell you, the execution of more than ten Konoha ninjas needs to pass the Daimyo Conference, you don't have the right to kill us" "That's it, I don't believe you dare to kill so many ninjas at the same time, the Daimyo won't

let you go" "The acquaintance will let us go, and then respectfully invite Danzo-sama out, and then give him the position of the Hokage, you have a

fart qualification to lead Konoha"

"There's a kind of you let go of me, go head-to-head with me, and labor and management blow up your Hokage"


Several leaders of the follow-up department shouted one after another, looking like they didn't take Xiao Yun seriously at all.

"What's your name?" Xiao

Yun smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, and he pointed at the ninja who had just clamored to fight Xiao Yun.


the man said.

"Undo his seal" Xiao Yun smiled faintly at Kakashi, then turned his gaze to Daikawa Roadshima and smiled: "If you can beat this Hokage, I will forgive you, how?" "

I'm afraid you won't dare!"

Daikawa Roadshima looked at Xiao Yun with disdain.

"Hokage-sama, this guy is a top-level shinobi, his strength is very strong, don't be careless,"

Kakashi whispered into Xiao Yun's ear.

"It's okay, break his seal,"

Xiao Yun said confidently.

"Untie it, Kakashi"

Tsunade said softly, although Xiao Yun usually owes a little, is a little lascivious, and a little amorous, but he is still very steady and never does things that he is not sure of.


Kakashi walked up to the man, sealed his hands and pressed one hand to his neck, instantly unsealing him.

"What you said is true?" Jiechuan

Ludao looked at Xiao Yun suspiciously.

"With so many people watching, how can I break my word and get fat?"

Xiao Yun said.


A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Jiechuan Ludao's eyes, for the sake of Lord Tuanzang, even if it was to kill Xiao Yun.

"Come on,"

Xiao Yun said.

Daikawa Roadshima took out a soft sword from his waist and split it into three in an instant.

The three figures of the "Wind Phantom Slash"

jumped up and stabbed at Xiao Yun from three different directions.

Xiao Yun's purple eyes flickered, and he instantly saw that these three were clones, and the real body had already killed him underground through the art of earth escape.

"Xilai!" A

figure suddenly came out of the ground, jumped in front of Xiao Yun, jumped into the air and stabbed Xiao Yun with his sword.

"Nani!" Daikawa

Roadshima was shocked, and at some point, his feet and waist were wrapped around the vines.

"Illusion ~ Mirror turns the world!" Xiao

Yun suddenly appeared beside him, a pair of purple eyes staring at his eyes.


Jiechuan Roadme's eyes instantly lost their brilliance, and the whole person withered like a deflated ball.

Everyone was stunned, when did Xiao Yun become so strong?

A top-level mid-level ninja couldn't go for a round in front of him.

Xiao Yun slowly walked in front of Jiechuan Ludao, took the soft sword in his hand, his eyes froze, a sword cut his throat, and Jiechuan Ludao didn't snort and fell straight down.

"Cut them all down for me!" Xiao

Yun roared, waking up everyone who was still stunned.

"Hokage-sama is mighty",

"Hokage-sama is domineering side leakage", and "Hokage-sama

is awesome"

is worthy of being a member of the atmosphere group, always keeping in mind the mission, and for a while, Xiao Yun's prestige has been unprecedentedly improved in Konoha.

After all, Xiao Yun was able to become the Hokage because of his special identity, and if it weren't for the few women behind him, he wouldn't have been able to be the Hokage.

Now that he can kill a top-level mid-ninja so easily, although this kind of strength can't be said to be earth-shattering, but after all, Xiao Yun's age is there, and in time, he will definitely be able to become a figure like the three generations of Hokage.

"Xiao Yun, are you sure you want to kill them all?"

Tsunade frowned slightly, walked over to Xiao Yun's side and whispered.

"Kill, leave no one behind!" Xiao

Yun said in a loud voice.

"Hokage-sama, we were wrong

" "Hokage-sama spare your life" "We are willing to obey Hokage-sama's orders from now on and forgive us"


Everyone in the subordinate was suddenly frightened, this Xiao Yun looked like a harmless little white rabbit, and Nima didn't frown when he killed people.

"I said that I cut them down, can't I hear the order of this Hokage?Dark people, do you want to wait for me to do it yourself?"

Xiao Yun looked coldly at the dark department escorting them.

Everyone in the dark department looked at each other, the script is not right, didn't Lord Hokage say yesterday that it would take a few Ks

to kill just a few shocks? This is nearly a hundred ninjas, and it is too much loss for Konoha to kill them like this.

"Hokage-sama, wait a minute"

At this moment, an old voice came, and two figures appeared in front of everyone.

Konoha's Wolong Phoenix Chick ~ Mito Menyan and Tsunami Koharu.

"Two advisors, what are you doing, you don't want to save this group of bastards who eat inside and out, right?"

Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Five generations, although they deserve to die, but after all, they are my Konoha ninjas, and if they kill them, they will lose a lot to my Konoha and please think twice"

Mito Menyan said.

"Yes, after all, it's not easy to train a ninja, and right now Konoha is at the time of employing people, if they can truly repent, I think it's better to let them go and see the after-effects"

Koharu also agreed.


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