Under the moonlight

, two men wearing straw hats and red cloud robes stopped Xiao Yun.

This costume, this costume, by the way, and the ring they wear on their hands~ Xiao Organization!

Xiao Yun immediately looked at the two people in front of him vigilantly, if according to the original plot of the Hokage, not long after Konoha was sneak attacked, the Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark of the Xiao organization came to Konoha Village.

Grandma Li's, the key is that she also dismissed all the guards today, and she wanted to relax alone, but she didn't expect to meet these two people, and she came to block herself when she saw the posture of these two people.

It's over, Barbie Q, if this fights, how can I be the opponent of these two.

"Hmph, I didn't expect the fifth Hokage to be such a little ghost, is there no one in Konoha yet?"

One of the tall men took off his straw hat and revealed a strange-looking face that looked a bit like a shark.

Xiao Yun recognized this person at a glance~ dried persimmon ghost shark.

"What a boldness, you dare to break into Konoha at night, who are you?"

Although Xiao Yun was panicked in his heart, he still remained calm, and now he can only drag on for a second.

"I'm a dried persimmon ghost shark, please advise

" The strange-looking man laughed strangely and looked at Xiao Yun with an unkind face.

"I'm Uchiha Itachi, I'm sure you've heard my name"

Another man slowly took off his straw hat, and a peerless face that was enough to make women crazy and men inferior appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned, what a handsome man, is this the ceiling of the male ninja in the ninja world in the Hokage?

Peerless face, melancholy eyes, fair skin, perfect body, magnetic voice, intoxicating temperament, hateful, hateful, hateful, I didn't expect that in addition to the first handsome brother in Lanxing, there are people who are more handsome than me

! This is the real stranger who is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world!

For a while, Xiao Yun actually had a jealous heart, but not much.

"Uchiha Itachi, I didn't expect you, who killed the whole clan, to dare to come to the village and say, what is the purpose of your trip"

Xiao Yun clenched his fists, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he looked like he was going to fight at any time.

"Interesting little ghost, although your strength is not worth my cut, but you are also the fifth generation Hokage, my shark muscles can be barely chopped, Itachi, if you don't mind, I want to cut a Hokage first, and then go to complete the task"

The dried persimmon ghost shark picked up the big knife in his hand with one hand, pointed at Xiao Yun and said.

"Yes, but you have to fight quickly to avoid attracting other ninjas,"

Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"Okay, I'll be very fast, Hokage-sama, I'll just cut off your hands and feet, bear with me, and I'll be over soon,"

after saying that, Ganpei Oni rushed over with a big sword and shark muscles.

Facing the dried persimmon ghost shark that can hang the eight tails and fight and is known as the tailless tailed beast, where does Xiao Yun dare to be careless, and instantly opened the third gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia.


Xiao Yun held the kunai in his hand, he could block the split of the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"What a lot of power

" Xiao Yun's mouth was numb for a while, he opened three doors and almost didn't block this blow, Xiao is really all talented people in the organization, riding horses, but he doesn't speak well, he has a short temper, and he fights and kills when he meets, what kind of hatred and grudge?"

"Hmph, boy, good strength, actually defended against my shark muscles, yes, it is indeed a person worthy of my cut".

The dried persimmon ghost shark smiled, and waved the shark muscle in his hand again, even splitting and slashing, but Xiao Yun's position was very elegant, since fusing the thunder and yang thunder in Sammer's body, Xiao Yun's speed was at least five times faster than before.

For a while, the dried persimmon ghost shark had no way to take Xiao Yun.

"It's as slippery as a loach, it seems that if you don't move a little real, you can't be lowered"

bang, the dried persimmon ghost shark inserted the shark muscle into the ground, and his hands were sealed.

"Oni Shark, pay attention to the scope of the spell

" Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly, is this guy in a hurry?

"Water Escape~ Dam Who repairs"


, the water of the waves spewed out violently from the mouth of the Ganpei Oni Shark instantly formed a huge ellipsoidal water prison, and before Xiao Yun could react, he was trapped in the water prison.

I knocked on Nima, this horse is called a little real

? This is obviously a ninjutsu to deal with the eight tails, and it is actually used to deal with me?

This is also too worthy of me!

Xiao Yun floated in the water prison, and his heart couldn't help but cry bitterly.

Stepping on a horse.,In the original book, it's not Itachi who came to Konoha and beat Kakashi violently.,And then he was forced away by Jiraiya.,And then there's no then.。

This plot is not right!

can't wait for death, can't wait for death, Xiao Yun kept shouting in his heart.


, Lei Dun himself also has the special Lei Dun

produced after fusing the two thunders of Thunder and Neon Yin and Yang, and he is in the water escape, which has an amplifying effect on Lei Dun.

In the

face of such an enemy, he will not give himself a second chance.

Looking at the dried persimmon ghost shark rushing towards him, Xiao Yun took a deep breath of water and secretly shouted: Mu Dun ~ Tree Binding Eternal Burial.

"This ......

" Xiao Yun's eyes widened, his Mu Dun ninjutsu couldn't be used in this water prison?"

"Hmph, I'm sorry to disappoint you, in my water escape, you can't use ninjutsu"

The dried persimmon ghost shark suddenly appeared beside Xiao Yun, raised his leg is a kick, and directly kicked Xiao Yun out.


, Xiao Yun spat out a mouthful of blood, a huge sense of crisis hit, you can't use Mu Dun, you will be more than half of it, how can this be done

? I don't know what Konoha and the gang are doing, Grandma Li, it is said that such a big water escape technique should have been discovered a long time ago, why don't you come to support?

If it drags on, you will have to choose the sixth generation Hokage

! Come on!

Xiao Yun shouted frantically in his heart, and between the lightning and thunder, Xiao Yun no longer knew how many attacks he had been attacked by the Ganpei Ghost Shark.


, I'm going to fight, instead of waiting for death, it's better to give it a go, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold, flashing with a cold light.


Ganpei Ghost Shark finally had a good time, and suddenly transformed into a shadow shark and stabbed at Xiao Yun fiercely......

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