I Ai Luo stared at Xiao Yun deadly, his bloodshot eyes full of bloodthirsty madness.

"Another delicious blood!hahaha"

I Ai Luo stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corners of his mouth, as if he was going to devour Xiao Yun alive.


this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a white scarf covering half of his face suddenly appeared in the middle of Xiao Yun and my Airo.

"Seal of Sand"

Ma Ji sealed with both hands, and with one hand forward, a yellow light flashed, and there was a swastika condensed by sand on his hand, and he shot towards Iro.

I saw that the word "swastika" ignored my Airo's sand shield, and directly passed through it, and possessed my Airo's body.

My Ai Luo looked stunned, and the bloodthirsty meaning in his eyes gradually dissipated, and after a while, he became as indifferent as just now.

"What's your name?"

I Ai Luo looked at Xiao Yun coldly.

"Xiao Yun!" "Xiao Yun

, you are very good, I hope you don't meet me on the playing field, otherwise I don't mind burying you in my sand" I

Ai Luo smiled coldly.

"Yes, I hope you don't run into me in the arena, otherwise I don't mind kicking your balls"

Xiao Yun was not to be outdone.

I Airo grinned and said confidently, "Yes, I expect you to kick my balls"

After saying that, he turned around and left with the gourd on his back.

"Damn, hell, this is the first time I've ever seen someone ask for this. Don't worry, I'm going to kick your balls, and Jesus can't keep them, I said it!"

Xiao Yun said loudly to my Airo's back.

Although I Airo in the later stage is a good boy, but in the early stage, I Airo is a murderous bastard, and I have to teach him a good lesson before he gets better.


The Konoha Wanguo Hotel

was already overcrowded at this time, and most of the rooms had already been booked, of course, basically all of them were booked by ninjas from the five ninja countries.

As for the ninjas in other small ninja villages, they basically live in those cheap homestays, and some loose ninjas who have no money simply set up tents in the suburbs.

The happiest people are the restaurant owners and casino owners who hold such a grand event, especially the most famous moonlit izakaya in Konoha and the largest casino, the Crocodile Casino.

In the past few days, the girls in the izakaya under the moonlight are completely insufficient, and even the proprietress who quit the rivers and lakes has reappeared.

But the ninjas who come here to have fun are one after another, although the girls make money happily, but there are too many people

who can't stand it, and the monkeys can't live it! The girls have easy money, and naturally they won't cherish it, and they all came to the crocodile casino after making money, and they all came to the crocodile casino when they made money, and they were more heroic than one when they placed bets.


God is really unfair, why should a woman go there, hum two bodies, and the money will come, and the man will work hard to make money, trembling twice, and the day's salary will be gone.

Whether it's in the Blue Star or the Hokage world, it's all, and God is so unfair to men.

Xiao Yun looked at this group of women who spent so much money, and there was a burst of envy in his heart.

At this time, in the crocodile casino, various gambling tables have been unveiled one after another.

Fog Shadow Village White VS Grass Shadow Village Hui Ring

The avatars and various information of the two appeared on the huge screen.

White: Ice Ninja

Hui Ring: The ratio of fire ninja

wins and losses is 1 to 8, white wins with 8, and Hui Ring wins with 1.

The reason why there are such odds with a betting limit of 50,000

is because the fire escape of the Hui ring can melt the white ice escape.

Xiao Yun frowned slightly, Bai? Is it the Bai who followed Momochi and never slashed again

? How could she come to participate in the Shinobi Competition

? Shouldn't he have died in Kakashi's hands

? Could it be that I used to watch a fake Hokage?

Continuous question marks appeared in Xiao Yun's mind.

No matter what, Xiao Yun decisively chose to buy 50,000 yuan for Bai to win, because Bai's strength is very strong, and it is more than enough to deal with a ninja who is under the fire escape, at least that's what it says in the original book.

"Wow, isn't this Xiao Yun? Why did you buy it for nothing? and buy it in full, the brain is wat?"

A joking voice came, Xiao Yun turned around and looked, only to see a familiar figure coming-I love Luo.

"Isn't this my love Luo, take a good look at your balls, I won't be able to stay on you for a few days,"

Xiao Yun shot back, not to be outdone.

"Hmph, Bing Dun was perfectly restrained by Huo Dun, he didn't even have this bit of common sense, it seems that you don't deserve to die under my sand"

I Airo smiled disdainfully.

"I have a lot of money, I love it

, it's your business" After speaking, Xiao Yun walked to the next screen and carefully looked at the information of both sides of the game.

"Hmph, I heard that you made Tsunade's belly bigger, you really have good taste, you have to make a woman so much older than you, and you have to fight for her on the first day of the Thunder Shadow Village, Your Excellency is really enough sand sculpture" I

Airo's mocking voice came out again.

"You little hairy boy knows a fart, how much older is the little dragon girl than Yang Guo? How many years older are the seven fairies than Dong Yong? Which of them is unhappy?"

"As the so-called female junior, hugging gold bricks, Tsunade is only six years older than me, so let's count it and hold two gold bricks!"

Xiao Yun was stunned for a while.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in these things, do you have a kind of gambling with me" I

Ai Luo looked at Xiao Yun coldly......

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