Looking at the white as jade-like Tsunade, Xiao Yun couldn't help but marvel, although he had seen it before, it was still blood-pumping to watch it again.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but snicker, and said to himself: "I'm really a fucking genius, Oscar really sent me a little golden man, come on! It's time to charge!"

As soon as Xiao Yun's words fell, he couldn't wait to arch his mouth and lean his head over.

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly opened his eyes and stared

at Xiao Yun deadly

! Exposed!

Bang Bang, Xiao Yun chuckled in his heart, and couldn't help but slap himself in the mouth, why didn't he control this mouth at the critical moment?

"Come from the West"

"Tsunade, you listen to my quibbles...... Listen to my explanation"

Tsunade suddenly gently pressed his left hand against Xiao Yun's forehead, and made a silent movement with his right hand.


Gang's hand flicked easily, Xiao Yun screamed, and the whole person flew straight out and hit the wall.

An angry man jumped up and walked towards Xiao Yun with his fists in full swing.

"Tsunade, calm down, you're still pregnant!" Xiao

Yun was scared, this is really stealing chickens and rice.

"Calm down, you are paralyzed, the old lady asked you to pretend, so that you want to have bad intentions towards me"

Tsunade rounded his arm and slapped Xiao Yun violently.


Konoha Medical Room

: "Who is the patient's family?" A Konoha medical ninja in a white lab coat walked out with a report sheet

, "I!doctor, Xiao Yun, how is he?"

Shizun walked over.

"Eight broken ribs, comminuted fractures of the left arm, massive hemorrhage in the aorta, and a ruptured lobe...... You go and pay the bill,"

the medical ninja said and left.

Mute froze in place, he just had a fever last night, can a fever make people like

this?" "Tsunade-sama, what's wrong with Xiao Yun?"

Shizune looked at Tsunade suspiciously, this injury was obviously beaten by someone, and only Tsunade was with him from yesterday to now.

"This bastard, he...... Forget it, you go pay the money"

Tsunade left the hospital in a huff.

Five days later, Xiao Yun was still lying on the bed with bandages all over his body, getting rid of a mummy, and his face showed a look of "pain" from time to time, in fact, just yesterday, he had fully recovered.

All of this is thanks to Mu Dun Chakra

, it is really amazing, "Death Gangshou, the most poisonous is a woman's heart, the ancients are honest and do not deceive me, sooner or later, labor and management will push you to make you cry and cry Jamailao"

Xiao Yun said viciously.

"What did you say?" A cold voice sounded from Xiao Yun's side, and Tsunade came to his side at some point.

"No... It's nothing," Xiao Yun was half frightened to death.

"Tomorrow, you will give the old lady to the lower ninja training class, remember that you only have one year to promote the middle ninja, if you don't finish

it, the old lady will castrate you, save yourself from harming others" "I can't get out of

bed!" "You pretend to the old lady again?" believe it or not, I will let you never get up in bed!"

Xiao Yun: &*@×


Konoha Village

Ninja Training Room

"Hello everyone, please welcome the new classmate with the warmest applause - Xiao Yun!"

Xiao Yun slowly walked into the classroom, and when he saw the students inside, he instantly had a black line.

A special elementary school student!

Although he looks younger, he looks like a college student no matter what.

Thinking that he would be in the same class with a group of elementary school students from today, Xiao Yun's heart couldn't help but gallop.

"Ah Rika fell to the death of slaughtering a billion horses, the first time we met, please take care of me, my name

is Xiao Yun, you can call me Xiao Sang!" Xiao Yun bowed at 90 degrees, and performed a standard Dazuo courtesy

, and follow the customs!"Wow, Zi Ba Laxi!

Xiao Sang is so handsome!" "Wow, Xiao Sang's blue hair is so elegant

" "Haruno Sakura, Sasuke-kun will give it to you, Xiao Sang is mine!"


Xiao Yun smiled faintly, a group of little kids, handsome who know a fart, when it comes to handsomeness, what I admire most in my life is the migrant worker with the pen name of the first handsome brother of Blue Star, who is really shocking, both men and women are killed.

At this time, Xiao Yun was not in the mood to listen to this group of little girls praise herself, she must become a Zhongnin within a year, otherwise she still can't get rid of the ending of becoming Xiao Gonggong.

"Iruka Saisai, where is my place?" Xiao

Yun politely looked at the ninja in front of him who was about his own age.

"Xiao San, your position is in the middle of the back,"

Iruka said this, and the girls in the classroom suddenly sighed.

Xiao Yun walked quickly to the end and sat down, only to see two people sitting in the last row of seats, a blonde boy sleeping soundly, and

the other a young man looking out of the window with a gloomy face, dressed in the costume of the Uchiha clan.

Their names are about to come out, the Uchiha two pillars and the crown prince Naruto Uzumaki.

I didn't expect that I was actually assigned to the same class as the male number one and the male number two in Naruto.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's learn how to use

chakra today" Iruka paused, then looked at all the students in the class and said, "Before that, I want to ask all students, what is chakra?" "I

know, Iruka-sensei!" A

handsome girl with pink hair raised her hand in the air.

"I know that too,"

the girl's seatmate raised his hand at the same time.

Iruka smiled, looked at one of them, and said, "Ino

, you can answer" "Chakra refers to the power generated by the perfect fusion of the energy of the various parts controlled by the human body, and it is the source of energy for performing ninjutsu, illusion, physical arts, and enhancing combat strength

" "Well, that's a good answer, is there anyone else you would like to add?" Iruka asked.

"Teacher, I'll come,"

Sakura said argued.

Iruka smiled and nodded in agreement.

In the natural world, there are seven kinds of fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, yang, and yin. When the two chakra properties are mixed at the same time, a new retreat will be generated, which is called "Blood Inheritance Limit",

"For example: wind + water = ice, earth + water = wood. Usually only a very small number of ninjas can develop this new escape technique on their own, such as pacifying the troubled times, and the original Hokage master who created Konoha was born with a wood attribute chakra,"

Sakura said.

"Sakura-chan is very good, please take a seat!" Iruka smiled in satisfaction.

When Sakura heard this, she proudly looked at the table on the side.

"You're smug!"

Ino muttered quietly.

"You're the little watch, your whole family is a little watch,"

Sakura Haruno immediately scolded.

"Sakura Haruno, it's class time, I don't quarrel with you, there's a kind of waiting for me at the door after school, see if I don't tear your mouth apart"

Ino looked at Sakura viciously.

"I'll be afraid of you, whoever doesn't come, who's granddaughter!" After

saying that, the two of them turned around angrily at the same time, not looking at the other.

"Ino and Sakura are both very good, then next, we will have a chakra detection session, and the students who shouted their names are invited to come to me"

After saying that, Iruka pulled out a ...... similar to an iPad

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