The next day

, Xiao Li, Ningji, and Shikamaru separated from Naruto again.

But before parting, Xiao Yun asked them for a few signal flares.

"Uncle, I swear in the name of the Hokage that I will never lose the flare again this time!"

Naruto assured.

"If you lose it again, I'll chop you Ji'er,"

Xiao Yun said angrily.


Naruto saluted Xiao Yun in a matter-of-fact manner.

"By the way, Brother Yun, what should you do with these three people?" Yumi

Hinata pointed to the three sand shinobi lying on the ground.

I saw that the faces of these three people were pale and bloodless, although they were in a coma, their faces were extremely painful, with more air in and less breath, and some blood spurted out from the corners of their mouths from time to time.

"Alas, my Buddha is merciful, great compassion, dig a pit and bury it!"

Xiao Yun finished speaking, and dug three pits with his bare hands.

I don't know if it's back to the light, or what, the moment the three of them were thrown into the pit, they all opened their eyes, pointed at Xiao Yun and wanted to say something, but before they could say it, they were buried in the soil by Xiao Yun, and they stepped on it.


Somewhere in the Forest of Death

, "I'm Airo, Sla, Nomi, and Klin, the three of them are killed,"

Kankuro said with a gloomy face.

"How come

?" Temari showed an incredible look, although the three of them were not good in personal strength, they had the spell mark given by Lord Kazekage, and the three of them could still be combined, how could they be killed?"

"I love Luo, I don't think it's a wise choice for us to divide our soldiers into three ways

, I ......" "Shut up, Kanjiuro" I Ai Luo coldly interrupted Kanjiuro, and Kanjiuro

was suddenly too frightened to speak.

"Hmph, I didn't expect Xiao Yun to have such a powerful physical technique, it's a bit interesting"

With a wave of my Ai Luo's left hand, a sand condensed eye flew quickly from the depths of the grass to my Ai Luo's side, and then turned into sand and slowly fell to the ground.

Eyes of the Sand!

The battle just now has been clearly seen by my Airo.

That's right, those three sand ninjas were just sent by my Airo to test Xiao Yun's strength, as for their life and death, I Airo doesn't care at all, after all, they are just three chess pieces.

"What should we do next, if the Wendu group is also killed, we will lose a lot, why don't we call them back, let's reformulate the battle plan"

Temari asked.

"No, let Wendu and them go as planned"

I Ai Luo closed his eyes and said indifferently, he didn't care about the outcome of the game at all, and he didn't care about the death of a few teammates, he only cared about whether he could capture Xiao Yun and Sasuke alive, which was related to whether he could sleep well in the future.

"Your Excellency is so skilled, you can lurk so close to me"

I Airo suddenly opened his eyes and stared at a dark bush not far away.

There is an enemy!

Kankuro and Temari were suddenly startled and put on a fighting posture.

"I love Luo"

An indifferent voice came from the darkness, and the person did not appear.

"Konoha ninja, you dare to come alone, what a gut, do you look down on me?"

the corners of my Airo's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of contempt.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy, I'm just here to make a deal with you"

The indifferent voice came from the darkness again, and after speaking, a scroll shot straight at me from the darkness.

A claw made of condensed sand suddenly appeared in front of my Airo, and he pinched the scroll.

After reading the scroll, I was silent for a long time, and said: "Hmph, the guy who hides his head and tail!It turns out that you are Hinata Ningci of the Hyuga clan, but why should

I believe you?" "Whether you believe it or not, I just tell you, I want Xiao Yun to die, I will solve the three Konoha ninjas to prove my sincerity, and after that, you decide whether you want to cooperate with me to kill Xiao Yun"

After speaking, there was a noise in the grass, and Hinata Ningji left.

"I love Luo, be careful of the fraud,"

Kankuro Masasei said.

"Hehe, you don't know, Hinata Ningji used to be lovers with Hinata Yumi, and now the Hyuga family wants to match Hinata Yumi to Xiao Yun, it is estimated that this guy is hated because of love, and it is reasonable to want to cooperate with me to get Xiao Yun, but I won't fully believe him, and look at his sincerity" I

Ailuo said.

When Temari and Kankuro heard this, they showed expressions that were exactly the same.


Besides, Xiao Yun and the three of them, time passed minute by minute, and another day passed in a blink of an eye.

"Okay seven, uncle, how did you grill this fish, it is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the meat is fragrant, it is better than Ichiraku ramen"

Naruto had already eaten more than a dozen fish grilled by Xiao Yun.

"Naruto, can you eat less, aunt, I only ate one, but then again, Brother Yun, I really didn't expect you to be not only handsome, strong, but also so good at cooking, I really admire you so much!"

Hinata Yumi regained her silly and sweet appearance, and looked directly at Xiao Yun, her watery eyes, her beautiful face, and her graceful figure made people really want to swallow her in one bite.

The key is that this product also rubs Xiao Yun's arm with his body from time to time, for fear that he will not be able to arouse Xiao Yun's fire.

Grandma Li's, this girl is really infuriating, Xiao Yun really can't wait to slap her against the wall, and she is abrupt.

But thinking of Tsunade, Xiao Yun could only forcibly suppress the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and squeezed a smile, and said to Hinata Yumi: "Yumi, I said that he is a normal man after all, can you keep a safe distance from me?"

"Giggles, Brother Yun can't stand it? Why don't you let Naruto give us the lamp, let's go to the woods to fight a field battle, let's go"

Saying that, Hinata Yumi dragged Xiao Yun into the grass.

"I ......

" Xiao Yun was speechless, saying that all the women in the island Chinese are so unrestrained

, "I don't bother to pay attention to you!"

Xiao Yun broke free of Yumi's hands, ran to the stream, and stood under the flowing water, constantly extinguishing the anger in his body.


Xiao Yun's embarrassment made Hinata Yumi can't help but let out a smile like a silver bell.

But in the blink of an eye, Hinata Yumi suddenly seemed to remember something, and the expression on her face became serious, and she had to find a way to stop her grandfather from letting Xiao Yun give other women in the clan hehe.

The so-called mother is more expensive than her son, if other women give birth to children who have awakened the bloodline of the big barrel wood, they are still a fart in the clan.

Xiao Yun can only belong to me alone, it's a big deal that I have ten or eight with him, and there is always one who can awaken the bloodline of the big barrel wood.

If it doesn't work, let him have children with other women in the clan, but the biological mother of the child who has awakened the bloodline of the big barrel wood must not be kept, and can only be raised by me as a grandfather

, are you really a big sand sculpture, are you confused when you are old?

Thinking of this, Hinata Yumi's innocent eyes suddenly flashed a trace of ruthlessness, but she concealed it very well, and it was fleeting.

At this moment, a huge burst of green light shot up into the sky, it was a signal flare!

The three of them were stunned

, "Yumi, open your eyes quickly"

Xiao Yun hurriedly said.


Yumi Hinata instantly rolled her eyes.

"Xiao Yun, it seems to be the direction where Ning Ci is"

Yumi said anxiously.

"Let's go, let's go and see"

Xiao Yun and the three of them quickly rushed over.


"Sasuke, that's a distress flare,"

Sakura said.

"Hinata Shirasawa, quickly open your eyes and see the situation,"

Sasuke hurriedly turned his head like Hinata Shirasawa and said.


" Hinata Bai Ze opened his eyes, looked at it for a while and said: "It's a hit, it seems that Ningci's group has been attacked, their chakra seems to be losing quickly, let's save them quickly"


Just when a few people were about to leave, suddenly a few kunai with detonation charms shot towards a few people.

The sound of bang-bang

explosions was incessant, kicking up thick white smoke.

The smoke cleared, and I saw four ninjas with sand ninjas protecting their foreheads suddenly appear in front of several people.

"Do you want to help, get past us first,"


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