When the scorching sun was headed

, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, and a set of Wang Baquan played tiger and tiger style.

After the preparatory actions were completed, Xiao Yun successively used all the Mu Dun ninjutsu he had mastered one after another.

Of course, except for the most powerful Mu Dun ~ Fire and Wood Killing Technique, no, to be precise, this technique should now be called the Fire Wood Thunder Killing Technique.

After absorbing the thunder and thunder in Samyi's body, this technique came with the explosive effect of the thunder attribute, which was three times more powerful than before.

And just after Xiao Yun opened the third door of the Eight Doors Dunjia, the amount of chakra in his body has been greatly improved, and now even the nine-tailed chakra in Naruto's body can be released.

Of course, it costs half of the total amount of chakra in the body, and the cooldown time has been changed to once every five days.

"Xiao Yun, who do you see coming?" Suddenly

, Maitkai's voice came, Xiao Yun looked back, and saw Maitkai walking towards him, followed by Kakashi.

What Xiao Yun didn't expect was that there was also a beautiful and moving woman full of young woman's charm with him~ Sunset Red!"

"Xiao Yun, Summerer has already used the first priority challenge of points, and chooses to fight with you in seven days"

Kakashi said with a straight face.

"Well, I guessed"

Xiao Yun nodded, which was expected.

"But what makes me feel strange is that this Summerer seems to have a great hatred for you, and he has to fight you to the death, and even Lei Ying can't persuade him, Xiao Yun, have you offended him in anything?"

A gentle and beautiful voice came, and it was Tsunade's best friend who spoke~ Sunset Red.

"I don't know about this"

Xiao Yun shook his head weakly, I can't tell you that I took the blood of his future wife, kidnapped her, and took away the thunder that originally belonged to Summer.

Kakashi let out a long sigh and said, "No matter, in the next few days, I, Sunset Red, and Maitkai will be in charge of your training, I will be in charge of Lei Dun's training, Kai will be in charge of physical arts, and Red will be in charge of

illusion confrontation" "Wait, Kakashi-sensei, why do you want to learn illusion confrontation?"

Xiao Yun said.

"Don't you know, in addition to being a rare Thunder Escape genius for a thousand years, Samer is also a master of illusions, so you have to be fully prepared, it's strange to say, this news was revealed to us by Samui from Thunder Shadow Village"

Kakashi really doesn't understand why Samui revealed such important information to Konoha, it doesn't make sense!

Sunset Red on the side showed a thoughtful expression, and there was a little more different color in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Yun.

It turned out that Samyi said it, and Xiao Yun looked clear.


In the afternoon of the same day

, Kakashi had a temporary matter, and Maitkai had a bad old waist, so Sunset Red was in charge of the training of illusion confrontation.

"Teacher Sunset, let's start"

Xiao Yun said impatiently, at this moment, he didn't want to delay a minute or a second, after all, the victory or defeat of the duel was related to the fate of Tsunade.

"Don't worry, before that, I have something to ask you" Sunset Red's beautiful and moving face showed a serious look.

"What's the matter? Just ask, I must know everything, and I will say everything,"

Xiao Yun said respectfully.

"What is your relationship with that Samui?" asked

Sunset Red.

Xiao Yun was stunned, he didn't expect that Sunset Red would ask this question.

"Just... I've met a few times, what kind of relationship can I have"

Xiao Yun is a man with excellent psychological quality, even in the face of a shadow-level ninja like Tsunade, he should be shameless when he should be shameless.

But for some reason, in front of this woman, Xiao Yun felt a little empty-hearted, especially when facing her eyes full of wisdom like rubies, even more empty-hearted.

"Xiao Yun, you can hide it from Tsunade, but you can't hide it from me, I have seen that Samyi, whenever she mentions you, that look, that expression, that blush, I can be 100% sure that you have slept with her, and more than once"

Sunset Red had a faint smile on his face, looking at Xiao Yun with great confidence.


Yun only felt that her head was buzzing, and this woman had observed too carefully.

"You... Will you tell Tsunade?"

Xiao Yun looked at Sunset Red weakly.

"Look at your performance"

Sunset Red's beautiful face showed a hint of cunning.

Look at my performance? What do you mean?

Xiao Yun looked at the sunset red suspiciously.

"Alright, let's learn illusion with me first, and I'll tell you what you're going to do for me,"

Sunset Red said.

Xiao Yun was stunned, he had only seen this woman twice in total, and she was pinched to death.


, Ape Fei Asma, you really have found a good wife.

"Okay! No matter what Teacher

Sunset Red asks me to do, I will go to the soup and fight the fire, and I will not give up" Xiao Yun immediately said, he was really afraid that Sunset Red would run in front of Tsunade and be forced to do so, with Tsunade's explosive temper, he had to know that his red apricot was out of the wall, and he might be able to beat the child out.


Sunset Red smiled, smiling like a quiet flower, different from Tsunade's charm and Samui's beauty, she is the kind of beauty that seems to make people's hearts calm, and the more you look at it, the more beautiful she is.

"Do you coax women like that every time?" asked

Sunset Red with a smile.

"Actually, it's not every time, I'm just like this to Teacher Sunset Hong, for Tsunade and Samyi, I forcibly push it down, get on the boat first and then make up the ticket

" Xiao Yun smiled, and sneered in his heart: Dare to pinch me? Labor and management tease you first!

" Dare to tease the teacher, see if I don't tell Tsunade, let her pick your skin" Sunset Hong smiled and said: "Okay, no kidding, today we will learn the basics of illusion"


Xiao Yun said.

"Tell me about your understanding of illusion first,"

Sunset Red asked.

"Illusion is an attempt to target the enemy's five senses and plunge them into a world of illusions. Clever illusion users can even manipulate the chakra flow in the enemy's cranial nerves at will, which is a combat style that requires extremely high intelligence,"

Xiao Yun said eloquently.

"Yes, but that's just a basic understanding. Many powerful illusions can even surpass common sense, for example, the illusions of the Uchiha clan and the Kurama clan are more powerful than you can imagine, you listen carefully to me......

" Sunset Red said slowly.

Xiao Yun listened very attentively, but he didn't expect that the illusions in the Hokage World were far more mysterious than he imagined......

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