Konoha Top Duel Arena

This is a super-large dueling arena specially built by Konoha for this time for the Shinobi Trials, which can accommodate 50,000 spectators at the same time.

At this time, the dueling arena was already overcrowded.

There is still half an hour before the match between Xiao Yun and Samer starts, and the shadows from each village in the VIP table have already sat down early, chatting and laughing together, and behind them are all followed by the talented juniors of the village.

"Tsunade-hime, it's been a long time"

It was the fifth-generation Mizukage of Fog Shadow Village who spoke, and I saw her dressed in a bold outfit, setting off her perfect figure to the fullest, and after taking off her Mizukage hat, she revealed a mature and charming face.

Tsunade just nodded coldly, obviously not wanting to deal with this woman.

"What kind of man can make a beautiful woman like Tsunade Ji willingly give birth to a child for him, I can't wait to meet it"

Terumi didn't seem to care about Tsunade's coldness, and continued to laugh.

"Better than the men who climbed into your bed anyway,"

Tsunade said angrily.

"Tsunade, don't be rude"

The three generations of Hokage frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that the incident that happened between Tsunade and Terumi back then, Tsunade is still haunted by it.

"Is it? That's a man who deserves to melt with love, you have to take care of him, so that one day I will come to the door with a big belly and rob you of a man, giggles"

Terumi laughed uninhibitedly.

"Bah, shameless"

Tsunade gave her a blank look and simply got up to leave.

"Your Excellency Hokage, I heard that Xiao Yun of your village not only has extremely high talent and physical skills, but also abducted Samyi, the most important subordinate of the Thunder Shadow, admire and admire"

Tsuchikage looked at the Hokage with a smile.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying looked at Tuying with disdain and said: "Two days flat, you don't have a weird yin and yang there, it is better to help the village cultivate a few more outstanding talents with this idle time

" "Hmph, Your Excellency Lei Ying, you have a good account that others can't see, do you think the old man is also blind?" I think you want to bet on both ends, if Xiao Yun wins, you will form an alliance with Konoha and marry Samyi to him, if he loses, you will abolish the alliance with Konoha and take Samui back, yes or no?"

Tsuchikage looked at Thunder Shadow with a smile.

"You let your fuck fart"

The four generations of Lei Ying were instantly furious, and Sam Yi was like his own daughter in his heart.

"The two of them are so old, why do they quarrel as soon as they meet" The

three generations of Hokage were speechless.

The shadow doors of the rest of the small villages were also talking to each other, of course, only the four generations of wind shadows in the entire VIP table had been silent, looking at Xiao Yun in the field coldly.

And what he didn't know was that in the darkness at this time, the Hokage's descendants were staring at him deadly, just waiting for the Hokage-sama to give an order, and they rushed up to take down the Kazekage.

The reason is very simple, at this moment, Konoha has already died as a real wind shadow, and the wind shadow in front of him is Orochimaru pretending.

The referee in the arena

this time was Kakashi.

"Xiao Yun, Sammer, I would like to advise you again, as the geniuses of Thunder Shadow Village and Konoha Village, any damage to your respective villages would be a huge loss, and it would be too late to cancel the life-and-death battle now,"

Kakashi Masasei said.

"I don't care, it's up to Samer"

Xiao Yun spread his hands, he was still a little guilty about Sammer, after all, if he didn't have himself, Samyi would definitely marry him.

"What nonsense? Today it's either me killing Xiao Yun, or I'm killing Xiao Yun and opening up the enchantment, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time"

Samer looked at Xiao Yun with a hideous face.

Kakashi sighed helplessly, according to the rules, once the life and death battle is signed, it must be canceled by both parties at the same time, and said, "Since this is the case, then I can only wish the two of you good luck

, the enchantment class opens the enchantment, and everyone evacuates the enchantment" "Yes"

The enchantment opened

Four lilac barriers appeared, wrapping Xiao Yun and Samer in it, and the rest of the unrelated people were all evacuated.

"Xiao Yun, you are a waste, you can't even protect your own woman, the thing with a silver gun wax head"

Summerer looked at Xiao Yun with disdain.

Xiao Yun, who has always been sharp-tongued and never willing to suffer, chose to remain silent, and said after a long time: "Don't worry, I will definitely save Samui

" "What do you have to do with me if you can't save that slut? Hahahahahaha"

Summerer laughed, laughing extremely miserably.

"Do you know? Xiao Yun, you have taken away all my illusions of beauty, all illusions!, so today, you ~ will~ must~ die"

Drink Summerer snorted, his shirt was shattered, revealing his extremely strong chest muscles, and then his hands quickly sealed.

"Thunder Dun ~ Lei Zhikai"

stabbed lala, stabbed lala

, I saw Samer wrapped in blue thunder and lightning, and his hair stood up, like the god of thunder descending into the world.

This appearance is somewhat similar to Xiao Yun's after opening the Eight Gates, except that Summer's hair is blue at this time, and after Xiao Yun uses the Eight Doors Dunjia, his hair is green.


Yun couldn't help but sigh secretly, this kind of momentum is almost the same as that of himself who opened the three doors, and he is worthy of being the first day of Thunder Shadow Village.

However, I, Xiao Yun, am not a vegetarian.


the third gate of Bamen Dunjia ~ Humen ~ Kai

Xiao Yun's momentum rose to the sky, and he steadily suppressed Summer's head.

The two forces competed in the air, and even if they were separated by a layer of enchantment, they could feel the power in them.

The audience in the stands

was stunned, just this momentum, there is no ordinary upper ninja, right?" "Ou Di is a mother, is this Nima a lower ninja?" "How can you make me embarrassed by this middle forbearance

" "My God, I originally thought that Xiao Yun This guy is a guy who eats soft rice, and he has two brushes


"Aren't you talking nonsense? Who is Tsunade, the granddaughter of the Thousand Hands Pillar, you think that just being handsome can enter her eyes, superficial!"

"In my opinion, that Sammer's momentum is not bad, this trip to Konoha is not in vain, this is destined to be a dragon and tiger fight, I am looking forward to it"

"Originally, I wanted Xiao Yun to take him three hundred moves, looking at the posture, I can't go in three moves"


Among all the audience, the one who was most shocked was Sasuke, since defeating Naruto, Sasuke has always felt that even if he can't beat Xiao Yun, he can still have a draw with him.

But as soon as Xiao Yun made this move, Sasuke knew that he was by no means Xiao Yun's opponent, and Xiao Yun would also be able to escape, and those mysterious purple eyes, maybe there were other tricks hidden.

"Damn, Summer, kill Xiao Yun for me"

Sasuke couldn't help but clench his fists, staring at the two people in the field, secretly cheering for Sameer in his heart.

"Xiao Yun, you are very good, if I guess correctly, after you get the Yin Thunder in Samyi's body, all your attacks will have the attack effect of Thunder Chakra"

Samer saw it coldly.

"That's right, it's still too late to admit defeat, I promised Samyi not to kill you,"

Xiao Yun said lightly......

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