"Nani, are you telling the truth?"

The four generations of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi, who had just returned from training, took action, and it was obvious that they didn't believe what Samyi said.

"Lord Thunder Shadow, although I am with Xiao Yun now, I always have the blood of Thunder Shadow Village in my body, and Thunder Shadow Village is also my home, so I naturally won't have half a word of lie to

you" "The people in that Dragon Cave are very powerful, please forgive me, it is estimated that even you are not the opponent of that Sister

Zhen" Samyi said slowly

, "Sister Zhen?"

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow looked at Samyi suspiciously.

"Yes, there are several masters like Sister Zhen in Longdi Cave, and they also have a mysterious figure called the White Snake Immortal, no one knows how strong it

is" "The most important thing is that Longdi Cave seems to be deliberately choosing Xiao Yun to inherit their power, so now is definitely the most cost-effective time to invest in Xiao Yun"

Sam Yi said sincerely, his eyes flowing with eager anticipation.

"Hmph!Samui, in order to help your man, you can make up any lies, Dragon Cave, White Snake Immortal or something, it's just ridiculous

" Daru, the guard next to Thunder Shadow, looked at Samui with disdain

, "Darui, what I said is true, believe it or not"

Samui is too lazy to take care of this guy.

"Hmph, even if what you said is true, how long has he only been with you when you come back except for Xiao Yun is Xiao Yun?"

"Summer...... How is he?"

At the mention of Samer, Sam's beautiful face added a hint of apology.

"He died, for you, he chose to die with Xiao Yun, your man is alive and well, but your brother who grew up together is dead, lying in the grave, never getting up"

Darui roared at Sam with tears in his eyes.

Two lines of tearful ...... instantly flowed from Samui's face

Everyone in Konoha Village

is desperately trying to rebuild Konoha, of course, except for some remnants of the group in the root organization, this remnant force should not be underestimated.

They united with some of Konoha's forces against Xiao Yun, not only hindering Xiao Yun everywhere, but also repeatedly turning a blind eye to Xiao Yun's newly promulgated Hokage Order, and even openly provoking Xiao Yun, the fifth-generation Hokage, in public.

Just today, Xiao Yun issued the fifth Hokage Decree after taking office, which stated that in order to rebuild Konoha, starting from the Hokage, each ninja must take on various assigned tasks according to their own strength to earn the funds needed to build Konoha.

However, this group of people actually tore up the mission order issued to them in public, and spread it around the village in groups, Xiao Yun ate soft rice everywhere in order to be the Hokage.

"Menyan, are we going to help Xiao Yun? The group of people in the root is really making too much trouble

" "No! Let's see if Xiao Yun has a Hokage's weapon" Mito Menyan and Zhuan Koharu looked at Xiao Yun in the Hokage's

office from a distance.


"Xiao Yun, are you just letting them go like that, you are the Hokage now"

Maitkai has long been unaccustomed to the people of that group of roots, if it weren't for Xiao Yun to stop him, he would have opened the Eight Doors Dunjia and punched a child.

"Yes, my Hokage-sama, why didn't I see you so endurable before?"

Sunset Red also frowned, looking at Xiao Yun puzzled.

Even if Xiao Yun's own strength is not good now, he is the nominal Hokage, as long as he gives an order, it is more than enough to clean up a few remnants of the roots.

"Tsunade, you can say something, if you let the people of the root continue to make trouble like this, your man's majesty will be swept away"

Sunset Hong looked at Xiao Yun and Tsunade who were extremely calm and speechless.

"If you want to make it perish, you must make it crazy"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yun's eyes, this group of root people are all people who have been brainwashed by Tuan Zang, they only recognize Tuan Zang in their eyes, not Konoha .

For this group of people, of course Xiao Yun knew that he couldn't pull them back, and since he couldn't pull them back, he had to get rid of them.

The key is that most of these people are mainly middle ninjas, and there are more than a dozen upper ninjas, if they act rashly and do not handle it properly, it will definitely provoke changes, and the situation that has been stabilized will collapse again.

At that time, external and internal troubles will break out together, and Konoha will face the catastrophe again.

In the past, I could look down on life and death, and I would do it if I was not satisfied, but when I was in a high position and controlled the overall situation, I knew that I had to be cautious in my actions, and if I was not careful, I would lose everything.

For example, in this matter, although they disobeyed orders many times, they also had a reason for saying that they were in charge of Konoha's vigilance, which was their job.

If Xiao Yun wants to rectify them, he must have a reasonable reason, and he must wait for a suitable time, and he must have an atmosphere of public opinion that is tilted towards him.

This is the so-called right time, place, and people!

Xiao Yun is waiting, waiting for Samyi to bring news.

Now Xiao Yun finally knows that leadership is really not a human thing, and everything cannot be based on one's own likes and dislikes as the code of conduct, but can only take the maximization of interests as the only code of conduct.

Those who are in the upper position must wait, endure, and be ruthless!

Xiao Yun simply closed his eyes.


, cooing, suddenly a carrier pigeon flew into Xiao Yun's office, Xiao Yun took down the letter tied to the pigeon's leg, and finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.

"Kakashi, Thunder Shadow will send thirty upper ninjas and one hundred middle ninjas to help us contain the Tsuchikage Village, when the time comes, you just need to keep an eye on the Fog Shadow

Village" "Tsunade, you go and prepare, find some reliable people, and then get some forehead guards and clothes from the Tsuchikage Village by the way, and listen to my deployment at any time

" "If the time and place are favorable today, the people must first settle inside, and this group of people with roots can't be left"

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered with a cold ......

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