Tsunade's beautiful eyes flickered as she stared at Uchiha Yehuo closely, curious as to why Uchiha Yehuo was willing to share the"Resurrection Technique" with her."?

"In recent days, I have seen that you are depressed and hopeless because of your brother Shengshu's death."

"You are a good girl, and we are friends. I am a little worried that you will be upset and have some suicidal thoughts."

"Therefore, I told you this immature resurrection technique.……"

"There is still hope for the resurrection of the Rope Tree."

With the memory of"Naruto" in his previous life, Uchiha Yehuo had a good impression of Tsunade.

After hearing what Uchiha Yehuo said, Tsunade's heart trembled a little. Tsunade did not expect that the boy in front of her would be so nice to her. Looking at Uchiha Yehuo, she felt a little more favorable.

"Hey! You said that you have made some progress recently and can connect to the Pure Land."

"Then can you take me to the Pure Land to see Rope Tree?"

Tsunade missed her deceased brother Rope Tree very much, and suddenly thought of Uchiha Yehuo who could enter the Pure Land.

This gave her the idea of "letting Yehuo take her to the Pure Land to visit Rope Tree".

Uchiha Yehuo thought for a moment and said:

"I entered the Pure Land, and there was no problem."


Tsunade's eyes wandered, and she asked anxiously:

"But what? ? ? ?"

Uchiha Yehuo pondered:"A few days ago, I tried to enter the Pure Land in the form of a soul."

"That time, I entered the Pure Land and successfully returned to the real ninja world."

"However, I found that entering the Pure Land consumes a lot of physical and mental energy."

"My current physical and mental energy is not enough to support me to stay in the Pure Land for a long time."

"Moreover, it may be because my mental strength is not strong enough, my soul state in the Pure Land is a little unstable."

Tsunade's eyes widened, her gaze burning, her face full of desire, fearing that Uchiha Hellfire would reject her:

"Karma fire, please, take me to the Pure Land!"

"I only have this one brother in the world."

"After Sheng Shu died, I missed her so much!"

"I really want to... take another look at my brother Shengshu……"

As she spoke, clear tears flowed from Tsunade's beautiful eyes.

Looking at the pitiful Tsunade, Uchiha Yehuo did not refuse:

"Okay! I'll take you to the Pure Land to meet Sheng Shu."

"However, my mental strength is not strong enough. We won't be able to meet and reminisce for too long.

Tsunade nodded repeatedly.……

"Before going to the Pure Land, I want to check your physical and mental energy."

"If your physical and spiritual energy is too poor, you cannot be introduced into the Pure Land."

"Even if I take you to the Pure Land, your body and spirit will suffer a great backlash."

Tsunade frowned slightly, her face showing some doubts, and she thought to herself, could my mental power be worse than that of the civilian Uchiha Karma?

Uchiha Karma stood in front of Tsunade at a close distance, stretched out his right hand, and pointed his two fingers at the center of Tsunade's eyebrows.

Suddenly, Tsunade felt a strong physical and mental energy pouring into Tsunade's body.

This physical energy and mental energy traveled in Tsunade's body...

Tsunade's beautiful eyes widened, her pink lips trembled, her face was horrified:"Karma...how can it be so powerful?"

After Uchiha Karma awakened his god-level physique, his physical energy was very strong.

In order to develop the resurrection technique, with the blessing of his amazing comprehension talent, Uchiha Karma's mental energy has also been greatly improved.

After a brief exploration, Uchiha Karma withdrew his two fingers from Tsunade's brow.

"Well... barely OK"

"I will take you to the Pure Land now"

"Do you have any items that Rope Tree used during his lifetime, or things like his hair?"

"The Pure Land is huge"

"With the things that Rope Tree used when he was alive, we can find Rope Tree in the Pure Land."

Tsunade frowned slightly, listened carefully to what Uchiha Yehuo said, turned her eyes, and thought:

"What items did Sheng Shu use during his lifetime?"

"Oh! By the way, the crystal stone necklace on my neck!"

Tsunade took off a necklace from her neck, on which hung an irregular rectangular green crystal stone.

"This crystal stone necklace was left by my grandfather, the first Hokage, and I later gave it to my younger brother, Hashirama.

Uchiha Yehuo took the crystal stone necklace from Tsunade:

"Stand firm, hold me tightly, close your eyes and concentrate, get rid of distracting thoughts, and focus your mental power."

Then, Uchiha Yehuo quickly formed a seal.

Soon, Tsunade felt her soul enter an ethereal state, her body became light, and she seemed to fly into the distant sky like a meteor. A yellow light flashed across the sky.

After a moment, Uchiha Yehuo's voice came:

""Okay! You can open your eyes now."

Tsunade opened her eyes, her face filled with astonishment, and found herself in an unfamiliar environment.

"Could this be... the Pure Land?"

"Well, that's right. This is the world of the Pure Land."

Uchiha Yehuo glanced around:

"According to the crystal stone necklace left by Rope Tree before his death, Rope Tree should be nearby"

"My mental strength can't hold out for long, we have to find the Rope Tree quickly."

Tsunade's eyes showed some surprise, she found that her body and Uchiha Yahuo's body were very light, and a little illusory.

Could this be the state of the soul body?

Uchiha Yahuo did not stay where he was, but took Tsunade's hand and looked around for the Rope Tree.

After searching for a while, there was nothing to find.

Tsunade held Uchiha Yahuo's hand, feeling a little confused:"Yahuo, is there no one around, the Rope Tree is not here?"

Uchiha Yahuo's brows were slightly startled, thinking:"With the guidance of the crystal necklace of the Rope Tree relic, it stands to reason that the Rope Tree should be very close to us."

"What went wrong?"

Just as Uchiha Yehuo and Tsunade were puzzled, a rough and deep voice suddenly came:

"Where did this little devil come from?"

"How dare you disturb me in the Pure Land!"

Although it was just a voice, it gave people the feeling of being lethal, with a bit of domineering in the tone.

Hearing this voice, Tsunade tightly held Uchiha Yehuo's hand and frowned.

Uchiha Yehuo's heart also became alert.

The two looked around, but did not find anyone.

Just when the two were confused.

Suddenly, a man in ancient red armor slowly walked towards them from a distance.

Tsunade frowned slightly, looked at the approaching man vigilantly, and felt an inexplicably powerful momentum:

"who is he?"

"Why isn't Rope Tree here?"

At this moment, facing the strong sense of oppression, Tsunade was even ready to fight.

Based on the memory of the previous life and the strong aura of the man in the distance, Uchiha Yehuo seemed to have guessed:

"Could he be Uchiha Madara?!"

After hearing what Uchiha Yakashi said, Tsunade was shocked!!!

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