Suddenly, a man in a black robe and a bamboo hat appeared in front of him.

Tsunade looked at him carefully.

"Who are you……"

The moment the hat was taken off

, Tsunade's eyes trembled.


After many years, Tsunade saw Uchiha Yaka again and was very excited.

However, Tsunade's eyes froze. She suddenly found that Uchiha Yaka looked exactly the same as he did fifteen years ago. He was still eighteen years old and had not aged at all.

"Yehuo, how come you are still so young?……"

At this moment, Tsunade is about 40 years old.

"I am 40 years old and Yehuo is 18 years old. We are husband and wife.……"

At the same time, when Uchiha Yehuo took off his hat, he also attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

Hatake Sakumo had a look of doubt on his face:

"He really is Uchiha Karma!"

"Matt Day, you're right."

"He hasn't aged at all.……"

Orochimaru, eyes wide open, in astonishment

"Twenty-five years have passed, how could Uchiha Yakashi still look like he was eighteen years old?"

For many years, Orochimaru has been conducting anti-human experiments in order to obtain eternal life.

However, Orochimaru sacrificed many innocent ninjas, and after countless experiments, he developed the forbidden technique"Reincarnation", which can only suppress the opponent's spirit and obtain the opponent's body.

It is a half-baked immortality.

At this moment, Orochimaru saw Uchiha Yakashi's young and perfect body.

His face was full of astonishment.

"Could it be that Uchiha Yehuo really has eternal life?"

The huge Nine-Tails was still destroying the village recklessly.

Uchiha Yehuo did not chat with everyone.

He flew towards the Nine-Tails.……


In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Yehuo, standing on the high roof, confronted the Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Yehuo's black robe figure immediately attracted everyone's attention. Shimura

Danzo, who was hiding at the Hokage Rock and watching the battle from afar, trembled.


"Who is that black-robed man?"

Tsutomu Koharu frowned in confusion.

"What a courage!"

"How dare he face the Nine-Tails alone?"

However, the jonin who were fighting the Nine-Tails at close range were shocked the moment they saw the face of the man in black robe. The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen recognized the identity of the man in black robe at a glance:

"Oh! The leader of the Hellfire clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Hellfire on the roof in surprise.

Mighty Dai showed a little joy on his face.

"He is the fire of karma!"

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"He is indeed the head of the Uchiha clan."

"But how can he look so young?"

Nara Shikaku frowned slightly.

"This guy hasn't appeared in the village for many years."

"Now, why are you back all of a sudden?"

Tsunade, following the fire, rushed to the front and stood beside Shikaku.

"He is my husband, I called him back"

"The fire of karma can help us deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox."

Yamakatsuki Inoichi, who had just been defeated by the Nine-Tailed Fox, looked very serious.

"Uchiha Yehuo, can one person do it?"

While everyone was talking, the Nine-Tailed Fox screamed towards the sky.


The shock wave in the air pushed everyone back several steps.

Just now, Yuhi Shinku launched an attack on the Nine-Tails, angering it.

At this time, the Nine-Tails fixed its eyes on Yuhi Shinku.

A huge tail swung towards Yuhi Shinku fiercely...

Yuhi Shinku, looking at the tail that was swinging towards her, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Facing the Nine-Tails at such a close distance, it was impossible to dodge.

Seeing Yuhi Shinku being hit, everyone was horrified.

Just as the huge tail hit Yuhi Shinku fiercely


A violent collision sounded.

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Everyone saw a huge chakra giant blocking the Nine-Tails' attack.

The chakra giant was dark green and wore armor.

It was shaped like a skeleton and had four arms.

The chakra giant completely covered the Uchiha Hellfire in the center of the giant's body.

Xihi Shinku opened her eyes and flew to the tall green giant to block the attack for herself.


"It was the fire that saved me!"

Xihi Shinku was thankful that the Fire Clan leader had helped her block the attack.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Hatake Sakumo stared at the green chakra giant.

"This is Susanoo!"

Mighty Dai exclaimed

"What a powerful force!"

In the distance,

Shimura Danzo, Utatane Koharu, and Mito Kado En, who were standing on the Hokage Rock watching the battle, were stunned.

"Susano no Huh?!"

"He is from the Uchiha clan!"

"Could he be... Uchiha Heihuo?"

Shimura Danzo stared with a pair of dead fish eyes, with a somewhat unhappy look on his face.

"Humph! That guy is back again!"

On the other side,

Uchiha Yakama summoned Susanoo and blocked the Nine-Tails' attack.

He leaped towards the Nine-Tails...

His agile and nimble figure leaped into the sky.

Instantly, he became the focus of Konoha Village and attracted everyone's attention...

Uchiha Yakama came in front of the Nine-Tails and faced them face to face at close range.


"The Nine-Tail's eyes are... scarlet"

"Have you been controlled by Obito?"

Uchiha Yehuo's eyes instantly showed the form of a nine-magatama kaleidoscope.

The vortex in the center of the pupil began to spin.

The nine magatama near the vortex also began to spin.


Their eyes met for a moment.

The scarlet eyes of the Nine-Tails slowly returned to normal.

In the pupils of Uchiha Yehuo, the nine magatama continued to rotate...

The eyes of the Nine-Tails turned scarlet again.

However, at this time, the Nine-Tails was controlled by Uchiha Yehuo.

The Third Hokage, who was watching the Nine-Tails closely, frowned.

"Could it be that the leader of the Hellfire clan has controlled the Nine-Tails?"

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen was even worried that Uchiha Hellfire would endanger the village.

Just now, Hatake Sakumo, Might Dai, Yuhi Shinku and others who were fighting with the Nine-Tails all looked up and looked at Hellfire and the Nine-Tails.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the roaring and manic Nine-Tails suddenly quieted down.

At the same time,

Uchiha Hellfire's agile figure landed on the roof.


Uchiha Yehuo did not stay here.

Instead, he flew eastwards towards the outskirts of the village.……


In the eastern suburbs of Konoha Village,

Namikaze Minato fought with the man wearing a whirlpool mask for several rounds.

He roughly figured out the space ninjutsu of the whirlpool mask man.

Namikaze Minato, with a stern face, stared at the masked man.

"Why are you targeting Konoha Village?"

"If you insist, this was a whim of mine, and I had planned it long ago."

After saying that, the man in the vortex mask wrapped a long iron chain around his wrist in an attempt to capture the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze.

Minato Namikaze took out a kunai and put it in front of him, his eyes tense.

"He's not a small character."

"He has the ability to control the Nine-Tails, and a space-time ninjutsu that is superior to mine and the Second Generation."

"At the same time, there is such a dangerous idea"

"If we don't make a break here"

"If he attacks Konoha, things will become more difficult than if the Nine-Tails were rampant."

"If I jump to the village, this guy will follow me"

"It will only make Konoha Village more chaotic."

"I must pin this guy down here."

Namikaze Minato thought quickly, as if he was facing a formidable enemy...

The whirlpool masked man, the long cold iron chains on his hands

"Now that the Nine-Tails has been freed, Konoha Village will be destroyed"

"There is no hope anymore."

The two of them stared at each other.

Just as they were about to stand up and fight

, an agile figure suddenly appeared between them.

This figure was the 18-year-old Uchiha Yakumo.

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