Hinata Hiashi frowned and stared at the man in the black robe and bamboo hat in the yard.

Three years ago, when the Nine-Tails attacked Konoha, the head of the Uchiha clan, Yakao, appeared in Konoha in this outfit.

The four Kumo ninjas were confused about the identity of the man in black robe.

If he was a ninja from Konoha Village, why did he wear a bamboo hat and a black robe?

Could it be that this man in black robe was from another village?

The Kumo ninja who kidnapped little Hinata had a fierce look in his eyes.

"who are you?"

"Get out of here!"

"I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

The Cloud Ninja knew that if they continued to stay here, they would be discovered by other members of the Hyuga clan or by the Konoha Anbu.

It would be bad.

Uchiha Yehuo groaned and slowly spoke

"You came to our village to rob people, and you dare to speak so arrogantly!"

Then, Uchiha Karma took off his bamboo hat.

A young and handsome face of a teenager appeared in front of everyone.

The four ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village are all from Tsunade's generation.

After seeing this young and handsome face, the four Cloud Ninjas immediately showed some contempt.

After all, in the eyes of the four Cloud Ninjas, the black-robed man in front of them was a little young and immature.

Suddenly, the space next to Uchiha Karma distorted.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Uchiha Karma entered the distorted space and disappeared.

Almost at the same time.

Uchiha Karma appeared next to"the Cloud Ninja who kidnapped Hinata" without any warning.

The Cloud Ninja hadn't reacted yet.


The Kumo Ninja who kidnapped little Hinata was kicked out fiercely.

At the same time, Uchiha Yakao caught the three-year-old Hinata.

The other three Kumo Ninjas were all shocked.

"What just happened was... Space-Time Ninjutsu!"

"How could this guy have such powerful space-time ninjutsu?"

"Who are you?"

Hinata Hiashi looked at the young man who met Uchiha Yehuo with a deep and deep gaze.

He said respectfully

"Chief of the Infernal Fire Clan, long time no see!"

"Well, long time no see, Hyuga clan leader."

Hyuga Hiashi took the initiative to come to Uchiha Yakumo and took his daughter Hinata.

The four Kumo Village ninjas looked blank:"Kyakumo clan leader?"

Hyuga Hiashi looked stern and looked at the four Kumo Village ninjas.

"This is the head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Yehuo!"

After hearing the name of Uchiha Yehuo

, the four Kumo ninjas were shocked.

"Could it be that he is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan?"

"How can this be?"

"How can he be so young?"

It should be known that Uchiha Yakao had previously killed the four Kumo ninjas who had kidnapped Kushina.

Uchiha Yakao had been regarded as an enemy by the Hidden Cloud Village and was listed as a dangerous person.

At this moment, facing Uchiha Yakao, the four Hidden Cloud Village ninjas suddenly became uneasy.

One of the leading Kumo ninjas hurriedly said

"You three stop him here!"

"I will go back and report to Lord Raikage immediately!"

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage Ai was living in Konoha Village, preparing to sign an alliance treaty with Konoha.

Uchiha Yehuo, with a cold smile on his face,

"It’s the middle of the night, now that you’re here, don’t leave!"


The Hidden Cloud Village ninja had just taken to the air, trying to escape.

A ball of black flame instantly enveloped the Cloud Ninja.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, the Cloud Ninja fell from the air to the ground, wailing in pain...

The other three Cloud Ninjas were trembling in their hearts.

Looking at the black flames on the ground burning their companions, the black eyeballs in their eyeballs trembled...

Uchiha Hellfire, without hesitation, quickly rushed forward



Three streams of blood splashed in the yard.

This scene was seen by the Anbu ninjas who happened to come nearby.

The Cloud Ninja who was burned by the black flames just now screamed miserably, which alarmed the Anbu ninjas patrolling nearby.

"The man in black robe is……"

"The patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Karma!"

"Why is he here?"

"There are four more ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village!"

"Did Uchiha Yakashi kill the four of them just now?"

The Anbu ninjas who came over did not dare to approach Uchiha Yakashi.

After all, Uchiha Yakashi had directly entered the Anbu and killed four Anbu ninjas.

Uchiha Yakashi had no expression on his face, and he quietly looked at the four bodies on the ground.

"Ninjas from other villages actually dare to come to Konoha and run wild."

After that, Uchiha Yakashi

's body entered the distorted space and disappeared.

Three-year-old Hinata looked at the place where Uchiha Yakashi disappeared with clear and moist eyes.

Everything that happened tonight was remembered by Hinata.

""Hellfire clan leader, you saved my life!"

Tonight, Uchiha Hellfire left an indelible impression on little Hinata.

At this moment, only Hyuga Hiashi and little Hinata were left in the courtyard.

There were also four bodies of the Hidden Cloud Village lying on the ground.

After the Hellfire clan leader left, the three Anbu ninjas dared to land in the courtyard.


The next morning, three ANBU ninjas accompanied Hyuga Hiashi to the Hokage's office and reported what happened last night to the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe.

"Hmm... I didn't expect this to happen."

Shimura Danzo frowned, his face full of anger.

"Damn the Hidden Cloud Village!"

"How dare you steal the Byakugan while Konoha and Kumogakure are signing an alliance treaty!"

Although Shimura Danzo did many despicable and dirty things, his original intention was to protect Konoha.

Hearing that Kumogakure was trying to steal Konoha's Byakugan, he was naturally very annoyed.

Hinata Hiashi spoke seriously.

"Last night, thanks to the appearance of the Hellfire Clan leader"

"Otherwise, little Hinata might really be kidnapped by the Cloud Ninja"

"The consequences are disastrous."

The Third Hokage Yuan Fei Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, and a deep look flashed across his brows.


"It's Uchiha Karma again"

"Have you noticed that at many critical moments, the Hellfire Clan Leader always appears in Konoha Village!"

"I think Uchiha Hellfire might be protecting Konoha."

Shimura Danzo, his old face was a little confused.


"The Uchiha clan protects Konoha."

In the eyes of Shimura Danzo, the Uchiha clan is a threat to Konoha.

And Uchiha Yaka is an extremely dangerous figure in Konoha.

How can Uchiha Yaka protect Konoha?

Hinata Hiashi, looking thoughtful

"Back then, when Kushina was kidnapped by the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, it was the head of the Fire Clan who came to her rescue."

"Later, Hatake Sakumo was persecuted by rumors and public opinion, and it was the chief of the Fire Tribe who helped him."

"Later, Might Dai and the Nine-Tails attacked Konoha……"

"Lord Hokage, it is true!"

Shimura Danzo frowned and looked gloomy.

"Could it be that... this guy Uchiha Yehuo has been secretly monitoring Konoha Village?"

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