Shimura Danzo stared with a pair of dead fish eyes, his face looked a little heavy

"Yuan Fei!"

"Although Uchiha Yakama has left Konoha, his existence is a great threat to Konoha!"

Tanane Koharu said coldly, waxing his old face.

"Well, Danzo is right!"

"This time, Uchiha Hellfire massacred and occupied the Hidden Grass Village"

"If Uchiha Hellfire returns to Konoha in the future, what will happen?"

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen had a heavy look in his eyes.


He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"You guys make sense."

"However, Uchiha Yakashi did not do anything that was detrimental to the village."

"We can't do anything to him yet."

Hearing this, Shimura Danzo complained.


"Many years ago, Uchiha Hellfire killed the Anbu and Root ninjas"

"You should have used that Konoha regular meeting as an opportunity to expel Uchiha Heihuo from Konoha Village."

"In the future, Uchiha Hellfire will sooner or later be a disaster for our Konoha Village.���!"


The Hidden Cloud Village.

The Fourth Raikage's office


"Uchiha Karma appears again?"

"Massacred the Kusagakure Village and occupied it."

The Fourth Raikage Ai, after listening to the report from his subordinates, had a fierce look on his face.

Darui, with dark skin and long white hair, looked dignified.

"Hokage, Uchiha Inferno slaughtered the assassin organization and mercenary group of Kusagakure Village in just one night."

"It seems that his strength is even greater than we thought."

Samui, a beautiful woman with white skin and short yellow hair, has a calm personality.

"Lord Raikage, Uchiha Yakama is a terrifying guy. We cannot easily become his enemy."The

Fourth Raikage, with his eyes wide open, slammed the table hard.

"How outrageous!"

"Once upon a time, Uchiha Yehuo killed eight people from the Cloud Ninja Village."

"This account cannot be settled like this."

"One day, I will make him pay for this."


Iwagakure Village.

The Third Tsuchikage's office.

A tall and strong man named Huang Tu reports.

"Father, the head of the Uchiha clan, has appeared again"

"This time it's going to be a big deal"

"The head of the Uchiha clan slaughtered the entire Kusagakure Village overnight.

The Third Tsuchikage, Ohnoki, frowned.


"The head of the Uchiha clan is such a scary guy."

"He reminds me of Uchiha Madara back then."

Akagi, wearing an Iwagakure hat and an Iwagakure jonin vest, asked in confusion.

"Uchiha Madara?"

The Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki said in a deep voice

"Yes, Not Bad"

"I feel that Uchiha Yakama is likely to be a character like Uchiha Madara!"

Ohnoki sneered.


"The third generation old man Yuan Fei must have a headache facing such a terrifying Uchiha clan leader."

"Back then, during the time of the first Tsuchikage, Hashirama Senju suppressed Uchiha Madara."

"Now, the Uchiha clan has appeared the fire of karma"

"I wonder what impact this will have on Konoha Village and even the ninja world?"


Sand Village.

Chiyo appeared in the office of the Fourth Kazekage.

In recent years, Chiyo has been living in seclusion, not wanting to be involved in the affairs of the Wind Country.

However, recently there was news about the Uchiha clan leader.

Chiyo was interested in this mysterious Uchiha clan leader, so she came out of seclusion and came to the Kazekage's office.

"Unexpectedly, this time Uchiha Yakumo directly massacred the killer organization and mercenary group of Kusagakure Village!"

"Uchiha Yehuo is such a mysterious and scary guy"

"His existence is a huge threat to our Sand Village!"

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa looked solemn.

The senior ninja Maki of the Hidden Village had a worried look in his eyes.

"Lord Kazekage, if one day, the Sand Village and the Leaf Village go to war"

"With the Uchiha clan involved, Uchiha Karma will be a very tricky character!"

"We should act early and get rid of the hidden danger of Uchiha's fire."

The fourth Kazekage, Rasa, nodded slightly and agreed.


"Next time, if you find Uchiha Yakashi's trail, send out an assassination team to get rid of Uchiha Yakashi!"

In the office, there were three children - Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.

The three children took the adults' words to heart.

The name Uchiha Yakashi left a deep impression on the three children.


The Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Village.

After the Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, succeeded to the throne, the period of terror of the Hidden Mist Village, which had been under the rule of the Fourth Mizukage, ended.

He implemented a policy of peace and openness, thus reviving the Hidden Mist Village.

The Fifth Mizukage's office.

Mei Terumi asked with a curious look on her face

"Uchiha Karma destroyed the Hidden Grass Village"

"In other words, Kusagakure Village now belongs to the Uchiha clan."

Terumi Mei's guard - Qing, an older jonin with long gray-blue hair and one eye.


"The way Uchiha Heihuo massacred the Kusagakure Village was extremely cruel!"

"Now, other ninja villages have listed Uchiha Yehuo as a dangerous person."

Chojuro, with short blue hair and black-framed glasses

"Uchiha Yakao left Konoha and rarely appeared in public"

"However, every time he shows up, something big seems to happen."

"First, he killed eight jonin from the Hidden Cloud Village."

"Later, he killed four members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen from the Hidden Mist Village."

"Now, they have slaughtered the assassin organization and mercenary group of Kusagakure Village."

The Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, smiled slightly.


"What a scary guy."

"Oh... and also killed four members of our Seven Ninja Swordsmen from the Hidden Mist Village."

"So, Uchiha Heihei is also an enemy of our Kirigakure."

"Does this guy want to make enemies with the entire ninja world?"

"I really want to see what this Uchiha clan leader looks like."


The 59th year of Konoha.

In this year, Uchiha Itachi became the captain of the Anbu.

The death of Uchiha Shisui had a profound impact on Uchiha Itachi.

At the same time, the Uchiha clan's reputation and power in Konoha reached its peak.

This strengthened the Uchiha clan's control over Konoha, causing concern among the Konoha high-level officials.

The contradiction between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials, after a long period of accumulation, is finally about to erupt.

The political situation in Konoha Village took a sharp turn for the worse.

The situation even became irreversible.

The coup plan within the Uchiha clan was discovered, which aroused the vigilance of the Konoha high-level officials.

Under the instigation of the Konoha high-level officials, Uchiha Itachi finally stood on the opposite side of the Uchiha clan.

Late at night, at the Root organization base.

Shimura Danzo, looking at Uchiha Itachi half-kneeling on the ground, said coldly

"The conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village is inevitable."

"Are you on the side of your own people, or on the side of Konoha Village?"

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