Uchiha Madara's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Uchiha Yehuo's three-magatama Sharingan:

"Do you want to open the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"Not bad. I tried to evolve the Three Magatama Sharingan into the Mangekyō Sharingan, but I have no experience."

Uchiha curled his lips and showed a wicked smile:

"How old are you this year?"

"18 years old!"

Uchiha Madara nodded slightly:

"The Uchiha clan of later generations produced a genius like you."

"I don't mind teaching you how to practice the Sharingan."

"Possessing the three-magatama Sharingan is already considered the best in the clan. After all, further evolution cannot be achieved by hard practice alone, and it also requires a certain amount of talent."

Uchiha Madara truthfully described the final form of the Sharingan and the unique skills of each Mangekyō Sharingan...

Uchiha Karma held his breath and concentrated, concentrating and comprehending...

After a while, Uchiha Madara finished his story.

Uchiha Karma breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, during this period of time, Uchiha Karma's physical and mental energy can no longer support it.

In order to thoroughly obtain Uchiha Madara's experience and insights on the"Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan".

Uchiha Karma overdrew his mental power and supported himself.

Suddenly, Uchiha Karma's soul body trembled violently.……

"No! Tsunade, hold me tight, we have to leave!"

"I can't hold on any longer!"

As the words fell, Uchiha Yakumo quickly formed seals with his hands...

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Yakumo with a cold gaze, and it seemed that he had no intention of stopping him.

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Yakumo nervously and worriedly.

Soon, Tsunade felt the scene in front of her eyes suddenly turn black, and her body rose rapidly and left the ground.

Her body was like a fast-flying meteor, crossing the sky.

After a moment, when Tsunade opened her eyes again.

She found that the scene in front of her was actually Uchiha Yakumo's house - the basement.

Tsunade's face was delighted:"Yakumo, we are back!"

At this time, Tsunade suddenly felt exhausted and weak all over.……

"What's wrong with me?"

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Yakashi and found that Uchiha Yakashi had fallen to the ground.

""Yehhuo, what's wrong with you?"

Tsunade's face was full of worry, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at Uchiha Yehuo with concern... Uchiha

Yehuo, who was lying on the ground, half-opened his eyes, and looked at Tsunade weakly:

"Our stay in the Pure Land has expired."

"I activated the resurrection technique, overdrawing a lot of physical and mental energy"

"Now I don't even have the strength to speak."

Tsunade suddenly realized:"So that's how it is!"

In order to take good care of Uchiha Yehuo and restore his physical and mental strength, Tsunade chose to stay at Uchiha Yehuo's house that night.

Tsunade dragged her tired body out of the basement, went to the kitchen, brought a lot of food and drinks to the basement, and fed it to Yehuo……


Pure Land World.

Uchiha Madara, watching Uchiha Yehuo and Tsunade, turned into two yellow lights, streaking across the sky and disappearing at the end of the horizon.

"What a scary little ghost!"

"How could such a freak appear in the Uchiha clan after my death?"

"How does this kid know so many secrets of the ninja world?"

"I wonder how the Moon Eye Project is progressing now?"

"I saw the content on the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine. Has it been tampered with by someone?"

"Isn’t Hei Jue the will entity generated by my Rinnegan?"

"How are Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan doing now?"

"Four kinds of resurrection techniques in the Ninja World? How interesting!"

In the Pure Land, the little ghost that had just met brought too many questions to Uchiha Madara.

When Uchiha Karma Fire Seal was in a hurry to leave the Pure Land,

Uchiha Madara did not stop him.

First, because the little ghost was from the Uchiha clan, and he was from the same clan as Madara.

Second, because the little ghost knew a lot of things, which made Uchiha Madara very curious and interested.

"Oh... by the way, I forgot to ask the little devil's name"

"I don't know when I can meet that little brat again!"

In Uchiha Madara's heart, he even looked forward to meeting the little brat again.


The next day, at Uchiha Yakumo's home.

Uchiha Yakumo and Tsunade, because of the consumption of too much physical and mental energy, fell asleep directly in the basement.

The two slept until they woke up naturally.

At this time, the sun had risen very high.

Tsunade's cheeks were flushed, although there was nothing wrong with the two of them.

However, after all, they slept in the same basement, Tsunade actually became shy unconsciously.

Tsunade's face was slightly frowned, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she stared at Uchiha Yakumo...

Uchiha Yakumo sat up from the ground and touched his head:

"Oh! I'm so tired."

Although his body has not fully recovered.

However, after Tsunade's feeding and a night of sleep,

Uchiha Yehuo's spirit has been restored to a large extent.

The two supported each other and walked out of the basement and came to the living room.

"Ah! That’s right! My"Infernal Snack Shop" hasn’t opened today yet!"

"You spent too much energy last night, so take a day off today."

"It's really frustrating! My"Yehhuo Snack Shop" has never closed since it opened."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Let's get better first."

Tsunade lived alone, with no one to supervise her.

During the day, Tsunade stayed at Uchiha Yehuo's house for the whole day.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that the rumors about the two of them were spreading all over Konoha Village.


Konoha Village, Central Street, in front of the"Infernal Snack Shop".

The blue beast Mighty, after exercising in the morning, the first thing he did was to go to the"Infernal Snack Shop" for breakfast.

"The morning of youth starts with a bowl of beef balls!"

As soon as I arrived at the snack bar, I suddenly found that a group of people gathered at the door of the snack bar:

"Huh? Why are there so many people crowding in front of the"Yehuo Snack Shop"?"

"Today, there won’t be so many people competing with me for the Peeing Beef Balls!!!"

After slowly approaching, Might Guy heard the discussion of the crowd...

Jiraiya:"Where did you go, Yakashi?"

Uchiha Setsuna:"Yakashi, what are you doing today?"

Hatake Sakumo:"It’s a little abnormal today." Yuhi

Shinku:"Yakashi Snack Shop has never been closed for a day since it opened."

Mitarashi Shisho:"I’m still waiting to eat the Peeing Beef Balls!" Senju

Orange Water:"You’re going to close the business, but you didn’t tell us in advance, so we’ve been waiting here for nothing."

Just as people were discussing and didn’t know why Uchiha Yakashi closed the business.

Suddenly, a figure slowly walked over.

The person who came was Orochimaru:

"There are so many people gathered in front of the snack bar."

"It seems that"Yehuo Snack Shop" is really popular in the village."

"I see, you're waiting in vain."

"Uchiha Heihuo will not come to the snack bar today."

Jiraiya was a little confused:"Orochimaru, how do you know that Uchiha Heihuo will not come to the snack bar?"

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and laughed:"Tsunade stayed at Uchiha Heihuo's house all night last night."

"Moreover, I heard that Tsunade has not left Uchiha Yakashi's house during the day today." Jiraiya has a crush on Tsunade, and after hearing what Orochimaru said, he was a little angry:"You are talking nonsense! Orochimaru!"

Hatake Sakumo:"Tsunade stayed with Uchiha Yakashi all night last night???" Yuhi Shinku

:"Are they in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?"

Orochimaru hissed and laughed:"Boyfriend-girlfriend relationship? I'm afraid their relationship may have surpassed ordinary boyfriend-girlfriend relationship!"

Blue Beast Might Day:"Orochimaru, your analysis makes sense!"

Asuma's brother - Sarutobi Shinnosuke:"No wonder Yakashi is not open for business today... It turns out that he has something more important than business - a date with Tsunade."

Uchiha Setsuna:"Huh! Yakashi is really not doing his job!"

"The election for the Uchiha clan leader is about to begin, and he still has the mind to engage in any relationship between a man and a woman!"

In the eyes of Uchiha Setsuna, Uchiha Heihuo is his companion. Because both of them don't want Uchiha Fugaku to be elected as the clan leader.

Listening to the gossip and speculation of the crowd, Tsunade's cousin, Senju Orange Water, frowned:"Orochimaru, how did you find out that Tsunade and Heihuo spent the night together?"

Orochimaru hissed and laughed:"Do you still need to inquire about this?"

"Tsunade went to the Uchiha residential area and spent the night with Hellfire"

"Many Uchiha clan members saw it with their own eyes."

"Moreover... this matter has spread throughout the Uchiha clan."

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Senju Orange Water, who had been somewhat calm, suddenly became nervous.

She only had such a cousin, and she couldn't let her be harmed casually.

Moreover, in Senju Orange Water's eyes, Uchiha Yehuo was just a commoner, and was not worthy of her cousin, Tsunade!

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