
Xi Rihong squatted next to Ye Yuan Lin, making a seal with one hand, and helped Ye Yuan Lin relieve the phantom 2o technique. ㈧㈠Chinese website┡⒈

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) After seeing the few people in front of her, Nohara Lin asked with some confusion: "Hong, Qianming, Asma, why are you?"

"What happened to you?" Xi Rihong asked with concern.

"I... our team was attacked by Wurenin, and I was kidnapped by them!" Ye Yuan Lin tried to remember, and said.

"What about Kakashi and Metkai? How are they?" Sarutobi Asma asked.

"I'm not sure, I was knocked out by them, and I don't know what happened in the end!" Ye Yuan Lin said sadly.

There were more than a dozen Wuren who attacked them, and they were all powerful. Under normal circumstances, Kakashi and Metkay had a very small chance of surviving.

"How did you save me?" Nohara Lin asked again.

This is also the place where Ye Yuan Lin is most puzzled. There are more than a dozen Wuren who kidnapped her. After being tied to the cave, Ye Yuan Lin was sober for a while. In that cave, there were more than 20 Wuren, and They are all ninjas of middle and upper ninja levels.

With the strength of the Chao Yiqianren group, it is impossible to save her. And most importantly, how did the three people from the North Korea know that she was kidnapped?

Although Ye Yuan Lin has the potential of the tail of the crane, she has been in the Ninja world for so long after all. Although she was indeed rescued by the three people of Chao Yi, she always felt that this matter was very suspicious in her heart.

"These days I have been investigating Sanwei Renzhuli’s intelligence. Later, it was discovered that Sanwei Renzhuli was forcibly subdued by the Mist Ninjas and brought out of the Wuyin Village, so I followed quietly. Originally, I wanted to rob Sanwei Renzhuli. , But I didn't expect to happen to save you." Chao Yiqian explained.

"Investigate Sanwei?" Nohara Lin asked in confusion.

"En! I got information that the lifespan of the three-tailed people in Wuyin Village is approaching, and the seal is somewhat loose, so I plan to release the three-tailed people in Wuyin Village to destroy Wuyin Village." Chao Yi Qianna said.

"Ah!" Lin Yeyuan was taken aback when she heard this, apparently she didn't expect Chao Yiqian to have such a crazy idea.

"Hey!" Zhao Yiqian pointed at Wuren who was lying on the side, and said to Nohara Lin: "That person is the three-tailed man Zhuli of Wuyin Village! Wuyin Village wants to transfer the three tails into your body, and then After you return to Konoha, release the three tails in the village."

"What?" Nohara Lin exclaimed in disbelief.

"These messages should be enough to explain all the ‘coincidence’ of all this!" Chao Yi Qianming secretly said in his heart: "Anyway, after I release the three tails in Wuyin Village, everything that is unreasonable will not matter!"

Ignoring Lin Yeyuan, he walked to the side of Sanwei Ren Zhuli toward Qianye, and began to check Sanwei Ren Zhuli's seal.

As for the sealing technique, Qianren Chao had learned some in Oshemaru, and when he learned the [Flying Thunder God Art] from Hafeng Shuimen, he also had further contact with it, and more knowledge of the seal technique was in Learned from Tsunade.

It would be impossible for him to seal the tail beast, but if it were to break the seal, it would be easy for him to seal the tail beast.

After all, it is always easier to destroy something than to make it.

"Asma, Hong! Lin must be very worried about the safety of Kakashi and Metkay now. You two will **** Lin back, and I will go to Wuyin Village with Human Zhu Li to release the three tails." Chao Qianye said.

"Then you be careful!" Xi Rihong said with concern.

"Don't worry! Even if I don't succeed, I can come back alive!" Chao Yi Qianming smiled.

Pulling up the strength of the three-tailed man, making a hand-print on the list of the lost thousand, the figure disappeared into the cave in an instant, the scenery in front of him changed, and the village of Wuyin was near.

The guards near the Wuyin Village are very weak. Perhaps the Mist Ninjas never thought that any ninja had the courage to invade the Wuyin Village directly.

Moreover, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of ninjas in the hidden mist village, even if someone dares to invade the hidden mist village, they will be torn to pieces instantly.

Unlike Konoha's wooden buildings, the buildings in Wuyin Village are like an icy castle, surrounded by brick walls. From a distance, a cold breath looms over the face.

Carefully avoid the direction of the main entrance, first use [Transformation Technique] to change into the appearance of Wujin Ninja, and then throw the trait Kuwu over the wall, and then use [Flying Thunder God's Art] to enter Wuyin Village.

Chao Yan Qianna didn't know whether there was Konoha's perceptual barrier outside Wuyin Village, but judging from the original work, it seems that aside from Konoha, there are no such barriers in the other villages.

However, this kind of thing cannot be determined by the original work. Deidara and the red sand scorpion were silent when they invaded the sandy village, but when Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark entered Konoha, they were not immediately killed. Now.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Chao Qiang supported the three-tailed man Zhuli, disguised as two drunks, and walked staggeringly towards the center of Wuyin Village.

It is better to release the tail beast in the center of the village, and the effect of destruction will be more obvious.

Unlike the lively Konoha, Wuyin Village, which implements the "Blood Mist" system, obviously has no nightlife. The time is now after seven o'clock in the evening, but there are no pedestrians on the streets of Wuyin Village. Sometimes a few passers-by walk past them in a hurry, and they don't say hello to each other.


A cold voice sounded, and then ‘huh! Huh! Huh! With a few sounds, eight Wuren groups surrounded the thousands of lost ones.


Zhao Yiqianna took the initiative to release the [transformation technique] and returned to the original state. After looking around for a week, he asked, "How did you find me?"

[Transformation Technique] It’s just to better sneak into the Hidden Fog Village. After all, what Chao Qiang has to do is to release the earth-shattering event of the tail beast. In this case, Chao Qiang has no reason to hide its head and show its tail.

"Sure enough, it is Konoha's ninja, how did you get in?" asked a female ninja who was a little older than Chao Yuqian.

Turning his head to Yi Qianming, Wei Wei felt a little familiar.

Long brown cross curls, his right eye is covered by the head, only one green eye is exposed.

"Could it be that the five generations of Shui Ying Zhao Mei Ming?" Chao Yi Qianna said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Konoha's ninja, what is the conspiracy to sneak into our misty village? "Another Wuren asked coldly.

"I'm just doing what you originally wanted to do in Wuyin Village!" A smile appeared at Qianna Qian, and he looked at the group of Wuren, and said in a soft tone: "Don't you Wuren want to release the three tails in our Konoha? I just give you back what you want to do to us!"

Because the conspiracy of Wuyin Village had been revealed in advance, even if it was a cruel thing to release the tail beast in other people's villages, Chaoyao Qianren could seriously criticize Wuyin Village from the standpoint of morality.

And once this matter succeeds, Wuyin Village, who has suffered heavy losses, will not have the strength to challenge Konoha. Backed by the big tree Konoha, and learned [Flying Thunder God's Art], Chao Yi Qian is not afraid of the vengeance of the misty ninja.

As soon as the voice fell, the hands of Lost Thousand Names were sealed, and then his right hand was pressed against Sanwei Ren Zhuli's abdomen, forcibly unlocking Sanwei Ren Zhuli's seal.

"Hurry up and stop him!" shouted a Wunin.

"Roar!" (To be continued.)

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