Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 141: Experimental exposure

"Ah! Ah! Ah! It's troublesome! I didn't expect that dignified adults would also encounter such trouble!" Jilai also lay down on the table with a frustrated face, and a pile of thick piles were placed on the table. The file was sent just now.

As soon as the war ended, Bofeng Shuimen became Hokage. There were so many tasks and tasks to be handled in the village every day. Coupled with the lack of experience of Bofeng Shuimen, the three generations of Hokage and Jiraiya Naturally help together, let Bo Feng Shui Men slowly learn to deal with problems!

The three generations of Hokage beat his old waist, which was almost stiff, and sighed softly: "Jilaiya, do it quickly, things in the village are too heavy!"

"Teacher, three generations of adults, I'm so sorry to you!" Bo Feng Shuimen apologized and looked at the two people who hadn't closed his eyes for two days. Bo Feng Shuimen did not expect that Hokage's work would be so heavy.

"Hey..." Jilai also sighed sadly, and opened the newly sent document.

Huh! Huh!

"Please come in!" Bo Feng Shuimen said.

With a squeak, the door of the office was pushed open, and an Anbe walked in and said, "Three generations of adults, four generations of adults, and Jiraiya adults. We found many deaths to babies and Konoha in the dark place of Lord Oshemaru's house. The body of a ninja!"

"What?" When the third generation of Hokage heard it, he stood up with a solemn expression.

It should come, but after all, I can't hide it!

"I'll go over and take a look with you! Jiraiya, Watergate, I'll leave it to you here!" said the third generation of Hokage.

Zi Lai frowned and said solemnly, "Old man, be careful!"

Glancing at Bo Feng Shuimen, Zi Lai also muttered silently in his heart: "What the **** is this kid Da She Wan doing?"

Three generations came to the scene of the incident accompanied by Anbu, and as soon as they entered the door, they were stunned by the situation in front of them.

From the basement to the surroundings, dozens of incubators are densely placed. Inside the incubators are young children. Some children are babies born less than a few months old, and some are children who have grown up to several years old!

In addition to these, there are some adult specimens. Although these people are dead, the bodies still retain the appearance they were before they were alive, and their facial expressions are lifelike.

Seeing all this, the eyes of the third generation of Hokage were soaked with tears, my God! Dashewan, what on earth did you do to such a small child!

Although the three generations of Naruto knew that Dashemaru was doing a forbidden operation experiment before, they just thought that it was just a normal forbidden operation experiment. Until recently, there were ninjas missing in the village, and the third generation of Naruto only vaguely felt that things were unusual.

But the third generation of Hokage never thought that Dashewan's forbidden operation experiment would be so bloody.

Had it been known this way, the three generations of Hokage would never tolerate Dashewan for such a long time.

I'm still too naive!

"Take care of the corpses of these children, and the surviving children will immediately be taken to Konoha Hospital for a thousand people to check it carefully!" The third generation of Hokage wiped away the tears and said to the dark part behind him with a calm face!

"Yes!" Anbu nodded, and then began to command the subordinates.

"Sarutobi, this...what is going on?" Not long after the third generation of Hokage came in, Konoha's two consultants also came here, and at the same time was shocked by the scene before him, "Is this the Oshemaru doing it?"

"Leave it to me to deal with it!" The third generation of Hokage said in a deep voice.

"Sarutobi, let's leave this to our roots!" said Shimura Danzo, who followed in with the two consultants.

"Danzo!?" A hint of surprise flashed through the three generations of Hokage.

According to Anbe’s investigation, there is some connection between Shimura Danzo and Oshemaru. Did Shimura Danzo also participate in these experiments on Oshemaru?

"Sarutobi, Dashemaru has destroyed Konoha's foundation by doing this!" Shimura Danzo looked at the three generations coldly, calmly and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Danzo! I know what to do!" The third generation of Hokage said in a deep voice, "Since it is the scourge that I planted, I will naturally eliminate it!"

When Shimura Danzo heard the words, he gave a yin in his heart, and then said: "If the information is not wrong, Dashemaru should now be experimenting in a basement chamber near the prison!"

"Since Oshemaru is your disciple, then I won't have to ask too much, say goodbye!" After the words were over, Shimura Danzo turned around and walked away.

The three generations of Hokage's face was cloudy and sunny. After a while, he waved to several Anbu behind him, and said softly: "Go!"

Three generations opened the Hokage robe on his body, revealing the battle costume inside.

"Huh! Sarutobi, Oshemaru..." Hiding in the shadows, Shimura Danzo watched coldly as Sandai rushed towards the prison.

"Are you ready?" Shimura Danzo asked a root ninja behind him.

"Yes! Danzo-sama!" The root ninja lowered his head and said.

"It's great! As long as Sarutobi and Oshawan lose both, you will act immediately!" Shimura Danzang said coldly.

Although the defection of Oshemaru was somewhat unexpected, the result seemed to be very beneficial to Shimura Danzo.

When he got the news at first, Shimura Danzang couldn't wait to laugh three times. Once the three generations of Hokage and Oshemaru fight and lose both, the only things in the village that can prevent Shimura Danzo from being high are Hafeng Mizumon and Shimura Danzo is very confident, as long as he mobilizes all the roots. Power, it is not particularly difficult to win Jiraiya and Bofeng Shuimen. The more tricky thing is the "Flying Thunder God's Art" of the Bofeng Water Gate, but Shimura Danzo has also learned the [Self-Karma Curse Bound Seal]. If a sudden attack, Bofeng Water Gate will definitely not be able to respond.

If the three generations of Hokage succeeded in killing Oshemaru, and he himself did not suffer multiple injuries, Shimura Danzo could also take the opportunity to reap the benefits and suppress the arrogance of the Hokage line.

Because Dashemaru's defection is undoubtedly a major blow to the trust of the three generations and the water gate. In public and private, Zhicun Danzo is a winner, and he himself does not need to pay much.

In a dark place near Konoha Prison, the third generation of Hokage and several Anbe are exploring the secret place where Oshemaru hides!

"Three generations of adults, found it!" A perception-type ninja unlocked the illusion in a cave, looked at the dark and mysterious cave inside, and said to the three generations of Hokage!

On the other side, Qian Qianming sat quietly in the office, looking at the alarm clock on the desk with his eyes, the second hand in the alarm clock moving little by little, silently calculating the time to act.

"Thousand adults!" With a bang, the door of the office was pushed open. A medical ninja hurriedly opened the door, panting and said: "Thousand adults, three generations of adults sent a batch of children. , Let you go over and take a look at once!"

"I got it!" said Chinya Tonya softly, and then stood up, followed the medical ninja, and walked towards the ward.

"What's the matter?" Chao Yanqian asked an Anbe.

"That's it..." Anbu briefly recounted what happened.

"Immediately send these children to the intensive care unit, and call more medical ninjas over!" Chao Yiqian ordered. (To be continued.)

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