Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 168: Return to the Roots

In the middle of the night, Chao Renqian came quietly to the root organization base and saw Shimura Danzo with an ugly face.

"Elder Danzo, you were too impulsive about what you did yesterday, and you have no wisdom at all!" As soon as they met, Chao Hao Qianming directly despised Shimura Danzo. Fortunately, I was only cooperating with Shicun Tuanzang on the research of the first generation cells and writing round eyes. If you cooperate further, you will definitely be killed by this pig teammate.

"What do you mean?" Shimura Danzo's face became even more ugly when he heard the words of Asakusa. The eyes were gloomily staring at the Qianren, and it seemed that if the Qianren couldn't say a single reason, Shimura Danzo would have to do it.

In fact, when he first entered the root base, Chao Yiqian realized that the number of ninjas here had doubled than usual, and there were even two guys with a huge amount of chakras.

Although I don't know the strength of these two people, since they can enter the roots and have been hidden by Shimura Danzo, their strength is definitely not low.

"Do you want to take the opportunity to kill me?" Chao Yao Qianming was disdainful, and with this little manpower, it really wasn't enough.

The Chaoyao Qianren who has mastered the immortal mode and the [Yin Seal] two great tricks can no longer be easily dealt with just by a large number of people. If there is not a decent master, even if the root ninja rushes up together, Chao Yiqian can easily destroy them all.

If it hadn't been the time to turn his face with Danzo, Chao Yi Qianna would have killed him long ago.

"Elder Danzo, you have been hiding in the roots for many years. Although you have made a lot of credit for Konoha, how many ordinary ninjas know about your existence?" Chao Yanqian sneered: "What those ninjas agree with, There are only three generations of Naruto. And you didn't help in the battle of Nine Tails yesterday. Ordinary ninjas would not agree with you at all. If you rashly provoke three generations of Naruto, you will only be cast aside!"

"Damn it!" Shimura Danzo also calmed down a bit when he heard the words of Chao Yanqian. After all, no one can achieve this position, and Shimura Danzo is also very smart, but his vision is too narrow.

"Think about the Uchiha clan! Your current status is so similar to the Uchiha clan!" Asakunami sneered.

"Damn Sarutobi Hiji!" Shimura Danzo said with gritted teeth.

In fact, Shimura Danzo knows everything that Qianming said. It's just that Shimura Danzo can't abandon the rights in his hands, and even wants to gain further rights, so he will fall to the end of ‘no one knows his name’.

It's just that the anger in Shimura Danzo's heart was completely overwhelmed when he was pointed out to him face to face by the Thousands of Lost people today.

But after the anger, if Shimura Danzo still can't let go of his power, he will still be suppressed by the three generations of Hokage. But if he gave up his rights and reappeared in front of everyone, then the powerless Shimura Danzo would still be suppressed by the three generations of Hokage.

It can be said that Shimura Danzo is either advancing or retreating. This is completely a dilemma.

Unless Shimura Danzo can become Hokage, his status will not change until death.

"Now that the three generations have regained their prestige, there is no one in Konoha that can compete with the three generations. Recently, you should stop some of them!" Chao Yan Qianna said lightly: "If the three generations are really angered, the consequences will not be so easy to bear. "

The Thousands of Chaos came to see Shimura Danzo today for only two purposes. The first is to let Shimura Danzo stop for a period of time. At least in the initial stage of the three generations of Hokage's re-appointment, Shimura Danzo can stop for a while and not trouble.

The second purpose is to prevent Shimura Danzo from spreading rumors against Naruto.

Whether the Uzumaki Naruto whose growth environment has changed will be the Naruto in the original book, Chao Yi Qianren doesn't want to think about it. If Indra's Chakra really reincarnated on Uzumaki Naruto, then Uzumaki Naruto's character would definitely be affected by Indra, and Uzumaki Naruto would still be that Uzumaki Naruto.

And let Naruto Uzumaki have a happy childhood, it can be regarded as repaying Bo Feng Shuimen's kindness.

"In Konoha, it's not that no one can compete with Sun Slash. Among the ninjas and villagers, your prestige is enough to be competent for the five generations, but you are too young. In a few years, I think Sun Slash will be fine. Abdicated." Shimura Danzo looked at Chao Yi Qian and said with a smile. It's just that the gleam in his eyes completely betrayed his heart.

"Me? Do you want to nominate me as Naruto, that's really thank you, but it's a pity that I am not interested in the position of Naruto!" Said Asuka directly.

"Oh? Why?" Shimura Danzo asked in disbelief.

"What I am after is power. After I become Hokage, I will definitely lose a lot of time for practice and research, so I won't be Hokage." Said Asuka.

Although Chao Haike has been deceiving and using Shimura Danzo, this sentence is absolutely sincere.

If Akane Akane had not watched the final battle, then maybe Akane Akane would still be interested in the position of Naruto. But in the final battle with Otsuki Kaguya, the so-called Yinglian was not qualified to fight soy sauce. In the final analysis, it depends on the strength.

Moreover, Chao Yan Qian also has plans to catch the tail beast ~ Once Chao Yan Qian is restricted to the position of "Naruto", then these plans cannot be implemented.

As an ordinary ninja, if Chao Yanqian is exposed in the process of catching the tail beast, he will defect and leave. But if you become Hokage, and Konoha is involved in every move of Chao Qianren, then you can't just walk away in a cool manner.

"Huh! Speaking of power, how is the initial cell research going?" Shimura Danzo changed the subject.

Shimura Danzo believed a little bit about the words of the Thousand Neglected Thousands of North Korea, but some did not believe it. However, the two are still cooperating, so it's obviously not easy to break the skin.

"The results have been achieved. I have successfully transplanted the primary cells. However, my method is different from Dashewan's method. Dashewan's method will die forever, and my method may take several years to adapt to the primary cells, but it is still alive. The possibility of coming down is as high as nine levels." Chao Yanqian said.

"You succeeded? Then why don't you keep talking?" Shimura Danzang said angrily.

"Because there is still a key issue that needs to be improved." Chao Yi Qianna explained: "If this issue is perfected, the survival rate of the fusion of primary cells will be as high as ten layers, but it may take several years. Of course, if you I can’t wait, I can give you my research results now."

Shimura Danzo absolutely contributed to the defection of Oshemaru, otherwise the three generations of Hokage would not have had the evidence of cooperation between the Mitsuno and Oshemaru until now.

Although he is quite disdainful of Shimura Danzo, Chao Yanqian is still very trustworthy. Now that he has agreed to cooperate, he will definitely not regret it afterwards.

"The research will continue, but your research results will be handed over to me now!" Shimura Danzo said.

"Yes!" Zhao Qianming smiled. (To be continued.)

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