Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 185: Surprise decision

The morning sun shattered the earth, and the surrounding temperature gradually increased. Just when I arrived at the command room early in the morning, Chao Yiqian heard bad news. The ninja army in Yunyin Village had already assembled on the front line, preparing to give Konoha Launch an offense.

After receiving the latest information from Nara Lukisa, he carefully read it several times at Yi Qianye, and after confirming that there were no traps, he was very speechless. What kind of ninja tactics is this kind of decisive battle on the bright side?

However, Haikeen Qianna did not express his thoughts, and only handed the information back to Nara Shikahisa.

"Is there any news about Zhuli?" Chao Yiqian asked.

"Not yet!" Nara Lujiu shook his head, and sighed helplessly: "This has fulfilled your wish. Do you have any thoughts on this battle?"

"With Mr. Lu Jiu in charge, what can I think of!" Chao Yi Qianming smiled.

Hyuga Risasa deliberated and said, “Yunyin Village should be reluctant to drag on any longer. Their materials are definitely not as rich as the Fire Country, and the four generations of Raikage’s grumpy temper are well known. This battle It should be our final duel with Yunyin Village."

"Not necessarily!" Nara Lujiu vetoed: "Compared with Yunyin Village, our situation in Konoha is not much better. Unless we can completely suppress Yunyin Village in today's war, if the war becomes anxious, both sides will Will continue to fight for a long time, and Yunyin Village will use this to negotiate with Konoha for capital requirements!"

"Negotiating? If they want to negotiate, why have they been delayed until now? What is the significance of this battle?" Hyuga asked in a puzzled way.

Nara Shikahisa explained: "If you negotiate now, then Yunyin Village's status is the defeated country. They provoked the war, but lost 3,000 ninjas, but did not get any benefits. Do you think they will agree? On the contrary, If Yunyin Village drags Konoha into the quagmire of war, and the two sides are entangled in the quagmire, then Yunyin Village can use "peace" as a bargaining chip to threaten Konoha and take advantage of the opportunity."

"Damn it! So they made this idea!" Hyuga Hisashi said angrily.

Qianming Chao said indifferently: "So I said that this war must first be lowered, otherwise it will not end. Yunyin Village cannot swallow such a big bitter fruit, they will definitely drag Konoha into the quagmire of the war. Konoha, who wants to be'peaceful', will definitely compromise Yunyin Village and agree to Yunyin Village's requirements at that time."

"That's right, this was originally meant by the three generations of adults." Nara Lukisa glanced at the Qianren Zhao, and said, "If you can get peace only by paying a little material, that would be the best."

Qianming Chao shook his head mockingly after hearing this, and said indifferently: "If we didn't destroy the frontline troops in Yunyin Village, perhaps Yunyin Village would still accept the proposal of three generations of adults, provided that Konoha paid a certain price. , To accept Konoha’s peace talks. But now we have just destroyed their three thousand ninjas. If we have peace talks at this time, it means Yunyin Village surrenders to Konoha, which is simply impossible.”

"Oh!" Nara Luji pouted.

Chao Yi Qianming said uncomfortable: "So I said, we should launch a sneak attack on them when the fourth generation Raikage has just led Yun Ren to the front line, and take the initiative in the war. Humph! It's all right now, Yun Yin has already Knowing our strength, it won’t be so easy to win."

"Okay, don't quarrel with you two!" Hyuga Nisasa said: "Yunyin Village is about to call, we should still discuss a countermeasure."

"I think we should divide our troops into two groups, one is a ninjutsu-type unit, and the other is a melee-type unit. If I cooperate with Hiichi, we can pass the tactics to the brains of every ninja, so that we can group into groups and we can best play. Our advantage!" said Nara Lukisa.

"I'm fine!" Yamanaka said.

"That's all right!" Zhao Qianren nodded, and then a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Why do we always wait for the enemy to attack, instead of actively attacking the enemy? The fourth generation Raiking personally enters the battle, it is estimated. The eight-tailed people who cooperate with him will definitely appear on the battlefield. This means that the current defense force of Yunyin Village is very empty. I suggest that I lead an elite team to take advantage of the lack of internal defense force in Yunyin Village. , Bypassing the frontline troops and attacking Yunyin Village directly."


"You are crazy!"

The words of Qianming Qianming were like a boulder thrown into the calm lake, and the entire command room exploded in an instant.

This opinion is crazy. From the beginning of the Ninja World War to the present, from World War I to World War Three, there has never been a situation that directly destroyed the opponent's village.

In addition to the thousands of people in the North, first released the three tails in Wuyin Village, and now they are going to attack Yunyin Village directly. If Chao Yanqian is really allowed to do this, maybe Yunyin Village will be destroyed.

"No!" Nara Lujiu first refused: "If you leave, who can hold the four generations of Raikage and the eight-tailed man Zhuli? And once we destroy Yunyin Village, there is really no peace between us and Yunyin Village. ."

"This is war, you are too naive, Mr. Lujiu!" Chao Yan Qianna said with disdain: "If you don't hurt them, do you think they will agree to negotiate? If every'peace' requires materials to go In exchange, what are we ninjas desperately for in the front line?"

"Thousands! Do you know what it means once we and Yunyin Village tear our faces?" Nara Lujiu asked in a deep Ha ha! Yun Ren has already fought over, so you still have to take these into consideration. When they took the initiative to provoke a war, did they ever think of tearing their faces apart? I really don’t know what are you afraid of? The first generation of Hokage split the tail beast, the result? They used the tail beast to create the human pillar power, and turned their heads to attack us! If other Shinobu villages were eliminated from the very beginning, there is only one Konoha in the Shinobi world, so how come there is a **** war! "Chao Yi Qianming said angrily.

The Hokage's style of dealing with things is really naive, naive and a little cowardly. They take people's hearts too kind, and they always think about hello, me, and everyone. I don't mess with you, and you don't mess with me. Let's develop together and peacefully.

This kind of thinking is not wrong, but the premise of all this is to have sufficient strength.

The country of fire is a piece of fat, if Konoha can't be strong, then anyone can come up and take two bites.

In the original work, Dashemaru colluded with Shayin Village to invade Konoha during the Zhongren examination period, and even planned to release a tail in Konoha Village. As a result, the two villages were better than others.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this between countries. It is originally an alliance of interests. However, Shayin Village tore up the peace agreement, invaded Konoha and killed so many ninjas, at least it has to pay something!

But for the sake of peace, the Hokage line directly forgave Shayin Village.

And this time too, Yunyin Village took the initiative to provoke the war, but the three generations of Hokage always wanted to try not to provoke the opponent first, wait for the opponent to take the first move, and then we passively counterattack.

This is the most annoying point of Chao Yanqian.

"I've already decided!" Chao Yi Qianming said in a deep voice. (To be continued.)

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