Two days later, Hae Chinaga quietly left Konoha again, took off his ninja uniform and changed into ordinary clothes, put a fake beard on his face, made a simple modification, avoided all the secret whistle, and sneaked in. Inside the misty village.

Due to the existence of [Transformation Technique], ninjas can achieve the effect of disguise through transformation, so few ninjas use disguise techniques to disguise themselves.

However, the use of [Transformation] will eventually leave chakra fluctuations, and these will not escape the powerful perception ninja. Under inertial thinking, as long as you hide your chakra, you can play a better camouflage effect in special times, such as the simple disguise of Chao Yi Qianren.

Originally, Haikenji didn't plan to go to Wuyin Village to participate in their coup, but I didn't see Yakura's death with his own eyes, Haikeniken couldn't rest assured.

In case Terumi Ming just captured Yakura, and then stripped the tail beast to create a new three-tailed human column force, the plan to capture the three-tailed chakra by the thousand people would be forced to abort.

In order not to have any accidents, Mizuno decided to go to Wuyin Village in person, at least to see Yakura's death with his own eyes, and Sanwei disappeared in Yakura's body. If necessary, Asakura can also take the shot himself, and Yakura's life is the result.

In a basement in Wuyin Village, a large number of Wujinren gathered here at this moment, and each ninja's face was full of excitement and expectation.

Although the coup hasn't officially started yet, these obviously cannot stop the enthusiasm of the Mizukis. The overthrow of the rule of the four generations of Suikage Yakura, and Terumi Ming as the fifth generation of Suikage, is a major event for the whole village and the whole country to celebrate the entire village of mist, and even the country of water.

Mist, who has suffered from four generations of water shadows for more than ten years, is full of longing for a new life.

Terumi Ming has promised all ninjas that he will implement a new policy in the village, and Wuyin Village will not secretly shrink on an island like Water Country. Wuyin will implement a peaceful and open policy, and will cooperate with other Danin villages. , Large countries carry out trade cooperation, comprehensively enhance the comprehensive national strength of the water country, and fully rejuvenate the Wuyin Village.

In today's battle, many people here will die in the battle, at the hands of their former compatriots. But this is not important. For the future of Wuyin Village and the prosperity of the Water Country, these Wuren Ren are ready to sacrifice at any time.

The streets of Wuyin Village are already empty at this moment. Although the villagers don't know what is going to happen in the village, they have been notified long ago. No matter what they hear today, they are not allowed to step out of their homes.

Chao Yan Qiang hid in a private house near the water shadow office and controlled a family of three with illusions. The vision here is good, you can see everything that will happen next.

At the end of the street, a figure appeared, all black, and it was hard to tell how many people there were. In a few moments, these figures were near, they were ninjas, an army of ninjas hidden in the mist. Thousands of Wuren formed a huge torrent, heading towards the water shadow office.

And the forces of the four generations of Mizukage Yakura seemed to disintegrate among the forces, allowing the misty hidden army to advance unimpeded.

As the leader of this time, Terumi Ming, naturally will not be absent, walking in the forefront of all the fog of Shinobu, Terumi Ming took the lead in walking to the water shadow building.

The four generations of Mizukage Yakura, as well as several elders from Wuyin Village, are all present at the moment, and their eyes are coldly injected with Terumi Mei and the others.

"Terumi Mei! Do you really want to cause a greater civil war in Wuyin Village? I advise you to retreat quickly, lest you end up in a different place like those troublemakers!" Behind Yakura, a white The gray-haired old man said loudly.

Yakura has been in power as Mizukage for many years. Although many people who supported him have abandoned him, there are still a large number of people who support Yakura. They firmly believe that everything that Yakura does is for the sake of the mist, only Yakura. Cang can lead Wuyin Village to become stronger.

People's obsessions are sometimes really terrifying. Once they confirm something, they will carry it through to the end and never look back.

"I am here to end the **** rule of the four generations! I do not agree with the four generations, and everyone does not agree. I am not here for myself, for rights, for ambition." Terumi Mei can be in turmoil. Growing up in the middle, she has a clearer understanding of war, so she wants to change the status quo of Water Country and Wuyin Village with her own ability.

Perhaps in today's battle, Wuyin Village's strength was greatly damaged, and it was completely at the bottom of the five ninja kingdoms. But if Yakura continues to master the mist, misty village will only go to destruction.

"Presumptuous! Yakura-sama is the water shadow of Wuyin Village. It's not what you want. You will only make the situation in Wuyin Village more and more chaotic!" The old man was still chattering: " But... Terumi Ming! You still have time to look back now, and we won't hold you accountable!"

At this time, the other Wuyin elders behind Yakura also spoke up. These people may be the forces that fear Yakura, or they may really support Yakura. In short, for the sake of Wuyin Village, no one hopes that there will be a civil war in Wuyin Village.

"Ending the war in the water country and ending the terror reign of Wuyin Village is what I have always been looking forward to!" Terumi Ming was unmoved. For this coup, Terumi has been planning for years with great concentration. How can others be able to move in a few words. of.

"So! For the sake of Wuyin Village! We can only kill you on the spot!" The elders in Wuyin frowned. Since Terumi Ming is so stubborn, they can only do it!

"Those who dare to resist my rule, I will never show mercy!" At this time, Yakura spoke like a child, and with a single sentence, the contradiction between the two sides was completely intensified and the contradiction between the two parties was completely intensified and immortal.

Perhaps it doesn’t matter who wins or loses in the result of the coup. As long as the Wuyin Village is in chaos and the Wujinmen fight each other, this is the scene that the mask brings the soil the most hope to see~www.readwn. com~ From the moment I decide, I am not afraid of failure, let alone death. For me, you are the root cause of the turmoil in the country of water and must be eradicated! "Terumi Mei is definitely not a person who is afraid of difficulties. At this time, Terumi Mei is serious, revealing a breathtaking aura from all over her body.

Both sides are gathering momentum, staring at each other, and the atmosphere is getting heavier and heavier. But at this time the field was strangely quiet, and the slight wind could be heard clearly.

Even though he had made up his mind long ago to overthrow the rule of the four generations of Shuiying, the opponent he will face next is, after all, a companion of a village. If he really wants to do it, there will inevitably be a moment of uneasiness in his heart!

"Four generations of Mizukage Yakura used power to frame his companions in the village, closed diplomacy, and ruled the village with **** means. For the country, for the village, for the companions, I will never let you continue to do whatever you want!" Terumi said in a loud voice, as if It cheered everyone up and at the same time strengthened my confidence.

Terumi Ming put on a combat stance, his eyebrows were cold, his eyes were serious, his eyes sharply watched the opponent's actions, ready to attack at any time. (To be continued...)


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