Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 300: Information sharing

Chapter 300 Information Sharing

After supper, after patrolling at Yi Qianren avoiding the hidden part of the mist, he walked out of the hotel alone and walked slowly towards the river. Fastest update

After the negotiation meeting this afternoon, Terumi Ming secretly handed over a note to the Mikuni, and agreed to meet by the river tonight to discuss important matters.

Walking slowly under the night, Qianming looked up at the bright moon in the sky. The moonlight tonight is very beautiful, and the silver-white brilliance swayed across the wild, like a hazy **** frost, reflecting the lake, turning out a faint white light.

In the past life of the dynasty, the full moon represented reunion, and people in a foreign land would also miss their hometown through the moonlight. It's just that in the last few years, Chao Yanqian has rarely recalled things in his previous life. With the passage of time, those memories have been basically forgotten, but the thoughts of his family have made Chao Yiqian feel extra lonely in this world.

Withdrawing his gaze, he walked slowly towards the river bank towards Qianren. It didn't take long for Chao Yanqian to see Terumi Ming standing by the river, staring at the flowing water in a daze.

"What's the matter?" Chao Yanqian asked first.

Ever since the collaboration between Asakura China and Terumi Mei ended, and the incident between Yakura and Ao happened again, it was difficult for the two to make jokes like before.

The different positions seem to be destined to be enemies between the two.

"That organization, is it Akatsuki?" Terumi Ming asked softly, with a very positive tone.

"Very good intelligence ability, only with the two people of the dried persimmon ghost shark and Uchiha Itachi, we can find out the details of Uchiha Madara!" Asaku Qianna exclaimed.

It is actually not difficult to find out Akatsuki's organization, but it has only been half a month since the appearance of Kakigami and Uchiha Itachi. Terumi has tracked down the organization of the two, which is indeed commendable.

After all, Kakigami and Uchiha Itachi are both shadow-level powerhouses, and ordinary people can't grasp the whereabouts of the two.

"Then what is the relationship between you and Akatsuki?" Terumi Mei continued to ask.

"As you might guess, there must be a battle between me and this organization!" Chao Yan Qiang said bluntly.

"With your personality, you can forbear not doing anything with Akatsuki for so long. It seems that the strength of the other party is enough to make you feel jealous!" Terumi Ming joked.

"We are all preparing, it's up to who moves faster!" Chao Yanqian said.

Since it didn't fall out with Wuyin Village, the Wuyin Village that was persecuted by Uchiha Madara must be the help of the fight against Akatsuki. Although at the master level, Wuyin Village still has some shortcomings, but it is still possible to deal with some small people with the strength of Wuyin Village.

Therefore, Hao Qianna didn't mind sharing some information about Akatsuki to Terumi, so that she could understand that organization.

"The enemy of the enemy is the friend. It seems that our purpose is the same in dealing with the Xiao organization!" Terumi Mei laughed.

"Oh? Are you looking for me today to continue working together?" Chao Qianna looked at Terumi Mei, and said with interest.

"I don't know much about Akatsuki's intelligence. If you agree, we can achieve information sharing on Akatsuki's matter, and we will destroy Akatsuki together in the future." Terumi Ming's clear water-like eyes fixedly looked at Chao Chao. Thousands of lost names.

"Um...Yes!" Chao Qiang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I can tell you the information I have. After you understand the strength of this organization, you can consider whether to do it right with them. "

"Listening to you, do you think I will back down?" Terumi Mei stared at Anonymous, dissatisfied.

"The base of the Akatsuki organization is in the country of rain. The members of the Akatsuki organization are all S-rank rebels in the ninja world. Everyone has special abilities. The number of members of the Akatsuki organization is still under investigation, but it should not exceed ten. "People." Zhao Qianna introduced: "The leader of Akatsuki has the eyes of reincarnation to persuade the immortals of Zhongliu Dao. And he has killed the leader of Yuren Village Sanjiao Hanzo a few years ago, and took control of the entire Yunin. village."

Terumi Ming continued to frown as she listened to the introduction of Akatsuki Mizuno to Akatsuki. When she heard that the leader of Akatsuki had reincarnation eyes, Terumi Mei could not help but exclaimed, "Reincarnation eyes? Could it be that of the Six Immortals Is the legend true?"

"Of course it's true!" Chaoyao Qianming affirmed: "I once played against the leader of the Akatsuki organization. His strength is very strong. If I don't save my hole cards and fight with all my strength, I'm not sure I can defeat him!"

Six Penn’s strength is very strong. Among the six people, there are mt, control, output, and treatment. It is simply a standard dungeon team.

Especially the ability of Heavenly Way Payne and the ability of Nagato to master the outside way is even more powerful and unreasonable.

The reason why Uzumaki Naruto was able to defeat Liu Dao Penn was because the ability of Heavenly Dao Penn could not be used, so Naruto took the opportunity to kill Hell Dao and made Liu Dao Penn lose the ability to resurrect.

Otherwise, under the protection of the heavenly power, Naruto would never be able to easily approach the **** road Penn.

"What about Uchiha Madara?" Terumi Ming frowned. "What is his position in this organization?"

"Let’s be a collaborator!" Asa Tsunami thought about and then said: "Uchiha Madara attaches great importance to this organization, and seems to want to use the eyes of reincarnation to achieve something. It's just that I can't grasp it now Any information about Uchiha Madara, even except for a few people, no one in the ninja world knows his existence."

"Does he want to regain his strength?" Terumi Mei was puzzled.

"It's possible!" Asuna Chinaya nodded and said, "Although I haven't fought Uchiha Madara, it was Uchiha Madara's hand that happened when Nine Tails attacked Konoha back then, so I know his existence. His eyes Although he can manipulate the tail beast, his ability seems to be greatly restricted. Otherwise, if Uchiha Madara's strength wants to destroy Konoha, he doesn't have to borrow the power of Kyuubi at all."

"Then we can completely eliminate Akatsuki before Uchiha Madara's strength is restored." Terumi Ming said in a deep voice.

"I've thought about this, but if Konoha and Wuyin are only teaming up, I'm afraid it is not an opponent of Akatsuki." Qianren Chao said in a solemn tone: "According to my investigation, the eye of reincarnation is extremely hidden. Terrible ability. I have been searching for ancient documents in the past few years. It is recorded in the literature that the moon on our head is caused by the ability of reincarnation!"

"What? It's a lie!" Terumi Mei exclaimed, her eyes full of disbelief.

The moon is made by the eyes of reincarnation, even if it is a fairy tale, it would not be written like that!

"It is unwise to fight the Eye of Reincarnation before getting the exact information of the Eye of Reincarnation. And my plan will take time. I will not be ready to fight against this organization in at least five years," said Zhao Yiqian.

"..." Terumi was silent for a moment, then frowned, "If what you said is true, it really needs a long-term plan. Are you collecting the chakras of the tail beasts to deal with the eyes of reincarnation?" (To be continued...)

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