Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 310: Soft fist

'Snapped! ''Snapped! ''Snapped! ’

Hyuga Hinata waved his palms, and continuously attacked Misaka Mizuno. Although there was a hint of shyness and weakness on his face, there was a vaguely firm expression in his eyes.

On the side of Asakura Chinina, he constantly blocked the attack of Hinata Hinata, and counterattacked from time to time, attacking the weak point of Hinata's defense. On the other side, he secretly observed Hyuga Hinata's attack pattern, and silently analyzed the practice methods suitable for Hinata.

No matter from which point of view, Hinata Hinata in this period feels timid and weak, without any independent opinions, and is not suitable for becoming a ninja.

But through a brief encounter and an analysis of the plot of the original novel, Chao Yanqian knows that Hinata is actually too kind and too shy. In terms of inner firmness and guardianship of his companions, Hinata is actually no worse than anyone.

In the process of fighting Hinata Hyuga, Asakura found something very interesting. That is, when Hinata Hinata played against himself, he hadn't used all his strength yet, and had reserved the strength of each shot.

You must know that the two people are currently rivals and enemies, and whether they can pass the test of the Qianren Zhaoren is also related to the forbearance test of her and her two companions. In this situation, even the really timid people will explode to fight the enemy with all their strength. Only those who are truly kind in their hearts will be merciful because they are afraid of hurting the other party.

In all fairness, there are thousands of people who don't like this character. Most of the time, people with this character lack decisiveness.

However, this kind of personality also has the advantages of this kind of personality. Only in the real life and death crisis, or when the belief is challenged, people with this kind of personality will often explode beyond their own power.

And the needs of the North Koreans for Hinata Hinata are only to improve Hinata’s strength in the next three years, and then find a way to help Hinata open his rebirth eyes and resist in the final battle [Unlimited Moon Reading] , And join hands against Datongmu Huiye.

Therefore, no matter how bad Hyuga Hinata's performance in the future tasks is, it is not important to Joan, who only values ​​the blood power of Hyuga Hinata.

As for changing the character of Hinata Hyuga, let Naruto do it! I believe he will be very happy.

After knowing about the strength of Hinata Hinata, he applied a slight force to Qianmei's hand, grabbed Hinata Hinata by the arm, and threw her out.

"The soft boxing, the family physique passed down from the Hyuga clan, can infiltrate one's own chakra into the enemy's body, thereby damaging the enemy's chakra meridians and internal organs. Let me teach you now!" The words fell, Chao Chao Yi Qianming also put on a soft fist pose.

"Rouquan, how... how could it be possible?" Hyuga Hinata's eyes widened, and he looked at Chao Yiqian in a daze, with an incredible expression on his face.

It is not without reason that Rouquan claims to be able to exert its power only with white eyes.

Because only with a blank eye can you see the enemy's chakra meridian and penetrate your own chakra into the enemy's body. And a ninja who does not have white eyes, even if it can simulate the attack mode of the soft boxing, it will not be able to exert the true power of the soft boxing because it can't see the enemy's chakra meridian.

Hyuga Hinata obviously didn't want to believe that Chao Yanqian could also fist, and suddenly rushed towards Chao Yanqian, and his right palm fiercely attacked Chao Yanqian's abdomen.

Pointed out to the list of lost thousand, three consecutive clicks on Hinata Hinata’s arm, closed the chakra meridian on Hinata Hinata’s arm, and then pressed one palm on Hinata’s abdomen and gently pushed Hinata Hinata. Two steps backwards.

The destructive power of the soft fist to the body is too strong, so Asakusa only slightly sealed the acupoints of Hinata Hinata. If it is slightly harder, it is easy to crush Hinata's internal organs.

"It turned out to be a soft fist... and it's still acupuncture?" Hyuga Hinata looked at Chiren Mo in disbelief, and couldn't help exclaiming, "How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. I am a medical ninja. I am afraid that I know the chakra meridian in the human body better than I can see with my eyes. Whether it is tall, short, fat, thin, adult or child, I can rely on it. Experience accurately analyzes where the other's acupuncture points are on the body." Chao Yi Qianming explained.

"This..." Hyuga Hinata was dumbfounded.

"It seems that you are no longer able to fight anymore." Asakura looked at Hyuga Hinata, and then said: "Let's go! It's already twelve o'clock, and today's test is over!"

"Yes...Yes!" Hyuga Hinata nodded discouragedly. He didn't even get a kunai. It seemed that he really wanted to go back to the ninja school to study.

The eighth training ground.

Yuzina and Inuzuka-ya were tied to the stakes at this moment. Seeing Asuna Chinina returning with Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka-ya immediately yelled: "Hinata, you got the kunai No?"

"No..." Hyuga Hinata whispered.

"Oh! It seems we only have one kunai." Inuzuka sighed.

For Inuzuka Toga and Yuzino, Asaru China just let the two shadow clones go over and fight against the two separately, to test the bottom line of their strength, and wait until the two of them have experienced their muscles before taking them. To the eighth training ground, tied to a wooden stake.

"Now you three have there should be only one Kuwu?" He glanced at the three of them and said lightly: "That's good. If only one person passes the test, I will also Saved a lot of trouble!"

"Which is in whose hands?" Chao Yiqian asked.

"In... with me!" Hyuga Hinata said.

"Oh! It turned out to be snatched by a girl. It seems that you two are very useless!" Chao Yanqian laughed and glanced at Yunyoshino and Inuzuka with disdain.

"Damn it!" Inuzuka's teeth gritted his teeth and glanced bitterly at Yi Qianren, but after all he said nothing.

Yu Nishino was also silent, and there was no expression on her covered face.

It is said that Yu Nushi Nai is really extreme. When he is low-key, he doesn't say a word, and when he is long-winded, he keeps talking endlessly.

Asakusa looked at Hyuga Hinata and smiled, and then said, "Then I announce that today's test is only Hinata..."

"Wait!" Hinata Hinata interrupted before he could finish talking about Tsunami, "They gave me this kunai, so I..."

"Hinata! Since Kuwu is in your hands, it means you passed the test. If you want to ask why, if none of the three of us pass, we will definitely be laughed at!" Yuzina said lightly.

"But...but..." Hyuga Hinata hesitated.

"Nothing!" Inuzukaya yelled arrogantly: "Hinata! Don't you know us yet? We will definitely pass the test next time!"

"No! I... I can't accept it!" Hinata Hyuga's tone was suddenly extremely firm: "We are companions, if only I pass the test... And this kunai was not the first I found. To return to the ninja school, the three of us will go back together!"

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