Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 315: on the way

"Mr. Qianming, you are finally here!" As soon as he saw Qianming, the wealthy businessman greeted him enthusiastically, and the fat on his face trembled with the flattering smile. It's a bit off appetite.

"Mr. Koji, I've been waiting for a long time!" Chao Yanqian said lightly.

"Wait soon! Wait soon! I just arrived just now." Koji said flatly.

To be able to hire a ninja at the level of the Chao Yi Thousand at the price of a C-level mission, it was no different to Koji that he was out of luck. I originally went to the country of grass to take a certain amount of risk, but with the protection of the lost thousands of people, all this is not a problem.

This is a powerful existence that even the Ninja Village can easily destroy. With the protection of the Qianren, what other guy who doesn't have eyesight dares to fight the caravan?

As early as last night, Koji sent someone to notify the caravan overnight and ordered him to prepare more goods immediately, so that he could earn more profits in the country of grass.

"Where is the caravan now?" Chao Yiqian asked.

"It's in the city fifty miles away, and I bother with Mr. Qianming for a walk!" Koji said.

"En! Let's go!" Chao Yi Qianren said.

"Wow! Is this the first time I left the village when I grew up?" Walking in the woods outside Konoha, the energetic Inuzuka tooth kept looking around, and said excitedly: "I don't know about this mission. Can you meet some awesome guys? It's time for Master Inuzukaga to show his skills!"

"Ya! C-level missions won't encounter a ninja fight!" Yuzina faintly attacked.

"Didn't the thousand teachers say that the level of the task will change from C-level to B-level at any time?" Inuzukaya said grinningly.

"..." Koji felt his heart twitched unconsciously as he listened to the enthusiastic discussion of whether or not he would encounter an enemy. Nima, discussing this kind of thing in front of the client, have you ever considered my feelings...

However, looking at the Qian Ren Zhao who walked indifferently at the forefront, Koji felt a lot of peace in his heart. With such a strong presence, even if you encounter an enemy, you can just let it go!

"Ya! If you encounter an enemy, the three of you will be responsible for retreating the enemy." Chao Yi Qianna said suddenly.

"Aren't thousands of teachers taking action?" Hyuga Hinata asked worriedly.

"Yes! Mr. Qianren, you can't..." Koji said with a nervous expression.

"I'll be responsible for protecting the safety of the caravan." Chao Yan Qianna said lightly: "Mr. Koji, you can rest assured that even if all three of them are dead, I will continue to complete the task. Since you believe in Konoha, entrust us with Ye protects your safety, and Konoha will be responsible to the end."

"Yes...Yes!" Koji quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead upon hearing this. Worthy of being a man called a ‘devil’, he confessed so frankly that he let his hands go down to death.

Seeing the face change, the three little ghosts with different thoughts smiled secretly at Yi Qianming.

This mission was originally intended to let his three disciples feel the ninja fighting, but how could they not make any arrangements to let them go out so pleasantly?

Soon, Chao Qianren and others joined the caravan and headed towards the country of grass.

"Thousand teachers, have you been to the country of grass before?" Hyuga Hinata asked curiously.

"I've been here several times!" Chao Yi Qianming said.

"Yesterday, you said that Kusano Kuni had just ended the war, what did that mean? Hasn't the Ninja world been settled for many years?" Hyuga Hinata asked puzzledly.

"That's it, little girl!" Hearing Hinata Hyuga's words, Koji, who had traveled north and south for many years, couldn't help but explain: "Since the war between our fire country and thunder country ended more than ten years ago, the five major ninja countries It settled down. But those small countries were in turmoil because of the truce of the big countries. This country of grass has been fighting with other countries before, and it was only a few years ago that the war was put down."

"Why is this?" Hyuga Hinata asked in confusion.

"It's not for the benefit of all countries..." Koji explained.

"You won't understand these things now. When you grow up, you will naturally understand." Chao Yanqian interrupted.

The students in this class are too naive, and it is not a good thing for them to understand the darkness between countries prematurely. Especially Hyuga Hinata, who is kind and pure by nature, let's continue to maintain this kindness!

As for the dark things, it's best to never understand them.

"Cut! Thousands of teachers always treat us as children!" Inuzukaga complained dissatisfied.

"If you don't want to be treated as a child, just do something that an adult should do." Yuzina said.

"Damn it!" Inuzukaya cursed, and then suddenly questioned: "Mr. Koji, you just said about the war between the country of fire and the country of thunder?"

"Yeah! Don't you know?" Koji asked in confusion.

"In the war more than ten years ago, most of the deeds circulated in the ninja world were false and untrue." Chao Yi Qian said indifferently: "After all, it is a time of peace, and things during the war period are rarely seen in the village. Mentioned."

"Oh! That's it!" Koji nodded, knowingly.

Ninja World Wars can often involve a lot of secrets, including the intelligence of some powerful men, and the dark deeds of major Ninja villages. When the war ceased, the "peace treaty" between Shinobu villages first stipulated that the information of each village should not be disclosed.

For example, the hidden ninja didn't even know what abilities their second-generation water shadow possessed. UU reading

Although the ninja's secrecy mechanism may seem irrelevant, in fact many secrets are covered up in this way.

"Then who on earth won the country of Thunder and us?" Inuzukaga asked excitedly.

"Of course it is our country of fire!" Koji said with a proud face: "Your teacher, Mr. Thousand Names, is the terminator of this war. It is said that he destroyed the entire Yunyin Village alone."

"What? It's a lie!" Inuzukaga cried out in disbelief. Glancing at an unscrupulous teacher, Inuzukaya couldn't believe that his teacher was such a powerful fellow.

"Of course it's true!" Koji said loudly, "There was a lot of rumors about this incident that year. If you don't believe it, you can ask a thousand gentlemen."

"Thousand teachers, you really..." Inuzuka-toa opened her mouth, she couldn't believe it was true.

"Of course it's fake!" Chao Yanqian said lightly.

"Cut! I'll just say it!" Inuzuka Toa let out a long sigh. Although a little lost, it felt more real.

"I just destroyed the buildings in Yunyin Village, and before that, I left enough time for the civilians in Yunyin Village to escape. And now Yunyin Village is still alive, so it is not considered to have destroyed Yunyin Village. "Chao Yi Qianren continued.



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