Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 331: Win or lose

"I didn't expect Hinata to be so powerful!"

"That's amazing! It's incredible to be able to defeat Neji..."

"This... when did she become so powerful..."

The crowd looked at the battle on the court with complicated faces. Hinata's performance can be said to be completely beyond everyone's expectations. Even in most people's minds, Hinata Hyuga will definitely be taken seriously by Neji Hyuga...Uh! For the sake of his siblings, Neji Hyuga shouldn't be too cruel.

But the fact is that Hyuga Hinata not only matched Hyuga Neji in the close combat, but even seized the opportunity to knock down Hyuga Neji with [Empty Palm].

", how did you train?" Metkay asked in surprise.

"Akai! Can't remember our previous agreement!" Zhao Qianming smiled and pointed to the two below: "We each teach a disciple so that they can decide the winner and loser. Judge whether we win or lose. Ningci and Hinata are both in the same line of Rouquan, and they can just complete that promise."

"Of course I remember, but I was going to let Xiao Li..." When it came to the competition, Metkay said with a straight face.

But Kakashi, who was eavesdropping on the side, suddenly lit up, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

"I finally know how to get rid of Akai." Kakashi ran in tears...

"Teacher Akai, you have such an agreement with someone..." Tian Tian said with a look of disgust.

"If that's the case, then I will let Junmaro play!" Chao Yi Qianna smiled.

Usually Xiao Li is fine, but if it is Xiao Li who opened [Eight Gate Dunjia], it will be enough to crush the current Hyuga Hinata.

"Don't count Junmaro, I have a part in teaching Junmaro!" Metkay quickly shook his head and refused.

After teaching Junmaro himself, Metkai certainly knew how talented Junmaro was, and Junmaro's effort was not inferior to Xiao Li. No matter how hard the practice is, as long as Metkai orders, Junmaro will complete it meticulously.

If the persistence in Xiao Li's heart proves that hard work can defeat genius, then the persistence in Junmaru's heart is to fulfill the instructions to the lost thousand people and not let the thousand people disappointed.

amount! Miscalculated!

Zhao Qianming shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "Alright, after all, you are also in the line of Gangfist, and Xiao Li is the successor of your physical skills."

On the field, the battle between Hinata and Neji continued.

The battle has been going on for more than ten minutes. In the high-intensity physique contest, both Hyuga Neji's physical strength and Chakra are seriously depleted. Although he can continue to persist, his punches are no longer as fierce as they were at the beginning.

On the other hand, Hinata Hyuga, although a little panting, the consumption of Chakra is less than half, and the battle is still easy.

"It's amazing!" Kakashi exclaimed.

With the insight of writing round eyes, Kakashi saw the state of the two people. If the battle continues to be stalemate, it will take less than ten minutes for Hyuga Neji to be dragged down by Hyuga Hinata.

Strength can be trained, but the accumulation of chakras requires time and experience...

"Could it be that the Chao Qianren used the forbidden technique to help Hyuga Hinata improve his strength?" Kakashi thought uneasy.

Not only Kakashi, the third generation of Hokage apparently also discovered the anomaly of Hinata Hyuga. Moreover, the three generations of Hokage knew in their hearts that contacting Dashemaru and cooperating with Shimura Danzo would surely hold the first generation cells in the hands of Chao Yanqian.

And Hyuga Hinata's current performance has confirmed this even more.

Feeling the gaze of the third generation of Hokage, she turned to look at the third generation of Hokage, and saw the solemn face of the third generation of Hokage, smiled casually at the third generation of Hokage, and then retracted his gaze and continued to watch the battle on the court.

"Miss Hinata, you really have become stronger,'s over!" Hyuga Neji said lightly, and then stretched his arms and opened the posture of a gossip palm.

"This is..." Hyuga Hinata frowned, clearly seeing Hyuga Neji's tricks.

This distance cannot be avoided at all.

【Gossip——Sixty-Four Palms】

Hyuga Neji's body rushed towards Hinata at an extremely fast speed, and his hands flashed to Hinata's body like lightning.

"Can't escape!" Hyuga Hinata had a solemn expression, in the realm of gossip, he would definitely not be able to escape [64 palms], and once he was tapped, it meant he would face failure!

"Huh!" With a light breath, Hinata Hinata released the chakra from the acupoints all over his body, and the whole person began to rotate at an extremely fast speed.

【Back to the days】

The eyes of Chao Yanqianmei were also slightly solemn. Before taking the Zhongnin exam, Hinata Hinata hadn't learned to 【return to the sky】. This time, it was not without the chance of success.

But even if you hit [64 palms], it doesn’t matter. With the vitality of the primary cells and the activation of the ‘medical ninjutsu’ cells, even if the acupuncture points are forced open, the meridian system will be instantly healed.

"Keep it...and then..."

Thinking of the essence of [Haiten] in my mind, Hinata Hinata finally turned the chakra released into a big circle before he attacked him, and maintained it...

Upon seeing this, Hyuga Neji could only retract his hands, but his body was driven by inertia and couldn't stop approaching the chakra circle made by [Haiten].

【Back to the days】

Neji Hyuga also spun around, defying Hyuga Hinata's counterattack with [Haiten] against [Haiten].

And compared to Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga is more proficient in using [Haiten].

"Miss Hinata, you even learned this trick!" Hyuga Ningji exclaimed.

"Brother Ningci..." Hyuga Hinata was also very surprised, [Huitian] As the secret of the family, he was actually learned by the people who separated the family.

When the absolute defense that belonged to the Hyuga's family was revealed, the Shioninho kids present were shocked and speechless. In ninjutsu, there are many offensive ninjutsu, but defensive ninjutsu is extremely lacking, not to mention this kind of all-round 360-degree absolute defense.

Even Gaara couldn't help shaking with excitement.

"Won!" Chao Yi Qianming secretly said in his heart.

There is no suspense about the outcome between Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Neji.

Before Chao Yanqian, let Hinata learn [Empty Palm] in order to give Hinata a long-range attack method, and learn [Huitian] for defense. Especially in the fight against Hyuga Ningji, he learned [Going Back to Heaven], which means that Hyuga Ningji's [Bagua——Sixty-Four Palms] is completely useless.

As for [Bagua——Sixty-Four Palms], Chao Yiqian did not plan to let Hinata learn in a short time. Judging from the current development trend of Hyuga Hinata, the future route should be to learn more powerful and lethal moves, rather than [64 palms] such acupuncture skills.

"Ning Ci!" Xiao Li's eyes fixedly looked at Ning with very complicated eyes.

Sakura and other female ninjas too, seeing the strength of Hyuga Hinata, they couldn't help but feel a sense of shame that they are worthless.

The ensuing battle was as expected by Mizuno. Under the severe exhaustion of Chakra, he couldn't tap the acupoint of Naka Hinata, and Hyuga Neji's defeat was inevitable.

In the end, Hyuga Hinata hit Neji's acupoint and closed Neji's Chakra and won the battle.

As for the Miku, Hyuga Hinata can be strong and face the battle bravely, which is the biggest gain today.

Next, Asakusa can start preparing for Hinata Hinata's reincarnation eyes...


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