Stretching forward with one hand, the serpentine chakra surrounding the thousands of people in the direction of the lost person stretched out in an instant, and transformed into a shield shape in the air. The solid chakra shield easily blocked all of Xiaonan’s paper shurikens. attack. ? WWWW.suimeng.lā

"Where is Nagato's body?" Jiraiya asked anxiously.

"Here!" He raised his finger in a direction towards Qian Ning.

In the battle with Payne, Josane had been perceiving Nagato's position. It is useless to hit six penins. Those are just corpses. As long as Nagato is still alive, he can continue to make more penins.

Only by killing Nagato can Penn's power be truly dismantled.

It wasn't until Nagato forced the earth to explode the sky star in order to protect Heavenly Way Penn, and Chao Yi Qianren finally found the position of Nagato.

Pieces of paper were flying in the sky, while the figure was shaking, countless pieces of paper formed the appearance of Xiao Nan in the air. As far as I could see, Xiao Nan's paper avatars were almost distributed in all visible places.

As the first paper avatar swooped over towards the Qianlong, the other paper avatars followed closely behind, almost in the blink of an eye. Hundreds of paper avatars burned their detonating charms and faced Chaos. Yan Qianming launched a frantic attack in the direction.

Cold and ruthless expression, no wave of eyes. In order to protect the body of Nagato, Xiao Nan, who was not good at fighting, finally fought his own life.

"I really underestimated you, it's really a bit tricky!" Chao Yanqian said in a relaxed tone, and began to seal on his hands.

Wooden ingot wall

Several pieces of hardwoods broke out of the ground on the ground around Chao Yan Qianna, forming a hemispherical shield around Chao Yan Qianna, protecting Chao Yan Qianna in it.

'boom! boom! boom! ...’

Through the cracks in the wooden ingot wall, continuous explosions sounded in the ears of Chao Yi Qian, and the fire blazed into the sky. Xiao Nan's countless paper avatars burned all over, sizzling, and rushed towards Chao Yi Qian again and again. Name, and then ignite the detonating talisman on his body to explode.

The wood dodge contains vitality, and its defensive power far exceeds that of the earth dodge. Qianshou Zhujian used the wooden ingot wall bullet to fly the nine-tailed beast jade, which shows how strong this move is.

The continuous detonation talisman exploded, although the momentum was huge, but the attack power was difficult to concentrate on one point. An attack of this level can cause slight damage to the wooden ingot wall, but with the support of thousands of chakras, it can be repaired in an instant.

On the other side, at the moment Xiao Nan launched an attack, Jilai jumped out of Xiao Nan's attack range. Xiao Nan turned a blind eye to this, and the only target she wanted to attack was Chao Yi Qian.

After avoiding the attack range, Jiraiya directly crossed Xiao Nan and ran towards Nagato's position.

And Xiao Nan just took a complicated look at Zi Lai, and then continued to attack the North Korean Lost Thousands.

For Xiao Nan, her heart is actually extremely complicated.

From childhood to now, her friends have only two people, one is Yahiko and the other is Nagato.

When Yahiko died, Nagato became Xiaonan's only friend and all support for her to survive. When Nagato decided to inherit Yahiko's ideals and continue to create peace, Nagato and Yahiko's ideals became the goal that Xiaonan has been fighting for all his life.

Compared to Nagato, Xiao Nan is actually more naive. In her subconscious mind, it was actually very clear that everything Nagato was doing now was wrong, and it had completely violated Yahiko's original intention of establishing Akatsuki.

But she couldn't tell Nagato about her thoughts. For many years, she had become accustomed to following the ideals of Nagato and Yahiko, and their ideals were her ideals.

So when Nagato decided to kill Jiraiya, even if Xiao Nan couldn't bear it, he had already made the decision to kill Jiraiya. It was only because of the kindness in her heart that she decided to meet Ji Lai Ya for a while, and also hoped to give Zi Lai Ya a time to escape.

It's just that Jilaida didn't even see Penn, how could he escape?

And this time, when Jilaiya said that he wanted to have a good talk with Nagato, Xiao Nan made up his mind to hold the Qianren Zhaoren and let Jilaiya go to see Nagato alone.

She hoped that Jiraji could also change Nagato and change the current Akatsuki.

"It is indeed a good ability to turn the whole body into a paper product to hide the body." While admiring the Qianren Chao, he was also analyzing the way to crack this trick in his heart.

Xiao Nan's tricks may seem ineffective, but they are very tricky.

She hides her body in a piece of paper. Even if Xiao Nan's body can be found through her perception ability, because her body is turned into a piece of paper, Xiao Nan has the ability to be immune to attacks of a general level.

It's as if the body is elementalized, and physical attacks can be avoided. When Xiao Nan turns his body into a piece of paper, he can also avoid physical attacks. Even a certain level of ninjutsu has no effect on Xiao Nan.

"We can only force out the body first!" Chao Yi Qianming thought secretly in his heart.

Both hands are knotted.

Magical White Shock

A white dragon spit out from the mouth of Qianming Qianming. The dragon held a dragon ball and flew directly outside through the wall of the wooden ingot. Then the body of the dragon began to rapidly rotate around the dragon ball, and then the dragon ball burst, emitting a dazzling glare. And harsh noises.

As the Dragon Ball burst, the surrounding air began to vibrate, the amplitude of the vibration was not large, but it was extremely rapid.

The source of sound is vibration. Whether it is infrasound or ultrasound, it will cause huge damage to the human body. When the vibration of sound reaches a certain frequency, it can even cause death directly.

Xiao Nan's attack stopped in an instant, and all the paper clones turned into pieces of paper before they even touched the wooden ingot but the detonating symbols in the paper clones were still burning and then exploded.

In the area where the air was shaking, Xiao Nan could hardly maintain the movement of Chakra, the flying paper slowly fell to the ground, Xiao Nan also withdrew from the paper of the gods, the body fell on the ground, his face was pale, his feet Almost unsteady standing.

"That's it!" Chao Yi Qianming said softly.

The hardwoods that make up the shield spread out to both sides, revealing a passage that can accommodate one person. Taking advantage of the effect of the white excitement technique is still continuing, it quickly seals the hands of the thousands of lost hands.

The technique of wood cutting

The hardwood that was originally guarding Chao Qianmei instantly changed its shape. Hundreds of wooden thorns emerged from the hardwood, and then shot in the direction of Xiao Nan like a cannonball. The attack range covered almost all the space near Xiao Nan, cutting off. All the way for Xiaonan to escape.

Shinra Tianzheng

Celestial Path Penn descended from the sky and blocked Xiao Nan's body. With his hands stretched out, the irresistible repulsive force shot out in an instant. Under this repulsive force, all the wood thorns were instantly shattered, turned into powder in the sky, and finally turned into dust.

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