More than a dozen strange pythons composed of water dun were very agile, and they instantly engulfed Ye Qing, causing a huge splash, which was tens of meters high.

The splash splashed hundreds of meters around, like rain!

“Hmph, no matter who you are, today you will be buried for Sanshui!”

The leader of the Mist Hidden Murakami Shinobu looked at the huge splash in front of him, and his heart was very angry, but in front of the other Mist Ninjas, he couldn’t show it, so he had to snort coldly and said.

This Mist Hidden Murakami Shinobu is Sanshui’s eldest brother, the two are not biological, but they have grown up together since childhood and have an incomparable friendship behind them!


But just as Shinobu was finished speaking, a sound came into his ears, and he saw that the water column that had just splashed before it fell sent out a huge chakra fluctuation from the inside out!

I saw that in the water column, two rays of light suddenly lit up, like the eyes of some creature.

The leader of the misty Murakami Shinobu frowned, and a bad feeling climbed into his heart.

The water column caused by the explosion slowly fell, gradually resembling a huge black shadow!

But when the ninjas of the mist looked closely, they found that this black shadow was completely a huge black skeleton, but this skeleton only had the upper body, and it was full of black flames!

“This….. This, what is this! ”

A ninja in the Mist Hidden Village was already shocked by the scene in front of him, and said with a trembling voice.

“Don’t panic! This is just an environment created by the enemy, and what you see in front of you is just an illusion! ”

The Mist Hidden Murakami Shinobu who was still the leader, he noticed that among the ninjas behind him, several people had been shocked by the black skeleton in front of him, and immediately shouted loudly.

He had never seen such ninjutsu, and when he recalled the scene when Sansui was attacked to death by illusion before, he felt that it was just the environment that the teenager who used illusion had performed.

“Yes, don’t panic, this is just the environment set by the enemy, and the black skeleton you see is not real!”

“Everyone pay attention to the surroundings, watch out for that teenager launching a sneak attack from all around!”

Later, several Shangnin, who had rich combat experience, also opened their mouths to those Shangnin who were a little afraid beside him, and successfully stabilized the morale of everyone.

When the splash on the sea completely disappeared, something surprising happened!

The boy who used illusion to kill Sanshui was in the body of the black skeleton at this time, and his body was not stained with water.

This is enough to show that the previous water dragon bullet did not cause the slightest damage to it, but the skeleton’s body was all water stains.

“Water… The water dragon bullet was all resisted by that skeleton! ”

At this time, even the Mist Yin Shangnin who was the leader also felt trouble in his heart, because the young man in the skeleton was not contaminated with the slightest bit of seawater, but there was a lot of seawater on the skeleton.

“It’s not a complete Susano!”

Ye Qing was very surprised to see the Susa he released, originally thought that he could directly release the complete Susa Nenghu, but he didn’t expect that he could only reach Form Two

But Ye Qing also truly experienced the horror of Zoe Nenghu, shocking power!

When more than a dozen water dragon bullets attacked Susano’s body, it was like peeing on the wall!

“My Susanoo is actual!”

Ye Qing looked at the color of his Susano, first surprised, but then showed a satisfied smile!

“Listen to me, we fused the water dragon bomb together and broke his broken skeleton in one go!”

The leader of the Mist Hidden Murakami Shinobu looked left and right, and then shouted loudly, and took the lead in making a seal.

“Water Dragon Technique!”

When he finished speaking, the upper ninja behind him glanced at each other, and then their hands began to form.

“Water Dragon Technique!”

“Water Dragon Technique!”


In a moment, more than a dozen giant pythons composed of sea water rushed out!

However, this time was a little different, all the water monster pythons began to fuse together, turning into a complete water dragon, roaring towards Ye Qing!


The size of the water dragon is very huge, even bigger than Ye Qing’s Susano, of course, the size of Susanoo released by Ye Qing now is not as large as in the original book.

“Then come on, test for me how strong my Susanoo really is!”

The corner of Ye Qing’s mouth also smiled, revealing a very confident smile!

“Roar… Rumble! ”

The water dragon roared and crashed into Susano’s body, causing Ye Qing, who was inside Susano, to also feel the shock!

The water dragon, composed of more than a dozen water dragon bombs, concentrated the power of the water dragon bullets together, and the power was enough to tear an elite-level upper ninja to pieces!

However, after the water dragon hit Susanoo’s body, it only caused shaking.


This time, Susano, who was under Ye Qing’s control, let out a roar, raised his right hand, and slapped the water dragon in front of him apart!

“It’s my turn this time!”

Ye Qing controlled Susano, stretched out his huge skeleton hand, and directly grabbed the Mist Shinobu named Head.


“There is no effect, everyone disperse!”

The leader of the Mist Hidden Murakami Shinobu saw that the ninjutsu actually had no effect, and the other party also attacked his side, instantly commanding the upper ninja behind him to dodge the attack of that skeleton!

But just as he turned around to warn the others, his body was grabbed by Susano, which Ye Qing used, and squeezed it in his hand!

“That Kami-Shinobu just now was called Sanshui, right? Your most important brother, right? ”

“He was just in the illusion, crying for you to hurry up and save him until his spirit broke down completely!”

Ye Qing looked at the misty Yin Shangnin who was caught in his hand with an evil smile, and told him about the pain that Sanshui had endured in the illusion.

The Mist Yin Shinobu who was held in his hand, gritted his teeth and did not speak, staring at Ye Qing, who was within Susano’s reach.

“It looks like you hate me so much!”

Ye Qing directly said that the pain of that misty Yin Shangren, his good brother died in front of him, how could he remain calm!

“Go down and accompany your good brother!”

Ye Qing’s expression moved, and Susanoo gently squeezed his right hand, and directly squeezed the misty Murakami Shinobu in his hand into a piece of meat puree!

The rest of the Mist Shinobi who were evading saw that the captain of this operation was brutally killed by Ye Qing, some of them showed anger, and some of them showed fear!

Just two faces, directly killed two elite Shinobi on their side!

“Don’t try to escape any of you today!”

Ye Qing’s eyes were cold, but in the end, there was always a smile on his face, and he looked very devilish! _

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