The sun gradually rose, and the mild morning sun shone on the faces of Bofeng Shuimen and others, slowly waking them from sleep.


The first to wake up was Obito, after waking up, he opened his mouth and stretched a lazy waist, and then rubbed his eyes and found that the sky was already light.

However, as soon as Obito looked up, he found that Uchiha Qing was still standing on the treetops, as if he had not slept all night.

Soon, others woke up as well.

A moment later, everyone was ready to go, and Ye Qing also jumped down from the treetops.

“Almost, let’s get moving!”

Bofeng Shuimon lifted his backpack behind his back and spoke to Kakashi and the others.

“Next it’s going to be divided into two groups, everyone come on!”

“The enemy I encountered yesterday just happened to be scouting alone, and the next will become a team battle, everyone be careful!”

Wave Feng Shui Gate faced Kakashi and the others to remind the team to fight again.

“Then let’s go, Captain!”

When Kakashi and Wave Feng Shuimon heard this, their eyes were stunned, and they turned their heads to look at Obito with an incredulous expression.

After Obito listened to Hakafeng Shuimon say about Kakashi at night, for the sake of the team, he spoke to Kakashi, who wanted to come and not agree.

“Okay, let’s go!”



Bofeng Shuimen also saw the change that Obito had made for the team, smiled gratifyingly, and then opened his mouth to announce the start of the mission!

Kakashi and Obito and Rin quickly moved in the direction of the Kami-no Bridge.

Bofeng Shuimen and Uchiha Qing also disappeared from the same place and quickly rushed to the front!

Just after everyone left, a figure appeared and chased in the direction of Kakashi and the others.

This person is Ye Qing, who left with Bofeng Shuimen is just a wooden doppelganger, and his purpose now is to follow Obito and the others, watch them complete the plot of the Divine Bridge, and wait until they finally find Uchiha Spot!

Ye Qing watched Kakashi and the others, walked through the bamboo forest, dodged several mechanisms set by the enemy, and finally came to a stream, he noticed that there were two upper Shinobi nearby.

“Hey, that guy didn’t come back all night, so he won’t be solved by these little ghosts!”

“I don’t know, then ask!”

The two upper Shinobi of Iwahide Village who were secretly observing were Iwa Shinobi teammates who were killed by Wave Feng Shui Gate yesterday, but they didn’t hear the worry about the life and death of their companions from their words at all.

“Ninfa, camouflage!”

At this time, one of the upper Shinobi’s bodies gradually became transparent until he finally merged with the surrounding environment.

Another Kami-Shinobu appeared with a fist blade in both hands and slowly approached Kakashi and the others.

Suddenly, Kakashi, who was walking above the water, stretched out his hand to signal that there was an abnormality around him.

When I looked up, I found that green bamboo appeared on the top of my head, and it was very sharp.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”


“Knock knock!”

Obito quickly sealed the seal in his hand, and a large fireball from his mouth rushed overhead, burning all the green bamboo above his head and falling into the surrounding stream!

“Be careful, there are enemies around!”

Kakashi looked around warily, not yet knowing where the enemy was.

A figure with a somewhat blurry figure slowly approached Nohara Rin.

Suddenly, a sound of crushing bamboo came from in front of Kakashi, and a relatively thin ninja jumped out from in front of Kakashi and Obito, waving the fist blade above his hands.

Kakashi took out two handfuls of kunai and jumped up to meet them!


Kakashi fought the thin ninja several times in the air, and the kunai in his hand collided with the fist blade several times, each time sparking a spark.


A scream reached Obito and Kakashi’s ears, and as soon as the two turned around and found a tall ninja grabbing Rin Nohara with one hand, Rin was already unconscious and unconscious!



The two shouted in unison, but Lin did not react in the slightest.

The thinner ninja also appeared beside Rin.

“I didn’t expect you little devil to have two more strokes, but I don’t have the kung fu to play with you!”


After the ninja finished speaking, a thick smoke suddenly erupted from the soles of his feet, instantly covering the fat and thin two, and Otomi Rin was caught, and ran directly over, wanting to snatch Rin back from their hands!

“Bring soil, don’t chase!”

The smoke soon disappeared, and the two ninjas who kidnapped Rin, including Rin, disappeared without a trace!


Just after rushing over with soil, he pounced!

Kakashi also lowered his head, revealing an expression of chagrin.

The task has not been completed, but Lin did not want the enemy to take it, from the beginning to Lin was captured, all this was clearly seen by Ye Qing, and even the invisible ninja, Ye Qing saw it clearly.

In the middle of the bamboo forest, Obito discussed with Kakashi how to save Rin, but Kakashi remained silent.

“Kakashi, you have a word, Rin has been captured by the enemy, why are you not in a hurry at all!”

Obito and Kakashi talked about a way to save Rin for a long time, but Kakashi didn’t respond in the slightest, which made Obito a little impatient.

“Our task is not yet complete, so…”

When Obito heard Kakashi’s words, he seemed to understand something, and suddenly looked at Kakashi with angry eyes!

“So what, Lin has been arrested, you actually still think about the mission, don’t you care if Lin lives or dies?”

“Well, ninjas must put the task first, and they can’t just be terminated just because of a companion!”

Kakashi said in a calm tone at this time, saying to Obito that since Kiki Shuo Shigeru was forced to die because he gave up the mission to save his companions, he had always thought that the mission was above all else.

“What do you say!”

“Did you know that Lin deliberately put a peace charm in the medical kit that sent you?”

Obito grabbed Kakashi by the collar and said angrily to Kakashi!

“It’s just something with no value, it has nothing to do with the mission.”


Just after Kakashi finished speaking, Obito punched Kakashi fiercely, directly knocking Kakashi to the ground!

“As a medical ninja, the enemy will not kill her at all, at most just get the information they want from her!”

Kakashi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, slowly stood up, and continued to speak to Obito.

“Hmph, Lin likes you so much, I didn’t expect you to be such a ruthless and unrighteous person!.”

Obito grabbed Kakashi by the collar again, ready to continue punching Kakashi, but this time, Kakashi said.

“Ninjas who do not respect the rules are called abandonment.”

Kakashi looked at Obito’s fist, still not intending to fight back, and said to Obito. _

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