Three hours later, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally finished his speech.

The audience erupted in deafening cheers and applause.

If we talk about brainwashing, it has to be the Sandaime.

Even after the speech, the audience was still not satisfied.

Chiyu's three hours of hell finally ended.

Next was the division of classes.

There were three small display boards next to the stage.

All of them were the division of classes.

Chiyu found his name on Class 1.

"Am I in Class 1?"

He walked into the school and quickly found Class 1 at the entrance of the corridor.

He walked in.

There were already quite a few students inside.

He randomly picked a seat in the back row and sat down.

Because of his handsome appearance and conspicuous white hair, he quickly aroused discussion among the classmates in the classroom.

"So handsome."

"I haven't seen him in any of the major families. He should be a commoner."

"Such beautiful white hair. Is he from the Hatake family?"

"I really want to be friends with him."

This is what the girls think.

The boys, seeing that he was welcomed by so many girls right from the start, immediately started to get jealous.

"But he's a newcomer, why are you so arrogant?"

"That's right, he's acting cool right from the start, who do you want to show off to?"

"That face looks very feminine, I don't want to be friends with him."

The discussions in the audience naturally could not be hidden from Qianyu's ears, but he was too lazy to pay attention.

Have you ever seen an adult get angry with a child?

8 o'clock in the morning came quickly.

At this time, a young male ninja with an ordinary face and frizzy black hair entered the classroom.

"Hello everyone, I am the head teacher of Class 1. My name is Inoue Tenka, and I hope to get along with you happily in the future."

This teacher sounds like a good wife and mother, and her voice is very gentle.

"Then let's have each student introduce themselves. Anything is fine.

Introduce your name, what you like and dislike, and your future dreams."

Inoue Tenka pointed to the first person sitting in the first row on the far right and said:

"Please let this student go first."

The kid had a head of frizzy hair and a Uchiha clan emblem on his back that looked like a ping-pong paddle.

When he heard that he was going to go first, he stood up immediately.

"My name is Uchiha Milkshake, what I like is fire ninjutsu, what I dislike is water ninjutsu, and my dream is to awaken the family's Sharingan as soon as possible."

After the introduction, the student sat down.

Then Inoue Tenka motioned another student next to him to stand up.

"My name is Xiaoshi Danki, blah blah blah..."

Qianyu listened to their self-introductions and found that there were no characters related to the plot.

It wasn't long before it was his turn to introduce himself.

Stand up.

"My name is Qianyu. I like things and hate things. My dream is peace in the ninja world."

After the self-introduction, the students had a heated discussion.

Girls thought it was cool, while boys thought it was pretentious.

Inoue Tenka wiped his sweat.

This is another troublesome student.

"It's a great dream. I hope you will contribute an important part to your dream in the future."

After that, Qianyu sat down.

There was nothing much to say in the first class.

Just explained some precautions in school and safety issues during training, and then let the students go.

After finishing the textbook, Qianyu wanted to lie on the table to sleep for a while, and then he felt a vibration coming from the table.

Then he heard a roar:

"Hey, you monster!"

He raised his eyelids and looked at the source of the sound.

It was a big and strong kid, with three or four lackeys following behind him.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

But the kid got even more angry when he saw his careless look.

"Why are you so arrogant? It's just a white-haired monster."

"Listen carefully, I am the boss in this class. I warn you to be respectful to me when you speak."

The fat boy clenched his fists, making himself look difficult to mess with.

Qianyu couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

The children in the ninja world are not only more mature than the children in the previous life, but also younger than the bullies.

"What if I don't accept it?" He said with a mocking smile on his face.

"What did you say?!"

The movement of the two attracted the attention of the whole class from the beginning.

Almost all the students in the class cast their eyes on them.

So the fat boy felt that Qianyu made him lose face, so he rushed towards him with his fists.

Qianyu saw the right time and stretched out his palm to meet the boy's fist.

By leveraging the force, he unloaded the boy's strength and grabbed his arm and put it on his shoulder.

With a sweep of his feet, the boy lost

Then, through the principle of leverage, a beautiful shoulder throw directly knocked the boy unconscious.

The lackeys behind him saw their boss being bullied, and they all wanted to come up to avenge their boss.

Qianyu knocked them down with three punches and two kicks.

With a flip of his palm, a pencil appeared in his hand.

The tip of the pen pointed downward and pierced directly into the wooden floor under their feet, and the pencil was not damaged at all.

"If you want to suffer in the future, welcome to find me. I can guarantee that you will suffer a lot, but I can't guarantee that you will live."

The weird smile on his face looked like a white-haired devil in the eyes of everyone.

Almost all the students in the classroom shuddered.

Inoue Tianhua hurried into the classroom and saw those boys crying and staring at Qianyu with fear.

It turned out that someone had gone to the office to find the teacher when they were quarreling.

"What are you doing?!"

When he shouted, the boys seemed to have found a protective umbrella.

"The teacher wants to kill us! Wuwuwu..."

Several people ran to the teacher and cried.

"All of you come to the office!"

Qianyu shrugged and looked indifferent.

Wherever he went, the class avoided him.

They were called to the office for tea.

After knowing the general situation, Inoue Tianhua didn't know what to say.

After all, it was you who went to find someone, so it was reasonable to be beaten by them.

After criticizing the students who were looking for trouble, Qianyu was allowed to go back.

Although the matter was resolved, his name of the white-haired devil spread.

No one in the class dared to be friends with him anymore.

Qianyu was really amused when he heard his nickname.

Kushina's blood-red pepper became a white-haired devil in his place.

And what happened in school naturally could not escape the surveillance of the third generation.

"If no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. This child is relatively stable."

Thinking of the dream that Qianyu had talked about before, the third generation nodded with satisfaction and closed the crystal ball.

"This child is ruthless and suitable for joining my root. I will train him to be the most suitable killing machine in Konoha." Danzo was also here to watch Qianyu's whereabouts.

"Wishful thinking! Don't forget that he is Orochimaru's experimental subject. Do you think I don't know the dirty things you and Orochimaru did behind the scenes?!" The third generation roared.

Konoha did owe him a lot. Out of humanitarianism, the third generation still couldn't bear to hand him over to Danzo.


"Enough Danzo!"

"You are not Hokage now, Monkey, you will regret it!"

Danzo left the secret room angrily after leaving a sentence.

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