What does that dream mean?

Is it a prophecy of the future, or a past that is too painful to look back on?

Just as he was thinking, Kushina knocked his head with a spatula.

"What are you thinking about? Come and help serve the dishes!" Kushina shouted at Chiyu.

Chiyu came to his senses and ran over to take the plate.

"Today we have your favorite fried chicken legs!" Kushina said with a smile.

Chiyu looked at the sumptuous dishes on the table and felt very warm in his heart.

"Thank you, sister!" he said sincerely.

"Today Minato didn't come back all night, so I guess we'll have breakfast together."

The two sat together and enjoyed this warm moment.

"By the way, are you going to school this time?"

Kushina's reminder suddenly reminded Chiyu that he didn't seem to have graduated from the Ninja School yet.

"Well... It seems I have to go back to school and apply to my teacher for early graduation." Chiyu thought while eating.

"Okay, come see your friends. But don't be naughty like before." Kushina tapped Chiyu's head gently.

"I know, sister." Chiyu smiled, but she was thinking: Friends? Those little brats can't hide from me.

After dinner, Chiyu said goodbye to Kushina and went to the ninja school.

When he walked on the bustling street...


"Isn't this... Lord Chiyu?"

Someone recognized him soon.

"Where are you going, Lord Chiyu?"

"Do you want to come in and sit down, Lord Chiyu?"

"Lord Chiyu, this is for you to eat."

Along the way, people recognized him one after another.

Chiyu responded to their expectations one by one.

Soon, they arrived at the school gate.

When he arrived at the school, he found that the classroom was very lively.

But when he walked into the classroom, the classroom suddenly became quiet.

"Who are you, classmate?"

Qianyu was stunned by the unfamiliar faces in the classroom.

Then he suddenly remembered that after two years, they should be promoted to the second grade.

So he went upstairs to find the second grade classroom.

When he found it, they had already started class.

Qianyu knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Qianyu pushed the door open and went in.

"Ah! Qianyu!" Inoue Tenka was surprised to see Qianyu at the door.

"Why are you here?"

Qianyu scratched his head.

"Teacher, haven't I graduated yet? The Hokage was too busy during the war, so he hasn't applied for early graduation for me."

Inoue Tenka nodded, "Then find a seat first, and come to my office after class."

Qianyu walked to an empty seat and sat down, and the classmates next to him looked at him curiously.

"What are you looking at! Listen to the class carefully!" Inoue Tenka patted the table, and the classroom returned to silence.

Qianyu was bored watching Inoue Tenka, who was speaking vividly on the podium.

After dozens of minutes, the bell for the end of class finally rang.

"Qianyu, come to my office." Inoue Tenka walked out of the classroom.

Qianyu was about to get up when he was blocked by several figures.

"Hey, you kid!"

Qianyu raised his head and saw several boys wearing clothes with the Uchiha clan emblem, looking at him arrogantly.

"You've been to the battlefield like this?"

"I'm afraid you'll pee your pants when you go to the battlefield~ Hahaha!"

His laughter caused several younger brothers behind him to laugh.

"Get out of the way." Qianyu said lightly.

"Tsk, you're just a piece of trash lingering on the battlefield, you are worthy of asking my proud Uchiha clan to get out of the way."

Before he could finish the next sentence.

Qianyu stepped forward and grabbed his throat.

He lifted him up.

"I said get out of the way, don't you understand?"

His tone was low and powerful, and his eyes were full of the murderous spirit he had cultivated on the battlefield.

This fierce look made the younger brothers of the man he dragged dare not step forward.

Qianyu looked at them like this and sneered.

The leader was pinched by him and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

He kept hitting Qianyu's arms with his hands and kicking his body with his feet, trying to break free.

Qianyu looked at his futile appearance and slowly increased the strength of his hands.

As the strength gradually increased, the man's face turned from red to purple.

The waving hands and feet gradually lost strength.

Qianyu saw that it was almost done, so he let him go.

As Qianyu let go, the man kept coughing.

Added to the tears in his eyes because of fear.

"Woo~ I thought I was going to die...cough cough cough!" He said while being afraid.

The younger brothers who were so scared that they watched the show just now hurried forward to help him up.

A group of fledglings who have never killed anyone are laughing at theirA full-winged eagle.

"Although we will never see each other again, if you jump in front of me again..."

Qianyu bent over and smiled "gently" at the Uchiha child:

"I promise to break your neck next time."

As soon as these words came out, the classroom was like falling into an ice cave.

Everyone shuddered at the same time.

"Don't worry about whether the Uchiha clan will retaliate against me. They dare not provoke me."

After saying that, he pushed those people away.

Under the gaze of his classmates, he left the classroom.

Qianyu came to the office, and Inoue Tianhua had been waiting for a long time.

"Sit down." Inoue Tianhua pointed to the chair in front of him.

After Qianyu sat down, Inoue Tianhua asked: "Tell me, what have you experienced in the past two years?"

Qianyu briefly recounted his experience on the battlefield. After listening to this, Inoue Tianhua was silent for a moment, and then said: "You have grown up, Qianyu."

"But now that you are back to school, you must abide by the school rules. I also heard what happened in the classroom just now. It is wrong for you to hit someone."

Qianyu bowed his head to admit his mistake and said that he would be more careful in the future.

"In addition, I will report your graduation to the higher authorities. With your strength, you should have graduated long ago." Inoue Tianhua looked at Qianyu, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you, teacher!" Qianyu said gratefully.

After leaving the office, Qianyu walked happily on the campus.

Suddenly, he noticed a resentful look staring at him.

But when he looked at the teaching building, he saw nothing.

He guessed that the Uchiha students just now were unwilling to give up.

In fact, he had long been accustomed to this kind of look.

But what can I do?

I just like the way you look at me but can't kill me.

You have to know that when he was on the battlefield, the Tsuchikage would kill him as if he saw his father's murderer.

But he always let me run away, and while running away, he threw a few spiral shurikens into their large army.

So kid, get stronger slowly.

When you get stronger, you will find:

You can't keep up with me.

I have so many cheats, and I still let you keep up, then don't live.

Even if you become a jonin in the future, a tailed beast ball can make you gg.

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