The mission of the Akatsuki organization has been completed, and the next step is to put on a set of protection for themselves.

I heard that Jigen, who is possessed by Isshiki, is in the Fire Country Temple, and there is a small Ten-Tails in his space and time. Today, Brother Yu will take you to illuminate it!

Anyway, we have already arrived in the Fire Country, and we can collect the Ten-Tails by the way to see what's going on!

Qianyu rushed to the Fire Country Temple.

Looking at the magnificent building in front of him, it is much more luxurious than the Hokage Building.

"Are temples so rich now?"

He was about to step in, but found that there was a strong barrier protecting the door.

"There is still a barrier here? The security factor is full, is it because they are afraid that someone will go in and steal the incense?"

At this time, the Shura stone statues guarding the left and right sides of the gate seemed to move.

Qianyu noticed it and slowly looked to both sides.

But he found that the two stone statues also turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

The three eyes met, which was also quite embarrassing.

"Um... Hello..." Qianyu greeted him to break the awkwardness.

Bang! !

Who knew that the two stone statues had no martial ethics at all, and raised the stone forks in their hands and stabbed at him!


Qianyu dodged twice with two backflips.

The two stone statues suddenly stood up from their cross-legged state at this time.

And jumped off the stone platform.

"Who made this damn barrier?"

"What if some ignorant daimyo comes here, you will murder him?"

Qianyu dodged the stone forks that kept stabbing at him.

"Chidori Sharp Spear!"

Boom! ! !

Qianyu launched a ninjutsu and blew their heads off.

The stone statue with its head shattered stopped attacking, and soon its body faded and turned into a pool of gravel.

Qianyu didn't know what the use of these two stone statues was.

It's unnecessary to meet the weak, and you can't beat the strong.

The only advantage is that it looks good when placed at the door.

The stone statue was destroyed, and the barrier collapsed.

Qianyu pushed open the door of the Fire Temple.


The monks inside had been waiting for a long time with their Zen sticks and spears.

"Uh..." Qianyu entered the temple and closed the door politely.

"Excuse me, what is the matter with you breaking into my Fire Temple without permission?"

In the center of the monks, a monk who looked very serious walked out of the hall.

Qianyu had seen him in the original book. Isn't this Vajra King Dilu?

As soon as Qianyu saw him, he recalled the DJ version of the monk rap.

"I'm just looking for someone." Qianyu stated his purpose.

"In that case, why did you destroy the protective barrier of my Fire Temple?" Dilu asked.

"There's nothing I can do. I wanted to knock on the door, but your barrier was set outside the door. I was about to knock on the door and was attacked by your stone statue." Qianyu shrugged.

"Uh..." Now it was Di Lu's turn to be embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry, we didn't think it through." Di Lu put his hands together and bowed slightly to Qian Yu.

"Who are you looking for this time?"

"There should be a monk named Cixian here, right?"

Di Lu was stunned when he heard this.

"I don't know why you are looking for him?"

"Oh, he is a friend of mine, and I want him to help me with something this time." Qian Yu lied without blushing or beating his heart.

"In that case, please follow me." Di Lu put his hands together and asked the monks to withdraw, and he led the way for Qian Yu.

Di Lu took Qian Yu to a separate courtyard, "Cixian is inside, go in and find him."

After saying that, Di Lu turned and left.

Qian Yu pushed open the door, and the facilities in the room were very simple.

A man with a ponytail, wearing a white feather robe, with a Roman numeral IV tattooed under his left eye and a diamond-shaped mark on his chin, sat cross-legged on the tatami and closed his eyes in meditation.

"Jigen?" Qianyu called out tentatively.

"Hmm?" Jigen opened his eyes after hearing that.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" He stood up from the tatami.

"Nothing, I just want to ask you for a favor."

"I just want to ask the brother in your body to come out and have a chat." Qianyu opened his Samsara eyes instantly!

He instantly appeared in front of Jigen!

"Human Way!"

He wanted to pull out Isshiki's soul directly!

Who knew that the soul he pulled out was not Isshiki's, but Jigen's.

Qianyu quickly pressed the soul back again.

"These eyes, you are indeed the little devil of that stinky woman Kaguya!" Jigen had changed his expression at this time.

Many black lines extended from the wedge at the chin, covering most of Jigen's face.

It was exactly what Isshiki looked like when he was possessed.

"I didn't expect that Kaguya's child could find this place." Jigen said with a smile.

Qianyu's eyes turned cold, "Isshiki, nice to meet you."

"It seemsYou already know my identity." Jigen didn't care about Chiyu's attitude at all.

"Let me guess the purpose of your visit this time? Is it for the resurrected Kaguya next?" Isshiki guessed.

"What a joke, the purpose of my visit this time is not just that simple, I also want the Ten-Tails you hid." Chiyu said straight to the point.

"Hahaha..." Jigen laughed.

"I didn't expect that you have learned so much intelligence?"

"But... do you think you can take it away easily?"

While speaking, Jigen exuded a strong aura and pressed towards Chiyu.

"Just try it and you will know!"

Chiyu's right eye suddenly widened.

Behind Jigen, as his chakra overflowed, a black and red passage was quickly opened.

"Don't you want the Ten-Tails? If you want, just follow and give it a try..."

Isshiki smiled strangely and entered the space-time tunnel.

Qianyu followed and jumped into the tunnel, and the two came to the different space together.

The huge body of the Ten-Tails appeared in front of them.

"Is this the Ten-Tails?" Qianyu saw the Ten-Tails for the first time.

"How is it? Little boy, are you surprised?" Isshiki stood on the head of the Ten-Tails and looked down at Qianyu.

"Hmph, it's just a bigger summoning beast." Qianyu said disdainfully.

"Arrogant boy, I'll let you know how powerful it is later." Isshiki controlled the Ten-Tails and attacked Qianyu.

A huge flame spurted out of the Ten-Tails' mouth, Qianyu dodged sideways and used ninjutsu to counterattack.

"Wind Style·Rasenshuriken! !"

The instantaneous Rasenshuriken hit the Ten-Tails directly.

But the Ten-Tails was so huge that it was beyond his imagination. A Rasenshuriken only covered a small part of it.

"That's it? If this is all you have, I'm a little disappointed."

Isshiki stamped his feet.

The Ten-Tails below understood his intention instantly.

He opened his mouth and a black and white Tailed Beast Ball condensed out.


After the Tailed Beast Ball was compressed, the Ten-Tails opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The huge energy stretched his mouth.

The Ten-Tails aimed at Qianyu and opened his mouth!

A column of rays carrying huge high temperatures seemed to burn the air!

Qianyu looked at the rays getting closer and closer, and immediately cast a seal to absorb the shell!


But the energy brewed in it was too terrible, and the barrier of the seal appeared cracked after a while!

"Super Spicy Tensai! ! ! "

Qianyu used the invincible time of the Great God to bounce the Tailed Beast Ball directly!

This ray bounced towards the surrounding mountains, and actually cut a deep gully in the mountains here!

"Fuck, it's sloppy. "Qianyu broke out in a cold sweat.

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