"Enchantment? How can it be? So why can I come in?

"Because of the imprint of the will of the world!"

The dog general stared at Shuomao for a long time, but finally spit out this sentence.

And Shuomao also seemed to have thought of something, pointing to the mountain and asking.

"What about the erha before that? Isn't it a canine demon? "


"It's the blowing snow in Qi Tian's mouth!"

At the mention of that erha, the face of the dog general instantly showed such an expression.

"Blowing snow is different from us!"


Shuomao didn't quite understand why this husky was special, since all the creatures in this valley had come together with the dog general.

"That guy! It belongs to this world! "

It turned out that General Inu and his men were brought into this valley by that mysterious force.

The valley is not what it is now!

At least there were no towering peaks around, which meant that the valley at that time was not trapped by the enchantment.

So, back then, it was just a plain.

But there is something even more terrifying around the plain.

Turbulence in space-time!

That's right, it's like a single space-time, surrounded by space-time turbulence on all sides.

Until one day, this space seems to have encountered a behemoth in the turbulence of time and space.

Before the dog general and the others could react, the entire space was sucked into the behemoth.

Then the dog general sensed that the moment the space he was in entered the behemoth, the turbulence of the surrounding space disappeared.

But at the same time, mountain peaks rose up, forming an unbreakable spatial enchantment, trapping everything in the space.

At the last moment of the formation of this spatial enchantment, Inu Dai will perceive the situation in the outside world with his super strength.

It was the same island where Shuomao landed before.

Inu Da didn't have time to explore, so he could only rely on his feelings to grab it at will, and ingested a creature on the island into the space where he was.

That lucky one is exactly what they call blowing snow.

The reason why it is lucky is because with the advent of this space, the environment near the island has also changed to what Shuomao saw before under the action of those enchantments.

Everything on the island except the blowing snow disappeared under the baptism of thunder.

Woe and fortune depend, and woe falls.

That said, Blowing Snow is lucky, because it was fortunate enough to be saved by General Inu.

But at the same time, it is also unfortunate, because the dog will completely destroy its original home because of them.

There may be his lair on it, or even his companions!

In this way, General Inu and the others seem to be its enemies.

Fortunately, in any case, blowing snow is just a dog, what can a dog know?

And the reason why the blowing snow can be unaffected by the enchantment, and can enter and exit at will.

The dog general guessed that it should be because Blowing Snow was originally a creature of this world, the same as Shuo Mao.

It has the imprint of this world on it, so the enchantment has no effect on it at all.

In other words, the appearance of those enchantments is completely to imprison the dog generals and these outsiders.

At first, Shuomao thought that this might be the handiwork of six old men hiding in the shadows and observing the world.

But now after listening to the words of the dog general, Shuomao began to feel that this may be the result of the direct action of the world's will.

In order to verify his guess, the dog general also took the initiative to open his mouth to the outside: "Qi Tian, bring the blowing snow over!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After a while, Qi Tian walked into the palace with blowing snow.

Blowing snow saw the dog general waving at it, and directly ran to the dog general and wagged his tail!

That flattering look, even the dog generals who were of the same kind shook their heads helplessly after seeing it.

Under Shuomao's gaze, General Inu squatted beside Blowing Snow.

While stroking the other's head, he didn't know what to say in his ear.

Shuo Shigeru looked at them with some curiosity, and he didn't know if the Inuzuka family's ability to communicate with dogs was the same as that of the Inuzuka generals.

As the dog general stood up again, the communication between one person and one dog also came to an end.

"Human boy, I still don't know what your name is?"

"Shuomao, Qimu Shuomao!"

"Well, Shuomao, I've already told Blowing Snow, and it will take you through the enchantment later! But before that, get out your prepared psychic scroll! "


"How? You don't want to sign a contract with our canine family? "

Of course, Shuo Mao is not unwilling.

Just kidding, the other party is a dog general, a peerless powerhouse in another world.

Being able to sign a psychic contract with such a big guy, Shuomao will wake up laughing when he sleeps.

So, Shuomao quickly took out the psychic scroll that he had prepared before.

Fortunately, when he left, Shuomao made sufficient preparations.

I learned a lot about the precautions for signing a contract with psychic beasts from the three generations!

I thought that the system would guide me to find a psychic race in the ninja world.

But I didn't expect that I actually met a group of outsiders, and the knowledge I learned from the three generations finally came in handy.

Taking out the brush, Shuomao quickly wrote the contents of the contract on the psychic scroll.

The dog general also read it in general, and saw that there was no problem with the content, so he dripped his own blood.

The bright red blood was directly absorbed by the scroll, and a simplified version of the dog's head instantly appeared in the scroll.

Seeing the appearance of that pattern, Shuomao let out a long breath.

According to the instructions of the three generations of Hokage, as long as the leader of the psychic beast admits it by dripping blood, the symbol to which the psychic beast belongs will appear on that scroll.

Next, as long as the ninja signs the contract, the psychic relationship is officially established.

So, Shuomao quickly bit his finger and signed his name, and at the same time printed five finger prints under the name.

Since then, Shuomao has successfully signed a psychic contract with a race of dogs from another world.

The moment Shuomao signed the signing, the dogs in the entire valley seemed to feel something, and at the same time looked in the direction of the hall of the dog general.

As the ruler of the ethnic group, the feeling is particularly strong.

"What a wonderful feeling, is this the power of a ninja?"

At this time, the dog general stared at the scroll on the ground while experiencing the power that appeared at the moment when the contract was signed.

After putting the scroll back away, Shuo Mao nodded to the general of the dog, and then ran down the mountain with the snow.

For this human who wanted to kill himself before, Blowing Snow was naturally unwilling to pay attention.

But the dog generals have spoken, what can it do?

Can only obey silently!

The two soon arrived at the place where Shuomao appeared before.

Chuixue glanced back at Shuomao, and then jumped into the air in front of him, and his whole body actually disappeared in an instant.

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