“Tell me about how you found this corpse at the time.” A police officer made a transcript.

Underneath is a young couple, just ordinary villagers in Konoha, not ninja.

The girl among them turned pale and speechless. And the boy, although his face was not very good, still tremblingly said: “There is basically no who in the park at five o’clock in the morning, so my girlfriend Ryoko and I discussed a date in this park and passed by this small pond. At the time, Ryoko said that she felt the water was weird, something we couldn’t tell, but the water in this small pond was not very clear, so I couldn’t get to the bottom, so I didn’t care. Then we were on the benches by the pond. I sat there for a while and was about to do more in-depth exercises. Suddenly Ryoko screamed while pointing at the pond. I looked back and found a very hideous corpse floating up from the bottom of the water, very terrifying. Then we hurried to go. The police department has reported the case, and this is probably the situation.”

“Well, you should go back first. If there is a follow-up investigation, you will be notified. Don’t leave the village anytime soon. Please wait for the summons at any time.” After the staff finished the transcript, they let the couple go.

And the corpse was also salvaged, and I could tell at a glance that the deceased this time was the same as the previous two, and the identity was still Root Anbu.

“Who is it, so arrogant, killing three Anbu in a row!” A Jonin onlookers said angrily.

“Is there a grudge against Gen, but killing Anbu without leaving any traces is not easy.” Another Jonin said.

In this way, during the discussion, we people and corpse went to the appraisal department of the hospital together.

The identification results came out soon. The deceased died of drowning asphyxiation. There were no other wounds and no signs of fighting.

Then the method is very obvious. After all, the deceased is Anbu of Jonin rank. It is always impossible to slip into the water and die, and it is unlikely that he was drowned in the water. It can only be killed by the very powerful Water-Style, such as the technique of water prison.

“Wind-Style, Lightning-Style, Water-Style. Three consecutive deceased, all used Ninjutsu with different attributes, why did the murderer do this?” I was lost in thought.

Is always impossible to pretend, tell us, haha, I will use Ninjutsu with three attributes, awesome!

Obviously impossible.

Why is that? Can’t figure it out.

“Kurone, what are you thinking about?” Kakashi saw me in a daze and came over to ask me.

“I’m thinking about what this murderer thinks, why kill a person with a kind of Ninjutsu, Wind-Style, Lightning-Style, Water-Style, what is the purpose?” I said, “The more Ninjutsu is used, the more information will be exposed. Isn’t he afraid of being discovered?”

“It is normal for Jonin to master two Attribute Transformations. Konoha masters three Attribute Transformations. Although not many, it’s not rare.” Kakashi Pondered said, “It’s really impossible to find a murderer by this alone, unless the murderer does it next time and uses Fire-Style or Earth-Style, then the scope is very small. There should be no more than ten ninjas that can use four Attribute Transformation in the entire village.”

“Kakashi, do you think there will be more than one murderer.” I suddenly thought of this possibility.

“I feel that the probability is not great. Let’s not talk about the gang’s goal of committing the crime. The motivation is also unreasonable. If a person commits a crime because of hatred towards the root, then the gang commits the crime and has to find that many against the root. The hateful Jonin, and killing three Anbu without showing a trace, the difficulty factor is too high.” Kakashi analyzed, “So I think the murderer is a person with greater probability.”

“Well ……” Carefully pondered Kakashi’s analysis, I think it makes sense.

However, I feel a little uneasy in my heart, but I can’t tell the reason, why on earth.

After transcripts and investigations, some people were removed from Jonin’s list of suspects, and there are still more than 30 people who have mastered Wind-Style, Lightning-Style, and Water-Style at the same time. . Unfortunately, both Kakashi and I are still on the remaining suspect list.

But I’m not worried, after all, I didn’t do it, so I can’t let it last.

2nd day, Kakashi’s prediction was unfortunately hit.

A scorched corpse was found on the wall of Hokage Rock. The deceased was still Root Anbu. This time, it was obviously caused by Fire-Style. As for the details, I don’t need to go into more details.

This time, Kakashi was out of suspicion because he went to drink with Guy at night and got an alibi.

Most of the remaining people were ruled out of suspicion because they did not know Fire-Style, plus those who had an alibi. In the end, there were only four people left.

Unfortunately, I am one of them. Of the other three people, two are members of Anbu directly under Hokage, and one is a Root member.

This makes me very uncomfortable. In the eyes of the villagers, I have a very serious suspicion. Because of these four people, my strength is the strongest, plus Flying Thunder God Jutsu, who comes and goes freely, it’s easy to kill a few Anbu without showing a trace; secondly, I have had a feast with Danzo and Gen before, so it’s barely a crime. motivation.

So, this time I became the focus of attention. Although I was not detained, I was restricted from moving out of the village, and Anbu was secretly monitoring me. It can be said to be under house arrest in disguise.

But, I definitely can’t wait like this. The situation is already very clear. If the murderer uses Earth-Style to kill someone, then I will be the only suspect. After all, I only have all the attributes.

At that time, although there is no conclusive evidence, in Danzo’s style, the murderer will definitely be pinned on my head for unreasonable charges. When the time comes, it will be difficult to clean up.

Conspiracy! It’s definitely a conspiracy! Now that I finally figured it out, the murderer was trying to frame me!

No, I can’t just sit and wait. Pointing to the losers in the police department will definitely not find the killer. I have to find the murderer myself. Although being watched by Anbu, there are countless police patrol troops in the village, but I want to sneak out and no one can stop me.

I took out the map of Konoha and began to think about it.

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