“Hatake Kurone! Put down your weapons and stop resisting!” the military police force yelled at me.

“Ai, with a careless move, I lost all the games.” I sighed and thrust Qing Feng heavily into the ground.


After that, I was imprisoned in Konoha.

“Unexpectedly, I would end up like this and be wronged by my own people.” I was very depressed.

The chains on my body are all specially made and have the function of imprisoning Chakra, so I have no chance to escape at all. Even the Eight-Inner Gates cannot be opened. I can only use the most basic ones without running Chakra. Taijutsu.

Unless someone comes to rescue me, I can only stay here forever, or be sentenced to death. I have no evidence to prove my innocence. On the contrary, Danzo will definitely impose the crime on me for various reasons. I have no way to refute it.

This time, I think I really fell, I am afraid that Third Hokage can’t protect me.

In the morning of 2nd day, Kakashi and Guy and several of my acquaintances came to see me together.

“Kurone, how could this be?” Kakashi frowns asked me, “I don’t believe you are a murderer!”

“Yes, how can Kurone be a murderer! Absolutely. Framed.鈥?Guy also said angrily.

“No way, I learned from old fogey that Danzo’s evidence is not good for Kurone.” Asuma shake one’s head.

“Now there are rumors about you everywhere, saying that you are a murderer, or a spy sent by the enemy country, in an attempt to subvert Konoha. Most of the villagers believe it and are scolding you.” Hong said, “It’s really black and white.”

“It’s mostly a rumor that Danzo is walking. This scoundrel is going to kill me.” I shake one’s head, sighed.

“gossip is a fearful thing, my father committed suicide because of this, Kurone, don’t worry, we all believe in you, we will definitely find a way to save you. Don’t think about it.” Kakashi said to me.

“Don’t worry, I want to see what Danzo wants to do with me.” I managed to squeeze a smile.

Shortly after Kakashi and they left, Third Hokage came.


“Kurone, I’m sorry, I can’t save you this time, Danzo…” Third Hokage said apologetically.

“It’s okay, I understand the difficulties of Third-Hokage, as long as you believe that I am not a murderer, I will be content.” I was very open-minded to persuade Third Hokage.

“Hey…Don’t worry, I will try my best to reduce your guilt and save your life at the trial tomorrow.” Third Hokage sighed and left.

“Hatake Kurone, you also have today!” Shortly after Third Hokage left, a cold voice came.

“Konoha’s heroes, Black Lightning, Hatake Kurone, how are they so downhearted. When they opposed the old man, they were high-spirited and vigorous!” Danzo walked out from the corner fiercely. Speaking of.

“Danzo ah Danzo, I didn’t expect you to be so despicable. This time you have done what you wished, and I am in your hands. You are really an expert.” I looked Danzo angrily.

“People who are threatening to old man and Konoha, old man will never let go, Sarutobi, he is a leaf in the sun, I am the root in the dark, no matter what means, I will clear you This outsider!” Danzo with stern righteousness said.

“Danzo, you deceive the ghost, I admit that you have contributed to the stability of Konoha, but, regardless of black and white, you have killed many people who are loyal to Konoha! I think you just want to When Hokage, so exclude aliens!” I ruthlessly pierced Danzo’s hypocritical mask.

Danzo sneered and left.

“White Fang is not my opponent, let alone you little demon, wait for death, tomorrow is your judgment day.”

“Is the trial…” I smiled bitterly. , “It’s really justice.”

2nd day, I was taken to the roof of Hokage Residence, which seems to be used as a trial stand. Downstairs, the boiling cauldron of voices.

“I didn’t expect Hatake Kurone to be such a person!”

“Yes, people’s hearts are unpredictable!”

“What Konoha’s black lightning, I think it鈥檚 a black asshole, how can he compare to Fourth Hokage!”

“This abnormal murderer, hurry up and put him to death!”

“I heard that he is a foreigner, not before People from Konoha.”

“No wonder, non-my clan, their hearts must be different!”


The verbal abuse underneath is endless. .

“The scene is really similar to the scene that Jonin awarded the ceremony after the war. It’s really ironic.” There was no fluctuation in my heart, and I fell into memory.

At the ceremony, I asked Xiaoxue to marry me. Unexpectedly, six years later, things have remained the same, but people have changed.

“Xiaoxue, how are you? Are you lonely there? Don’t worry, I will be with you soon.” I gazed the sky and said calmly.

Suddenly, my eyes were full of scorching heat.

“Um…” I covered my hot eyes, “What’s the matter?”

“The trial begins! Next, I ask Danzo to read Hatake Kurone’s guilt.” Acting as a judge It is Mitokado Homura of the General Staff, and Danzo and Third Hokage are in the same generation. They will certainly not be partial and fair.

“My guilt, I want to listen to you, what unreasonable guilt you have put on me!” I endured the pain and glared.

“The first one is to kill four Root Anbu and one Anbu for serious injury. The evidence is conclusive.”

“Hatake Kurone, do you have any objections?” Mitokado Homura asked me Tao.

“I can’t show evidence, but since one of Anbu is not dead, just ask him if he is not dead.” I know, Danzo must be prepared, and my defense is useless.

“The Anbu fell into a severe coma and has not yet woken up. It is you who were captured by us at the scene. Besides, the whole village can be changed using Five-Attributes. Who else is suspected besides you?” Danzo Speaking of.

I have nothing to say.

“The first crime is convicted, please Danzo read out the second crime.”

“The second, three and a half years ago, Hidden Rain Village was destroyed, and no perpetrator was found. Not long ago, I sent someone to find a surviving villager in Hidden Rain Village and brought it.” Danzo beckoned.

An Anbu came up with a farmer.

“You said you saw the intruder at the time, was it him?” Danzo pointed to me.

The villager took a close look at my face and exclaimed excitedly: “Yes! It’s him! It’s him who fought against the gods! He also destroyed our village!”

“Hatake Kurone, you destroyed Hidden Rain Village and brought diplomatic problems to our village. Do you recognize this?” Mitokado Homura asked.

“I did this, but, do you know who the leader of Hidden Rain Village is?” I asked back.

“Isn’t the leader of Hidden Rain Village Hanzo of the Salamander? I didn’t expect your strength to be strong enough to defeat Hanzo!” Mitokado Homura looked at me with a little surprise.

“Hanzo of the Salamander was killed a long time ago! Now the leader of Hidden Rain Village is Akatsuki’s boss, Pain! A bunch of idiots!” I snered looked Danzo.

“What?!” Danzo and Mitokado Homura were both shocked, and then talked in whispers for a while.

“Since this is the case, this article will be shelved for the time being and will be discussed after the investigation is clear.” Mitokado Homura said, “Let鈥檚 talk about the third article first.”

“The third article, Three and a half years ago, Hatake Kurone and Uchiha Itachi slaughtered Uchiha Clan, and after killing Uchiha to melt the snow, he also seized her Sharingan. The evidence is solid!” Danzo walked up to me and put his hand on my head.

I don’t know what he did, a chakra entered my within-the-body, making my Sharingan appear.

“What?!” Mitokado Homura was surprised again, “I didn’t expect you to be so cruel. For Sharingan, even your wife would not let go, what else do you have to say!”

Danzo sneered looked at me, as if to say, see how I killed you.

On this matter, only Itachi can prove my innocence, but at this time, Itachi is impossible to come back, so I’m back to the scapegoat.

“I don’t know if Uchiha Huaxue is a fool, he would fall in love with you, a wolfish ambition!” Danzo mocked.

“Danzo, you are great! I can recognize everything else, but you dare to insult Xiaoxue.” I was angry and said gnashing one’s teeth, “This one! Me! No! Acknowledge!”

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