Boom! A cloud of smoke appeared in front of Tsunade’s eyes, and the smoke cleared. Jiraiya and a group of three people stood in front of Tsunade.

“Long time no see, Jiraiya.” Orochimaru laughed.

“So are you, still looking bitter, Orochimaru.” Jiraiya mocked.

“Pocket?” Naruto looked at Yakushi-Kabuto with a surprised face.

“Why, do you know?”

“Well, we participated in the Chunin Exams together, but why are you here?” Naruto shake one’s head.

“Dodge, I’ll take care of them today!” Tsunade pushed away and beat Jiraiya, and then started fighting, “Don’t think you can escape my attack if you can move!”

“There is no way to escape!” Tsunade forced his pocket onto a big rock.

puci! He pulled out a kunai, slammed it into his palm, and splashed out blood.

“Blood…” Seeing the blood splashing on his face, Tsunade dumbstruck instantly, shaking all over.

Boom! With a punch, Tsunade flew out heavily, and Shizune quickly took it down.

“Hey, what the hell is going on? Why did I fight with Granny Tsunade?” Naruto was still a confused face.

“Naruto-san, you are so dull, no wonder you can’t compare to Sasuke.” Tou mocked, “Look at the headband on my forehead. I am the spy sent by Otonin to Konoha. Come out?”

“What…this…isn’t it true, dou…” Naruto shocked, “During the Chunin Exams, you taught us a lot and helped us. Now , Why…”

“That’s just to collect your information that’s all. Naruto, after collecting your data, I will understand that you are just a loser, and you are completely incomparable with Sasuke.”

“You…” Naruto gripped the fist tightly, glaring at him.

“Even if you look at me like this, you cannot change the fact that you are a loser Genin. Although I am a little interested in your within-the-body parasitic monster, in front of the legendary Sannin, you are just a Little ant that’s all.” Dou’s expression gradually became grim, “If you are nosy, I will kill you.”

“you guy!” Naruto pulled out Kunai, moved towards and rushed up. .

“Naruto, come back!” Jiraiya tried to stop Naruto, but he was drugged, making it difficult to move.

“His right hand is injured, good opportunity! Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto created three clones and attacked the injured hand together.

peng peng peng! In less than a round, Naruto was kicked back, and Tou returned to Orochimaru.

“Shizune, leave the glasses to you. Orochimaru, I’ll deal with it.” Jiraiya’s eyes fixed on Orochimaru.

“What about me?” Naruto asked.

“Naruto, you protect Tsunade with this little pig.” Jiraiya said without looking back.

“What? I want to fight too!” Naruto was indignant.

“No! The man with glasses is right, your strength is too far apart. That Orochimaru is also one of the Sannin, the one who killed Third Hokage, and only I can deal with him.” Jiraiya He reprimanded, “The strength of the one who wears glasses is probably no less than Kakashi.”

“Summoning Justu!” Both sides bit their fingers at the same time and pressed them to the ground.

Here I summoned a giant python, and Jiraiya is here…

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh! What’s going on!” Jiraiya and Naruto looked at each other in blank dismay, Dumbfounded.

Because it was Toad Ji…

“Ha, Jiraiya, long time no see.” Toad Ji beckoned.

“Jiraiya, you are still as stupid as before. But anyway, I’m a bit exaggerated this time.” This time even Orochimaru was speechless, “It seems that Tsunade should have been drugged. Come on. Anyway, you are still the same stupid.”

“damned! Don’t laugh at horny Sage!” Naruto bit his finger and hand seal quickly, “Summoning Justu!”

“What? This kid will…” Orochimaru was startled. “I solved Chunin Exams a long time ago. At that time, I considered Akatsuki and let him go, and only used the Five-Elements Seal. The seal can only be unlocked by Sannin and Third Hokage.”

“From now on, it should be Jiraiya…”

Bang! The smoke cleared, and a smaller yellow toad appeared.

“I’m the one who worried too much.” Orochimaru’s face was expressionless.

“Yo, toad dragon, why are you here too.”

“Hey, toad big brother, why are you here too? I was summoned for the first time, I Can you help me?”

Two toads greeted each other.

“Pull it down, hurry up and hide with food!” Toad Ji said.

“What? Do you want to send me a snack? Very good, very good!”

“hahaha……” I couldn’t help laughing while hiding in the dark.

“Who! Come out!” He took a drink with a cold look.

“Aiya, I was accidentally discovered.” My evasion was lifted, and my body slowly appeared, “However, it doesn’t matter if I was discovered.”

“Hatake Kurone! “Jiraiya was surprised, while Orochimaru was frowned.

“Are you…Hatake Kurone?” Tsunade raised his head, looking at me tremblingly, “It’s amazing, I can secretly observe without being noticed by Sannin.”

“damned, why is this guy here too.” Dou panicked.

“Hatake Kurone, are you going to stop me?” Orochimaru asked, “I admit, I’m not sure to take you, but it’s spare no effort. It’s still unclear who wins and loses.”

“Let’s do it, how about making a bet.” I laughed and didn’t plan to make a move. “Let you play against Naruto and Tsunade. If he wins, let Tsunade help you heal. If Naruto, they won, so you can go.”

“Kurone, this won’t work, Tsunade is dizzy, and Naruto can’t beat the pocket.” Jiraiya said anxiously.

“Trust me.” I am faintly smiled.

If I deal directly with Orochimaru, it is naturally easy, but I must help Tsunade to untie the heart knot. Otherwise, how can she be a Hokage?

“Lord Orochimaru, I think it’s okay.” Nodded, “Hatake Kurone strength is not under you, we really lose out in the fight. On the contrary, Tsunade and Naruto, I can easily win.”

“Okay, that’s it.” Orochimaru nodded, “I hope you don’t regret it.”

I ignored Orochimaru and turned around patted Naruto’s shoulder: “Naruto, I believe in you.”

“Well, Kurone teacher, I won’t let you down!” Naruto patted his chest and said confidently.

The next result surprised everyone, but in my expectation, there is not much difference with the original work.

Naruto was bruised all over by the beating, but at the critical moment, he took the Kunai with his hand and hit the pocket with Rasengan. Although he didn’t knock down his pocket, Naruto’s sturdy figure made Tsunade untie the heart knot and no longer fainted. After overcoming the fear, Tsunade naturally defeated Dou with no difficulty.

“It seems that I underestimated this little demon.” Orochimaru shake one’s head, “However, Hatake Kurone, you are really accurate.”

“Unexpectedly I won!” Jiraiya said, “Now my strength is restored, Kurone, you, I, and Tsunade join forces to solve Orochimaru.”

“It’s useless.” I waved his hand,” Orochimaru wants to run, we can’t stop it, forget it.”

“Orochimaru, I have something to ask you.” I came to Orochimaru, “Did you kill Gekkou Hayate.”


“The sick examiner in the Chunin Exams qualifiers, the son of the Night Dancer? Why, he is dead?” Orochimaru shake one’s head, “I didn’t kill it, and I don’t know what happened.”

“I understood, you go, next time you meet, I will not be so polite.” I turned my back, if Orochimaru sneak attack, I have a reason to kill him.

“To be honest, I am really interested in playing against you, but not now.” Orochimaru and Tou slowly sink into the ground, “we’ll meet again some day.”

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