“Kimimaro looks very strenuous. Is it because he is seriously ill? Shouldn’t it.” I hid aside and watched in secret.

Lee, who drank, got drunk and fought. He was very powerful and brave. Kimimaro could only stand up to parry and was hit a few times from time to time.

“Hey, don’t mess around!” Lee squinted, gazed Kimimaro swaying, and then plop lay on the ground and snored.

“You fell asleep?” Kimimaro walked over and raised the Bone Blade, “Also, let you die without pain.”

“I hit!” Lee He jumped up and kicked Kimimaro hard in the chest.

“Um…” Kimimaro was caught off guard and flew out more than ten meters, “damned, but luckily the bones are blocked.”

“You thought I was asleep, in fact…I didn’t !” Lee writhed again, “You thought I was not asleep, but actually…”

plop! He fell to the ground again and snored.

“This guy, the style is too weird, let’s stay away and solve him.” Kimimaro shake one’s head, stretched out his hands, “Ten fingers through!”

whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz swish sou!

Ten finger bones were launched.

puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff pu pu!

Lee twisted his body very flexibly, avoiding all the bones.

“What?” Kimimaro pupils shrank, and immediately discovered that Lee was gone, “Not good…”

“Front Lotus!”

Bang! Lee kicked Kimimaro on the chest, trying to kick him to the sky. But a lot of bones suddenly grew from Kimimaro’s chest, which resolved Lee’s attack.

“damned, what kind of monster is this guy…” Lee frowned.

“Um…” Kimimaro spit out a mouthful of blood fiercely, then his fair skin instantly turned brown and black, and curse-seal appeared on his face, “My time is running out. It seems that I can only use my full strength.”

shua~ shua~ shua~! Kimimaro’s bones were pierced from his body in an instant, Lee saw that the situation was far from good, and quickly backed away, but he was still stabbed a lot, with blood flowing, but fortunately he didn’t hit the vital point.

“I admire you very much. I didn’t expect a Taijutsu ninja to make me like this.” Kimimaro praised nodded, “But, end here.”

“Shikotsumyaku! Dance! of the Camellia!” Kimimaro withdrew a spine and drew it towards Lee.

“damned, the side effects of Eight-Inner Gates haven’t been over yet.” Lee stood still, having difficulty moving.

hua! When Kimimaro’s bone was about to hit Lee, a huge hand blocked Lee, and the sand splashed out.

“This is…sand?” Lee shocked, and then a red figure stood in front of Lee.

“Are you…Gaara sand exposure?” Kimimaro frowned, staring at the incoming person.

“Gaara? Why are you here? Aren’t Konoha and Hidden Sand?” Lee asked in surprise.

“Konoha and Hidden Sand have re-formed an alliance. Fifth-Hokage asked us for help. This time, I have come to pay back the favor.” Gaara said blankly.

“It turned out to be so, many thanks.” Lee nodded, “Be careful, this guy can manipulate his bones at will. It’s very difficult to deal with.”

“I understood, I It’s time to see if his bones are hard or my Absolute Defense is in prison.” Gaara looked at Kimimaro with contempt.

“Then try.” Kimimaro looked at his hand, the finger bone has grown again, “Shikotsumyaku, ten fingers pierced!”

whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz swish sou!

Ten finger bones were beaten out by Kimimaro again.

Gaara’s face was expressionless, and with a wave of her hand, a sand wall stood in front of her.

The finger bone, which was flying at high speed, plunged into the sand, its speed was greatly reduced, and finally one by one landed on the ground.

“That’s it.” Gaara looked at the bones on the ground and said lightly.

“It’s not over yet!” Kimimaro waved his spine again, “Shikotsumyaku · Rinka Dance!”

Gaara didn’t move, just let the sand wrap herself around , And then he was tightly tied up by Kimimaro’s bones.

Kimimaro’s dance of this move Rinka is divided into two parts: line and flower. The backbone is taken out to tie the enemy, making the enemy unable to move, and then attack with the strongest hardened bone as a spear, no stronghold one cannot overcome, But I remember…

“Go to hell!” Kimimaro shouted hysterically, and then fiercely stabbed Gaara at Gaara, “You don’t understand Lord Orochimaru!”

“There is no cure.” Gaara waved her hand, and the sand wrapped him tightly and formed a civet cat shape.

“This is… Shukaku’s shield? Gaara’s strongest defense!” I squinted, and I finally saw it today, although this move as far as I’m concerned is nothing, but It is also one of the very best defensive Ninjutsu in Ninja World.

pu! The spear pierced a few inches into the sand and then stopped, unable to go further.

“What? You blocked it?” Kimimaro was surprised, “worthy-of is the Jinchuriki of One-Tails, it’s not simple.”

“It seems that you can only use that It’s moved, Lord Orochimaru, sorry, I don’t have a chance to follow you anymore.” Kimimaro looked at the sky and closed his eyes.

“It’s too late!” Gaara opened her eyes sharply, and the sand followed the bones and wrapped Kimimaro.

“Sand-bound heather!” Gaara raised her hand and squeezed it fiercely.

The ordinary person suffered from this move and was squeezed into meat foam long ago, but after passing by Gaara, only the voice of ka ka came from inside, and Kimimaro was not dead.

“What? You carried it down?” Gaara’s eyes widened in surprise.

I can see through Sharingan that Kimimaro in the sand wrapped himself with bones, blocking the pressure of the sand.

“damned…” Kimimaro spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the bones contracted, “The old injury has relapsed, it’s over.”

“See what you can support Time!” Gaara squeezed again.

This time, Kimimaro couldn’t hold on anymore and turned into a rain of blood.

“It’s weird, Kimimaro shouldn’t die so soon?” I moved and hid behind the tree to prevent the rain of blood from splashing on me.

Pondered carefully, Kimimaro himself suffers from a serious illness, plus I was beaten as a serious injury last time, so that’s why. However, the end result is the same anyway.

Being bewitched by Orochimaru and finally died tragically, Kimimaro is also pitiful.

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